Political violence in Africa is rising and it is more complex than before. Human violence is as old as humanity itself. Thirdly, the paper identifies a variety of causes of political violence in Kenya. African Conflicts and Violence. The first speaker was Dr Johan Burger ( Download Johan Burger's presentation ), ISS Senior Researcher and retired major-general with 36 years of experience as a police officer . While it may not seem relevant to Invictus Institute, it is important to note that we operate in . There have been signs that the era of nation-states is fast fading but nowhere is this clearer than in Africa. It is a coercive and deliberate strategy used by po-litical actors - incumbents as well as opposition parties - Douma, P. (2006). The attempted extermination of the . Several scholarly works on conflicts in the sub-region have identified bad governance and corruption as the underpinning factors fuelling and renewing violence in West Africa. On the African continent, political and ethnic tensions have led to armed conflicts; many of these conflicts have made their way into schools and classrooms. The history of insecurity in Africa associates high youth unemployment with the numerous situations of instability on the continent. Political Violence In South Africa. Generally, the history of electoral politics in Africa has not been encouraging. When the historical roots are examined, it is clear that much of Africa's current predicaments of poverty, corruption, and violent conflicts are not solely the result of African decisions, but are also the consequence of foreign intrusion into African affairs. Violence is psychological. CAUSES OF GENDER BASED VIOLENCE IN KENYA The causes of gender-based violence are many and varied depending on the types of violence. The following is an additional essay written for my African Politics course. 833-844 POST-ELECTION VIOLENCE IN AFRICA : A Comparative case of Kenya and Zimbabwe N. N. Elekwa Erne, Okechukwu I. Given the similar structural constraints, the author considers why the Ogoni adopted . Looking at myriad conflicts in countries such as Liberia, D.R. On the eve of the November 2012 presidential, parliamentary and local council elections, Sierra Leone is often depicted as a country unrecognisable from a quarter of a century ago. Introduction The aim of this research task is to assess the extent to which a 'third force' was responsible for the political violence in KwaZulu-Natal (KZN) between 1990 and 1994. Secondly, the paper analyses how political violence has historically played out in Kenya. But from an historical perspective, political independence in Africa was achieved through violence in response to colonialism and imperialism. Since the civil war officially ended in 2002, consecutive national elections have been won by different parties. Generally this . Although the term war is sometimes used as a . Amid poverty, African ruling classes or the elite group who happen to hold power at a particular time, have enriched themselves and become the targets of envy or rivalry by other elite groups. Social conflict and political violence in Africa is a complex subject, and it will be useful to note a few trends in African civil violence, discuss a common (but misleading) explanations for civil wars in Africa, and then suggest two alternative framing for the patterns observed. Political Violence in Africa: Thoughts on Its Causes and Mitigators. The recent 2016 post election crisis in Gabon12 that left scores dead seems to shows that electoral violence is an intractable phenomenon on the There are new types of violence in Africa to which we have yet to find adequate ways of responding. This introduction will explore what GBV is and some of the forms it takes . Causes of political conflict and possible panacea, and solutions. This type of violence goes by many titles, such as collective violence or political violence. Causes of Electoral Violence in Africa Written by Ngah Gabriel sous dir.

Fourthly, the paper turns to an appraisal of which responses can be deployed to prevent the recurrence (or persistence) of political violence. Abstract Africa remains a political exception in many ways: It is still viewed by many political observers and political leaders in other parts of the world as essentially if never explicitly referred to as such inhabited by savages. Conflicts in Nigeria, Guinea-Bissau, Sierra Leone, Liberia, Côte . One of the many case studies that supports this view of ethnicity's role in political violence is the aforementioned Liberian civil war These . Leading political violence datasets such as the Armed Conflict Database from the Uppsala Conflict Data Programme, the Peace Research Institute of Oslo and the Social Conflict in Africa Database show that in comparison to other regions of the world, Africa is the leader in neither the frequency nor duration of such major forms of political violence. Political dynamics and . A vital part of understanding a social problem, and a precursor to preventing it, is an understanding of what causes it. (108) https://nsuworks.nova.edu/shss_dcar . 8046 Words32 Pages. The political dynamics and violence that shape the current series of crises in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) - and daily events in Bahrain, Egypt, Iran, Iraq, Lebanon, Libya, Tunisia, Syria, and Yemen - dominate the current course of virtually every aspect of these states including much of the current course of violence and instability in the region. The most significant risk factors include social Nova Southeastern University. 5 1 CURENTAFC IRCS56EN CTUCl5ecC5tIiC5No5ncITI Introduction This background paper is an introductory overview of the causes and experi-ences of election-related violence in relation to patronage politics in Ghana. 2. This topic was talked about extensively in class though the use of the book On Killing. receive adequate compensation. Many of today's challenges are the outcome of colonial political and economic . been lost and violence has cost African countries billions as a result of wanton destruction and foregone economic gains, in spite of numerous attempts to foster sustainable peace O. ver time the , nature and causes of violent conflict have changed as political, economic, social and environmental circumstances evolved.

