Islam teaches that everyone is Muslim at birth but the parents or society can cause them to deviate from the straight path. For These Reasons We Convert to Islam - BISMILLAHI TEALA Your decision to convert/revert to Islam should be based on knowledge, certainty, acceptance, submission, truthfulness, and sincerity. Islam is the fastest-growing religion in the world. Converting to Islam is easy. What was the reason? Buddhism is a religion that some people can enter into with their entire hearts and minds without leaving critical thinking skills at the door. 3. Also, you will see the scientific facts that are in the Quran. According to Pew Research, more Americans are converting to Islam than Christianity. Today, despite all the propaganda about the conditions of Moslem women in all western commercial media, the startling . Why convert to Islam when Islam does not affirm Jesus' death on the cross? In the modern world, with a wealth of information at their fingertips, people can easily learn about and experiment with many different faith traditions. 5 Reasons Muslims Convert. Islam was first introduced into Hausaland from either Kanem or Air in the twelfth or thirteenth centuries, but it did not really take root there until during the second half of the fourteenth Century. 1. Reasons attributed by new Converts. Here are some probable reasons. 2. 2. Former Muslims cited the . Just years following his conversion in 1964, he got in a fight that prompted him to write down some reflections on what drew him to . A pro-active approach to conversion is too long term for a community that, at every turn, sees a reason to retreat into survival mode. Converting to Islam requires the shahada, the Muslim profession of faith ("I bear witness that there is no deity but God, and I bear witness that Muhammad is the messenger of God."). Top 5 Reasons People Convert to Islam. Identity. Converts invoke several reasons for embracing Islam: that, unlike Christianity, it makes sense to them; that Islam is commensurate with modern science; that Islam is an egalitarian religion, blind to the racial prejudices so common to Western culture; and that one betters himself upon embracing Islam, doing away with adverse personal and social . Now take a guess as to where Iraqis and Afghans get most of their weapons today, that's right from the United States Government. While some are new to the religion, others grew up in Muslim families, and are either returning after having lapsed or converting to a . In all those years, in all those regions, we saw conversions due to several motifs: religious motifs, forced motifs and economic motifs. Or why people who were born to Muslim parents continue to practice the religion? Britain sees about 5200 conversions to Islam per year, and nearly 25% of all Muslims in America are c. ; If you convert to Islam you will die in your sins (John 8:24). Allowed the freedom to follow anything -- or nothing at all -- why do What is Convert to Islam apps? A survey of 750 Muslims who converted to Christianity shows five predominant reasons they chose to follow Christ. When studying the many cases of new Muslim converts, we see that engaging in critical thinking and intellectual reasoning have led people to change their non-Islamic faiths - the same faiths that earlier supposedly could have moved mountains, get diluted by the voices of reason easily heard in the roots of Islam.A mere process of thinking and reflection brings so much to the limelight that . According to Pew Research, "Two-thirds (67 percent) of all converts to Islam in the U.S. came from Protestant churches, 10 percent came from Catholicism, and just five percent from other religions. Many advantages are gained by converting to Islam, the most obvious one being the sense of calmness. Born in 1955 in North Carolina, USA, Fender grew up in Los Angeles. Finally, you will read about the numerical miracles that are in the Quran. For all the islamophobic sentiment and misinformation saturating the public, people are coming to embrace the faith in unprecedented numbers. There are so many sects, cults, religions, philosophies, and movements in the world, all of which claim to be the right way or the only true path of God How can one determine which one is correct or whether, in fact, all are correct? Among those who have converted to Islam, a majority come from a Christian background. The "Shahada" is the 1st of the five pillars of . Gary M. Blau, Theology and Politics|Duncan B. Forrester 4. 1. The Internet existed only in a tiny community of hardcore geeks, the iPhone was just a twinkle in Steve Jobs' eye, 9/11 hadn't happened yet, the idea of the Chicago Cubs winning a World Series was a recurring joke, and much to my son's . The community disbanded in 1270 AD when the Hafsids forbade non-Muslims from living in the city; the remaining Jews were forced to convert to Islam or to leave. Convert Profile: Sister Autumn Interviewed by Laura El Alam Why Choose Islam? ; According to The New York Times, 25,000 Americans . 