Reproducibility is central to science, but direct replication studies rarely appear in psychology journals because publishing incentives tend to favor novelty over reliability. 2. pp. e1-e7. Moreover, replication has at times been "weaponized" in psychology such that high-profile cases of failed replication have resulted in the This would mean that if a researcher publishes 3 arti- The failure to find an effect with a well-powered direct replication must be taken as evidence against the original effect. False Statement(s) Direct replication studies use the same variables as the original study but operationalize them in different ways. In this form, a scientist attempts to exactly recreate the scientific methods used . What is Replication? Keywords direct replication, conceptual replication, reliability, generalizability .

It means that exactly same equipment, material, stimuli, design and statistical analysis should be used. Two of the articles in this special section question the value of direct replication by other laboratories. The Replication Crisis Is Not Over. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology , 120 (2), e1-e7. A final development is the growing practice of prominent journals to publish independent direct replication results, including replication results inconsistent with those originally published by the journal (e.g., Psychological Science, Psychonomic, Bulletin,& Review, Journal of Research in Personality, Journal of Experimental Social Psychology . 4, page 3 of 13 be that researchers strive to execute and publish 1 inde-pendent direct replication (of another researcher's finding) for every 4 (first-author) original studies they publish per year. Nahari, Vrij, and Fischer [(2014b), "Applied Cognitive Psychology," 28, 122-128] found that, when participants were forewarned that their statements would be checked for verifiable details, truth tellers gave much more verifiable details than liars. Like several other new . Direct: Experimental Psychology (Camerer et al., 2018) The research included all 68 pre-registered multi-lab direct replication projects in social and cognitive psychology up to now. / Does social psychology persist over half a century? The debate built following failures to replicate studies on priming by John Bargh, and on 'anomalous retroactive influences' by Daryl Bem. Figure 3.19: Example of direct replication and conceptual replication of Asch's conformity experiment. . This is not true of all direct replication efforts: the just-released report by the Open Science Collaboration (2015) is a model of circumspection. People on all sides of the recent push for direct replication—a push I find both charming and naive—are angry. The 1998 study, led by Roy Baumestier from Case Western University, provided evidence for something called ego depletion, which is the idea that our willpower can be worn down over time. Last week at APS (the Association for Psychological Science 2014 annual meeting) I heard colleagues—often personal friends—characterized as either methodological simpletons or inscrutable bullies. Direct: Experimental Psychology (Patil et al., 2016) Using reported data from the Open Science Collaboration (2015) replication study in psychology, reanalyzed the results: 77% of the studies replicated by comparing the original effect size to an estimated 95% CI of the replication. the process of repeating a study with different data under similar conditions, or of conducting several different studies with the same data. the attempt to recreate the conditions believed. Direct replication is the attempt to recreate the conditions believed sufficient for obtaining a previously observed finding and is the means of establishing reproducibility of a finding with new data. In this commentary, I discuss the problematic implications of some of their assumptions and argue that direct replication by multiple laboratories is the only way to verify the reliability of an effect. I define replication fairly broadly, but attempt to not simply offer a history of psychology in its entirety. Reference from:,Reference from:,Reference from:,Reference from:,
One can also make iterative modifications to the materials across research sites, assessing mediating states each time, in an effort to achieve psychological rather than methodological equivalence ( Fabrigar, Wegener, & Petty . ever, a replication of the original interaction effect is an important and necessary precondition before investigating potential moderating con-textual factors. This report was controversial because it called into question the validity of research shared in academic journals. Here's a useful discussion paper that is critical of the feasibility of direct replication (see attachment): Stroebe, W., & Strack, F. (2014). In 2011, the Open Science Collaboration ( 2015) launched a large-scale project - the so-called "Reproducibility Project" - in which they attempted 100 direct replications of experimental and correlational studies in . Chapter 14 in the book describes three types of replications: Direct replication, conceptual replication, and replication-plus-extension. In their survey of social science journal editors , Neuliep & Crandall [ 42 ] found almost three quarters preferred to publish novel findings rather than replications. and is designed to generalize across the same variations as the original. the replication rate of psychology journals is 1.07%. I identified five articles in which the authors had published at least one experiment with random assignment to one of two conditions using methods that were feasible in the context of the course, and that had some hope of being of broad interest. Definition: As 'direct replication' does not have a widely-agreed technical meaning nor there is no clear cut distinction between a direct and conceptual replication, below we list several contributions towards a consensus.Rather than debating the 'exactness' of a replication, it is more helpful to discuss the relevant differences between a replication and its target, and their . cussion of replication theory with replication practice, elimi-nated Lykken's (1968) literal replication (because it essentially requires the original investigator to gather data from additional participants) and reframed the latter two types as direct and conceptual replications. Direct replication is the only way to correct such errors.

