Physical attraction is a curious quality that is extremely pervasive in all aspects of our society, but it seems that research has found quantifiable data to be quite evasive. Teachers give higher evaluations to the work of attractive children and have higher expectations of them (which has been shown to improve performance). Research by Kross, Berman, Mischel, Smith, and Wager (2011) has shown that when rejected, brain areas such as the secondary somatosensory cortex and dorsal posterior insula which are implicated in the experience of physical pain, become active. Physical attractiveness plays a central role in the assessment of human mate value. general-psychology; Which of the following statements BEST reflects an evolutionary explanation of why we tend to be influenced by physical attractiveness in our perception of others? This task constituted the first goal of the present research. positive characteristics, such as attractiveness. The nice guy stereotype asserts that, although women often say that they wish to date kind, sensitive men, when actually given a choice, women will reject nice men in favor of men with other salient characteristics, such as physical attractiveness. Thus, meta-analyses were conducted of findings from 5 research paradigms that have examined the hypothesis: (1) questionnaire studies, (2) analyses of lonely hearts advertisements, (3) studies that correlate attractiveness with opposite sex . Attractiveness and Academic Performance. Nearly 60 percent of the men rated the photos of the women's faces at peak fertility (eight to 14 . . B) judgments of women's personalities are affected by their physical attractiveness, but judgments of men's personalities are not. It is not that investigation has shown attractiveness to be ill-defined or inconsequen- Previous studies have found that perceptions of the healthiest body mass index (weight scaled for height; BMI) for women are close to healthy BMI guidelines, while the most attractive BMI is significantly lower, possibly . Research in the 1970s and earlier has indicated that physical attractiveness does play a role in how others perceive that person, but more recent research has been less supportive. Other research has shown that verbal and nonverbal expressiveness are judged as attractive, meaning that a person's ability to communicate in an engaging and dynamic way may be able to supplement for some lack of physical attractiveness. Although the attractiveness of bodies has also been investigated, most experimental re - T o p i c 1. Many researchers have found this physi-cal trait to be a major determinant in the Studies show: Attractive children are more popular, both with classmates and teachers. It is a well-documented fact that a person's physical attractiveness can influence our attitude toward them as a source of information. When the association between litigant physical attractiveness and the verdict (Castellow et al., 1990) was presented to students at the university where this research took place, and the students were asked to speculate on why jurors most favored the attractive plaintiff, the answers most frequently given were: Attractive men do not need to . Research on physical attractiveness has demonstrated all of the following EXCEPT - people perceive physically attractive people to be more honest than less-attractive people. In an extensive .

Even though research summaries have been presented in a compilation of psychological abstracts (Cash, 1980), and in a discussion of stereotyping literature (Adams, 1982), the study of physical attractiveness phenomena is due for a comprehensive account and an analysis of the extensive, divergent research. The dominant evolutionary theory of physical attraction posits that attractiveness reflects physiological health, and attraction is a mechanism for identifying a healthy mate. Some investigations have showed that students who are perceived as more attractive achieve higher grades and higher scores on standardized achievements tests (e.g. Physical Attractiveness in Pre-Employment Selection 6 found for attractive female applicants: attractive females are evaluated more negatively than unattractive females and males (Hosoda et al., 2003; Kramer, 2007; Marlowe, Schneider, & Nelson, 1996). Physical attractiveness is how an individual's physical appearance is evaluated in terms of beauty or aesthetic qualities.
In a . subsequent research has shown socialization's effects in the decision to obtain an education [30], the political views they hold as adults [3, 28] and adult political activity [31-33]. Research has also investigated the potential relationship between perceived attractiveness and actual academic performance, with no clear consensus.

Some research has also extended this basic pattern to physical attractiveness, although it has focused on children in elementary school, primarily from experimental studies of teachers' expectations for students' performance based on their physical appearance (e.g., see Ritts, Patterson, & Tubbs, 1992 for an early review and Wang, Treat . Studies show that body language can play a role in physical attractiveness. A) most people disregard physical attractiveness when forming first impressions of people. However, numerous studies have shown that . by Maria Krani, Introduction It seems that physical attractiveness plays a significant role in how people are treated in a society. Dion, Berscheid, and Waister (1972) conducted a study that explored the existence of the so-called An individual who is less

unattractive counterparts. ity of care, little research has examined how the physical attractiveness of the settings in which waiting occurs influences perceived waiting times. In conclusion, the study of physical attractiveness in the context of the theory of sexual selection, which was given a central place by Darwin, Westermarck, and Ellis, has not been a major topic for anthropological inquiry in the last half-century. Reference from:,Reference from:,Reference from:,Reference from:,
To explore this stereotype, two studies were conducted. - three-month old infants prefer attractive faces. of physical attractiveness may have on political attitudes and behavior. Physical Attractiveness . Research on physical attractiveness has shown that.

No literally. com data sets as a measure for physical attractiveness, we ran a separate study in which we asked 46 participants (19 males and 27 females) to rate (on 10-point scales) 100 pictures of members of the opposite sex in terms of five different attributes—hotness, physical attractiveness, intelligence, confidence, and sexiness.

Perception of Physical Attractiveness This study investigated cross-cultural differences in perception of physical attractiveness.

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