1. At Islam's creation, the Arabian Penninsula was in dire need of some sort of coherant religion. Though I understand the OP is lying and those people never converted to Islam. In fact, if you read Hans Kung, a Christian theologian and orientalist, he goes so far to say that Muslims rulers (especially those in Syria) "disliked" conversion to Islam, for political reasons. Contrast is the mother of clarity. The violence, intolerance and coercion they exhibit -- pressuring Christians to convert to Islam, compelling Muslims to remain in Islam -- created and sustains what is today called the Islamic world. Aside from the fact that I always find it fascinating to learn why people embrace a . Islam teaches that everyone is Muslim at birth but the parents or society can cause them to deviate from the straight path. Dear Muslim missionary and emailer, During Islamic holy days and months I get a slight increase in emails from you that go something like this: "Come on, brother. ; Muslim denial of Jesus' death on the cross is a denial of God's work in history and therefore ungodly. As the victims of aggressive cultural imperialism, we'd be entitled to all of the above. 13 Likes. . 2. By Ricardo Peña, Convert Support Group. Freedom of choice Your body, head and brain, free will and soul to make your own mind up! Britain sees about 5200 conversions to Islam per year, and nearly 25% of all Muslims in America are converts. Indeed, respondents in the survey hail from at least. Dubai's Islamic affairs department recently published a book in which over a 100 people shared their reasons for converting (or reverting) to Islam. The Real Reason Muhammad Ali Converted To Islam Just years following his conversion in 1964, Muhammad Ali got in a fight that prompted him to write down some reflections on what drew him to the . Reasons attributed by new Converts. The convert sees his step as a mature one based on the right of an individual to determine his own religious and cultural identity, even if the family and society he is abandoning disagree. Many people who were looking for the most applicable methods in handling social, cultural, or economic . The reasons why Hindus convert to Islam? When someone accepts Islam, they are considered to revert to the original condition. Converting to Islam liberates a person from slavery to man-made systems and lifestyles. Freedom of choice Your body, head and brain, free will and soul to make your own mind up! Hi i converted 2 years ago. This article explains how to convert and become a Muslim in a simple way. Establishing a relationship with God in the most pure and simple way is liberating and exhilarating. Converting to Islam allows a person to achieve God's love by following His guide to life - the Qur'an, and the authentic teachings and traditions of Prophet Muhammad. Converting to Islam allows a person to truly experience God's love. it was the best decisions of my Life. Why I don't convert to Islam. Why I converted to Islam from Atheist last year? 100 Reasons why you. A recent article in Christianity Today (Aug 20,1990) reported that in the U.S., the average age of those converting to Islam (31) is about twice that for conversion to Christian faith (age 16). The Armenian Troubles And The Ottoman Empire: The Views Of A Nineteenth Century American Convert To Islam|Muhammed Abdullah Al Ahari, The PEASE Protocols: (Physical, Emotional, and Spiritual Elevation) (Entities) (Volume 1)|The PEASE Team, Improving Emotional and Behavioral Outcomes for LGBT Youth: A Guide for Professionals (SCCMH)|Ph.D. A young guy at my gym (16) who recently . Submitted by Jason Robertson The Quraan is the only revelation from God still in the original form it was revealed in. It is also designed for those who are in search of faith and thinking about converting to Islam. Converting to Islam allows a person to achieve God's love by following His guide to life - the Quran, and the Sunnah of Prophet Muhammad. In the Middle East and Africa, where Islam is spreading, most men or at least households own a forearm. It is also possible that Muhammad was a kike, which would make sense, all things considered. Sometimes converting to Islam is a form of parental rebellion. i was grown up in a Christian Family. There must be some reasons why people do convert to the religion of Islam. Naoual argues that many women converted to Islam because it just made sense to them (for example, in Islam there is the belief in one god) whereas Christianity left women confused (as there was the belief in the trinity--the father, the son and the holy ghost). Just years . Before You Convert . In Islam, respect, kindness, and forgiveness are core values that each person should practice. As one Jewish professional said to me, "we need to focus on . Reason for the spread of Islam in West Africa. Why Convert to Islam? Islam