Most participants agreed that replications are important in psychology, should be conducted and published more often, and should be adequately funded.

Although replication is an important part of the science of psychology, many of the incentives in the field do not encourage replication studies (e.g., Nosek, Spies, & Motyl, 2012). Evidence for heterogeneity of effect sizes was studied when only minor changes to sample population and settings were made between studies. The purpose of direct replication studies is to replicate an original study as closely as possible so that replication failures can correct false results in the literature (Pashler & Harris, 2012). The purpose of this special issue is to change these incentives. Direct replication is the attemptto recreate the conditions believed sufficient for obtaining a previously observed finding (7, 8) and is the means of establishing reproducibility of a finding with new data. We conducted a large-scale, collaborative effort to obtain an initial estimate of the reproducibility of psychological science. PSYCHOLOGY Estimating the reproducibilityof psychological science . In this direct replication (n = 72), participants wrote a statement claiming they had carried out their regular campus activities, whereas liars .
Whilst replication is often casually referred to as a cornerstone of the scientific method, direct replication studies (as they might be understood from Schmidt or Gómez, Juristo, and Vegas's typologies above) are a rare event in the published literature of some scientific disciplines, most notably the life and social sciences. This replication attempt, unlike most of the earlier ones (for a discussion see ), was very close to a direct replication (see Methods for the exceptions). Where we did deviate from the procedure as described in the original paper, the changes aimed at approximating (e.g. 120, No. As Machery clarifies, "as a first approximation, a replication is direct if and only if it aims to be identical to an original experiment save for its sample of participants" (546). In the winter of 2016 at the largest annual gathering of social psychologists in the world, my collaborators and I were awarded one of the top prizes of the field for a paper we wrote presenting new ideas on the psychology of willpower. Replication studies are broadly classified as: Exact or Direct replications- Direct replication is the repetition of an experimental procedure to the exact degree as possible. g) Let's tie this concept back to the "replication crisis" (or, as some are now calling it, "credibility revolution"*). For the higher-SES sample, the 7-min ceiling prevented a direct replication of Mischel and Shoda's original work (e.g., Shoda et al., 1990), as a substantial majority of higher-SES children hit the ceiling. Direct replication is certainly an important part of the process, but if we rely solely on reproducing the same result over and over again then we run the risk of making the same mistakes over and over . direct replication. The alleged crisis and the illusion of exact replication. As a result, it is becoming more and more common (a) to preregister one's own hypotheses and analysis plan online and (b) to conduct direct replications of one's own studies. A direct replication of Cialdini et al.'s (1975) classic door-in-the-face technique. In this form, a scientist attempts to exactly recreate the scientific methods used in conditions of an . In the aggregate, 10 effects replicated consistently. This question frequently arose after a groundbreaking project revealed that psychology is facing a replication crisis. A replication-plus-extension study repeats the original study and introduces new participant variables, situations, or independent variable levels -Replication projects coordinate lanes around the world to conduct direct replication studies of between one and several psychological studies at a time -A meta-analysis collect and mathematically . Although replication is a central tenet of science, direct replications are rare in psychology. Recently, the science of psychology has come under criticism because a number of research findings do not replicate. The purpose of this special issue is to change these incentives. However, the replication rate did . A complete replication of the effect under these lim-ited conditions will open the door to methods that control for contextual factors under which the text generation effect might emerge. Of course, one failed direct replication does not mean the effect is non-existent—science depends on the accumulation of evidence.

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