It is a mental stimulus response mechanism. Causes of political violence in Africa. This leads to political fragmentation, which is further exacerbated by the convergence of various social, ethnic and resource exploitation-related issues. Since then, the trend line seems to be decreasing but still remains close to 50 percent. Election related violence has socio-cultural, political and Fourthly, the paper turns to an appraisal of which responses can be deployed to prevent the recurrence (or persistence) of 6 Political and Electoral Violence in East Africa Introduction Political and electoral violence are pernicious vices that continue to afflict all the three East African states. 'For instance', to quote Niels Kastfelt (2005:2), 'the region from the southern Sudan through northern Uganda to Rwanda, Burundi, and Congo - now the scene of brutal civil 1 Introduction The Causes & Costs of War in Africa Economic and Political Causes of Civil Wars in Africa: Some Econometric Results by John C. Anyanwu* I. For more information on research and degree programs at the NSU Abstract. Revised version of a paper on Electoral reform, political succession and democratisation in Africa, presented at the 27 th Annual Conference of the Nigerian Political Science Association (NPSA), held at Benue State University, Makurdi, Benue State, Nigeria, 16-19 November 2008. The causes of violent conflicts were the rise of criminal groups and criminal activities with an index of 2.93 on a scale of 5. Independence struggles and the cold war. Adeleye Oyeniyi - TRANSCEND Media Service. Abstract. South Africa is therefore experiencing a serious economic, political and compounded public health crisis. The Indian Journal of Political Science Vol. In Africa, this has led to disaffection and violence around elections that are often rigged rather than free and fair. This time, I offer my thoughts on political violence in Africa - both its causes, and its mitigators. These two volumes, and the Annex presenting the risk model, look beyond the immediate political and security issues that shape the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) region and look at broader range of forces that are shaping both its instability and violence in the region, and the fact that the majority of MENA nations have remained . Rather, several risk factors come together in different ways, depending on context, to enable violence. Conflict usually occurs primarily as a result of a clash of interests in the relationship between parties, groups or states, either because they pursuing opposing or incompatible goals. A Critical Analysis of Presidential Term Limits in Africa: A Mixed-Methods Case Study of Causes of Political Violence in Burundi. 1. This ranges from the conflicts that characterised Africa's security narrative in the early 1990s, mass killings in the Great Lakes region . The number of African 32, pp.

There is evidence that human warfare occurred even before the invention of agriculture, around 12,000 to 14,000 years ago in northern Sudan (an area known as Site 117, Jebel Sahaba, Sudan). Abstract. There have been signs that the era of nation-states is fast fading but nowhere is this clearer than in Africa. POLITICAL violence results from political conflict. Political violence is a threat to building a strong, efficient and visible democratic Africa.

Journal on Science and World Affairs, 2(2), 59-69. The hypothesis of this paper is two-fold: There are multiple root causes of violent extremism in Africa and there is a nexus among these factors. Modern war is not an expression of innate aggression but an economic and social construction. It has DOI: 10.1093/afratf/ads015; for an in-depth discussion of trends during the period from 2010 onwards, see, Paul D. From the Nigerian Civil War to the Somali Civil War, these 20th Century conflicts submitted civilians to intense physical and psychological trauma that negatively

Reference from: vonviljunk.co.uk,Reference from: dailyconsumerdeals.com,Reference from: radiodelta.rs,Reference from: nutancollegeofnursing.in,
A report by the South African human rights commission claims that the causes of gender based violence resulting in the killing of women include unequal power in gender relations, patriarchy, sexism, homophobia and harmful and discriminatory practices.15 The lack of respect for women's right to life encouraged by impunity, high levels of crime . What Causes Violence? Political Violence, Terrorism and U.S. Foreign Policy in the Horn of Africa: Causes, Effects, Prospects Alem Hailu Long before violence and terrorism became a global household concern, The Horn of Africa had been a major theater in which deadly conflicts framed along the ideologies of

18 - Violence in Africa. Introduction Since the end of the Cold War, civil war has become the predominant form of violence globally (Wallensteen and Sollenberg, 2000; de Soysa, 2001; Collier and Hoeffler, 2002). Humans have always been prone to violence ever since their debut on the planet. For Africa to develop with these potential resources, the paradox transpires within the continent, which involves political instability, underdevelopment and backwardness. The motivation Violence in eastern and western Central African Republic (CAR) has increased and spread to new provinces in 2018, as the government in Bangui remains unable to extend control outside the capital. The most horrific display of violence occurred from April to July of 1994, between two of Rwanda's ethnic groups: the Tutsi and the Hutu. Causes of Gender Based Violence in Kenya Author Note This research is being submitted on Friday, April 17, 2015 for HCOB 2508 GENDER AND DEVELOPMENT course. Introduction . Armed conflicts in Africa during the twentieth century caused an enormous loss of human life, the collapse of socio-economic systems, and the degradation of health and education services across the continent. For example, About 1500 persons died with 600,000 . Electoral violence is both the causative and symptomatic in Africa. Retrieved from NSUWorks, College of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences - Department of Conflict Resolution Studies. Throughout the colonial period, conflicts had been resolved with violence, not democracy and diplomacy (Falola 171, 181). On Sources of Political Violence in Africa: The Case of "Marginalizing State" in Sudan. The electoral process in many of Africa's 'new' democracies has been characterised by violence.

But it is significantly less deadly than in previous decades, according to a number of conflict data sources. By reference to public data on political violence for the period 1998 to 2018, Zimbabwe is compared with four of its neighbours in SADC that share a common history of armed struggle; Angola, Mozambique, Namibia, South Africa, and Zimbabwe. Political Violence and Oil in Africa The book argues that in order to better understand the undercurrents of the Niger Delta conflict, it is imperative to analyse the dynamics of choice in terms of the distinct courses of action taken by the Ogoni and Ijaw.

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