is a religion who read in it and got . Nearly one-in-seven converts to . It contains a lot of brief, yet informative articles about different . Here is a summary of his findings around major reasons why people convert to Islam. Convert to Islam and take advantage of all the benefits Islam offers that will enhance your life. Our spiritual leaders could issue fatwas. Here's a reaction to the top 5 reasons people convert to Islam. We'd demonstrate our commitment to deep cultural sensitivity. He said that Sufi dance, the rituals of Islam and the spiritual atmosphere of the ceremonies influenced his life. Convert to Islam apps is a mobile phone application which is created for non-Muslims who want to know the truth about Islam. בשנת 1522, סירב דוד לדרישתו של שאה איסמעיל להתאסלם. When God created the world He did not abandon it to instability and insecurity. The Muslim denial of Jesus' death on the cross is a denial of history and therefore irrational. my Life Changed much . Converting to Islam. Some of the reasons given why people convert to Islam are the eloquence of the Quran's language, its overwhelming scientific evidence and proofs, arguments rooted in intellectual reasoning, and the Divine wisdom behind various social issues. For all the islamophobic sentiment and misinformation saturating the public, people are coming to embrace the faith in unprecedented numbers. Muhammad Ali's conversion to Islam, in many ways, defined his career and legacy as a fighter with conviction. Joined Aug 3, 2021 Messages 926 Reputation 684. When God created the world He did not abandon it to instability and insecurity. And this made me to be a Muslim because I feel how was Prophet Jesus and Prophet Muhammad and all other Orphan Prophets, last year my grandma died when I saw her in the gro. In the U.S., the majority are African-Americans In recent years, the number of American Muslims has been growing steadily, by around 100,000 annually. ; According to The Guardian, about 5,000 British people convert to Islam every year and most of them are women. You know it's the truth." Islam emancipates the mind from superstitions and . First Things has done a good thing in publishing the testimony of Jacob Williams, a British convert to Islam. When the true reality of Islam is uncovered to a person, a religion that leads its followers toward a better and more prosperous life, one surely finds enough reason to convert to Islam and follow its path. SUBSCRIBE: Watc. 75 Nations." The number of non-Muslims who are converting to Islam is rapidly growing. Before embracing Islam, be sure to spend time studying the faith, reading books, and learning from other Muslims. Former Muslim Nabeel Qureshi explains how his search for the truth about Jesus in scripture led to his conversion. Andrey Ignatyev, a specialist on the sociology of religion at Russian State Humanitarian University, seeks to answer the question of why ethnic Russians convert to Islam without the exaggerations . Revelations: Manuals that God Almighty revealed to the Messengers to help people live a spiritually . Naoual labels the other reason to explain women converts as "political," that . Converting to Islam allows a person to achieve God's love by following His guide to life - the Quran, and the Sunnah of Prophet Muhammad. During this holy time or month when we are conscious of God, accept Islam. You will see the reasons why they did it. Most of them are terrorist enablers. If you have a real desire to be a Muslim and believe that Islam is the true religion of God, then, all you need to do is say the "Shahada" (Declaration of Faith). Islam is the fastest-growing religion in the world. Converting to Islam also means that you accept the articles of faith, the things every Muslim is required to believe in: Allah: God alone without partners who deserves all worship. When God created the world He did not abandon it to instability and insecurity. The following are the reasons for the spread Islam in West Africa. Muhammad Ali's conversion to Islam, in many ways, defined his career and legacy as a fighter with conviction. Every Muslim knows several, if not dozens, who chose to convert to Islam as a young adult or even later in life. It listed 5 main reasons given for becoming Muslim: Islam's doctrine is simple and rational, all believers are equal, it is a "practical" religion . Reasons attributed by new Converts. 2. After all, 1/5 of the world's population is Islamic. should convert to Islam. Now I am conducting research on the reason why MBBs are returning to Islam. Converts to Islam; Total population; According to Jerusalem Post, in the United Kingdom and France, up to 100,000 people converted in the last decade in each country. They say Islam is the world's fastest growing religion. Fender said his decision to convert to Islam was prompted by the influence of the life of Maulana Jalal Addin Muhammad Rumi, an Islamic scholar and poet. October 26, 2017. i knew i wanted be Part of this Great Religion and i was curious about the Love to Allah. Some of the reasons given why people convert to Islam are the eloquence of the Quran's language, its overwhelming scientific evidence and proofs, arguments rooted in intellectual reasoning, and the Divine wisdom behind various social issues. The blood of people slain by BH, Al-Qaeda and Al-Shabab be on their heads. Have you ever wondered why people actually choose to convert to Islam and become Muslim? According to the details, former British dancer Presphon Rizvi, many years after converting to Islam, now unveiled the reasons for coming to the realm of Islam. The final reason why people convert, is due to meeting other Muslims. And it is also a religion that has no deep compulsion to convert anyone. For many Muslim converts it was the shock of 9/11 (2001) or the Iranian Revolution (1979) or the Algerian Civil War (1990s) or the Bangladeshi War of Liberation (1971) that jolted them from Islam . The Essence of Islamic laws. This website is for people of various faiths who seek to understand Islam and Muslims. Converting to Islam requires the shahada, the Muslim profession of faith ("I bear witness that there is no God but Allah, and I bear witness that Muhammad is the messenger of Allah."). In 1522, he refused to convert to Islam as Shah Ismail had demanded. This article belongs to The Ultimate Guide To Converting To Islam . Sister Uzma 2017 Bismillahi-Rahmaani-Raheem (In the Name of Allah the Most Merciful, the Especially Merciful). Islam has a history of more than a 1000 years, and the Islamized Arabs reached to many corners of the word. There are five main reason Islamic cultures spread: early military conquests, as areligious alternative, art and architecture, advanced education and trade and finance. Angels: God's creation - always in submission to Him. very . The same reason why not all people in the world are Muslims or why all people of the world are Christians. So let's begin. No b. The Real Reason Muhammad Ali Converted To Islam Just years following his conversion in 1964, Muhammad Ali got in a fight that prompted him to write down some reflections on what drew him to the . He went on to become an icon for American Muslims. ; According to Yedioth Ahronoth, Germany has up to 4,000 a year. For converts, Islam fills a void in their societies. That is the great thing about Islam you have the freedom to choose! Converts to Islam. In addition to that, it gives a brief overview of Islam, the faith of 1.7 billion people, and sheds light on the benefits of converting. The lifestyle of Christians. He went on to become an icon for American Muslims. 100 reasons why you should revert (convert) to Islam. Re: Scientists Who Converted To Islam And Their Reasons by Agbegbaorogboye: 10:13am On Sep 11, 2020. סופה המוחלט של . When asked to they convert (revert) a number of reasons reasons are given. There are many reasons or circumstance for someone to convert from one religion to another but i think these are specific reason why some call Christians convert to another religions especially Islam. And the number one reason America should convert to Islam: BELLY DANCERS! 2. For many in the increasingly multicultural, heterogeneous, disoriented West, Islam provides a specific identity by which they can define themselves and their relationships with other entities in the world. Islam is a false religion (as is Hinduism, which Islam is an enemy of - as it is an enemy of all other religions), and it teaches that you must be subjugated forcefully to Islam (Jews and Christians can have the "gracious" opportunity becoming highly taxed dhimmis, in exchange for not converting or being killed or exiled. Converting to Islam allows a person to truly experience God's love. If you are thinking of converting to Islam, but have a few lingering questions, then you're more than welcome to chat with us at Chat Islam Online.Even if you don't want to become a Muslim yet, but are interested in learning about why so many people . Islam drowned me in its own attractions until I felt that woman have a privacy, shelter and high dignity in Islam and this issue solved all of my concerns and also is the main reason why British women tend to convert to Islam. Because of this reason, Convert to Islam apps is developed. Converting to Islam allows a person to truly experience God's love. Answer: First I'm an fatherless since my brith…! So says author Os Guinness, and this principle is what ultimately led me away from Islam and towards the gospel. I found something very useful in your paper: In 1991, a veteran missionary, Ken Wycherley, who had planted churches in several Muslim-majority cities, reported that between 80 to 90% of the so-called converts from Islam returned to Islam in a short time. Reference from:,Reference from:,Reference from:,Reference from:,

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