Share Albany Virtual Game Night: Trivia, Charades, and Drawing over Video with your friends. The suggested donation for this evening is $5 per adult or $10 per family, and proceeds will be used to purchase helmets and to recondition... Sure to be a new favorite, our Triple F Food Walk benefits the Food Pantries of the Capital District - helping our neighbors get through these difficult times together - the way only the 518 can do it! Not as many questions but the same great fun! Share Makeup Final Sale Event!!! The Christopher Dailey Foundation's annual Turkey Trot, which traditionally takes place on Thanksgiving morning, has gone virtual for 2020. Share Just For The Health Of It! Albany, NY with your friends. 2020 Troy Victorian Stroll Presented By the Rensselaer County Regional Chamber of Commerce. Share Ujamaa Market Capital Region with your friends. Share Albany Digital Marketing Conference with your friends. Building our skate community with smiles, support & helping hand! Save Therapy Live Sport - Swim Bike Run to your collection. Share Remembering John Cohen with The Down Hill Strugglers with your friends. Save Fix and Flip/Fix and Hold Property Tour - Online Albany to your collection. Save Remembering John Cohen with The Down Hill Strugglers to your collection. More, Submit your Albany County event to our events calendar. Share Need startup financing? Save A FEMINIST'S GUIDE TO BOTANY: Online Botanical Painting Session to your collection. Save PMP Certification Training in Albany, CA to your collection. Share PMP Classroom Training in Albany, CA with your friends. Save Virtual Speed Dating for Professional Singles! Save Monthly Wellness Wednesday: An Hour for You & Your Wellbeing to your collection. We eagerly await the opportunity to welcome visitors back to Albany. Gather props from your home and read along with us during this interactive story time. Save Albany Digital Marketing Conference to your collection. This online program uses the Zoom live streaming platform. Have an event you would like to see on our Calendar? Join this informal group as we share information about computer and technology use. Share The Supper Club at the Hollow featuring Hot Club of Saratoga with your friends. We strive to insure accuracy on however accuracy cannot be guaranteed. to your collection. Save Outliers Poetry Brunch with Carol Durant to your collection. REGGAE RIDE with your friends. Cookies are used for measurement, ads and optimization. Know of an event that should be on the calendar and isn't? This online program uses the Zoom live streaming platform. Share A FEMINIST'S GUIDE TO BOTANY: Online Botanical Painting Session with your friends. Share GIRLS NIGHT OUT SIP AND PAINT with your friends. Share Outliers Poetry Brunch with Carol Durant with your friends. Take your pet for a walk around the lake during this walk-only event to benefit the local Charities of Choice for 2020. Click here to submit an event! Our informational seminars make it easy to learn everything you need to know about bariatric surgery. with your friends. We eagerly await the opportunity to welcome visitors back to Albany. By continuing to use our site you agree to our privacy policy. And no one should have to. Due to the current restriction put in place due to the Coronavirus (COVID-19) by Governor Cuomo our Calendar of Events features only virtual and socially distant events. Save LSSGB Bootcamp Training in Albany, NY to your collection. Questions welcome. This month's presentation will compare different web browsers: Google Chrome, Microsoft Edge, Mozilla Firefox, and more. You can explore by location, what's popular, our top picks, free stuff... you got this. See more. Baking with Our Buds - Open House Online! Save Masses for the weekend of November 14/15, 2020 to your collection. See website for details. Albany, NY on TripAdvisor. Save Creative Writing Workshop: Healing through Nature to your collection. Share Therapy Live Sport - Swim Bike Run with your friends. While previous years focused on attracting cyclists to a specific community or region, this year we will provide business owners, municipal officials, and tourism professionals... Start researching the best products for your holiday shopping early. Share Handgun Safety Course (Free) Phoenicia, NY with your friends. This online program uses the Zoom live streaming platform. Join us for virtual Trivia Night. Albany, NY to your collection. Share The Supper Club at The Hollow featuring KWILLEO with your friends. Share Baking with Our Buds - Open House Online! Looking for something to do in Albany? The Epilepsy Foundation of Northeastern New York's annual gala is moving to a virtual format for 2020. Accessibility is our goal, please contact or email us with site improvements. More, Post your event pics and tag @DiscoverAlbany for a chance to be featured on our social media! Do you have an upcoming event in the Capital Region? Save Toys for Tots @ Bethlehem NY to your collection. Save The Supper Club at The Hollow featuring KWILLEO to your collection. Save Gentle Yoga for Terrible Times to your collection. Discover Albany's annual events and festivals! The show is free. © 2020 Albany County Convention & Visitors Bureau. This class provides a foundational understanding of implicit bias, microaggressions, and intent vs. impact when talking and interacting with people that are different from yourself. This online program uses the Zoom live streaming platform. Save Need startup financing? Having trouble using this site? Share Tru Heart, Inc.'s 2nd Annual JimBowl 2020 with your friends. Bike & Lights at Price Chopper/Market 32 Capital Holiday Lights in the Park. Save Eden Cafe's 2020 Platinum Concert Series to your collection. Share WBLS Circle of Sisters 2020 with your friends. Share LSSGB Bootcamp Training in Albany, NY with your friends. Share 2020 Ain't Cancelled Series with your friends. The 24th Annual Price Chopper/Market 32 Capital Holiday Lights in the Park drive-through runs from November 27, 2020 - January 3, 2021. We can help! We invite our community to come together to "aid art" at ACG's 2020 MasquerAid for Art Gala. Therapy Live Sport - Swim Bike Run. Ready? Save Nurture The Spirit: A Women's Retreat to your collection. Tune into Facebook Live each Wednesday at 10 am for a new story and songs. Share An evening with MARY GAUTHIER | Live at The Linda with your friends. See the 2021 Albany, NY concert schedule for artist venues, dates, and tickets. Share 10:30am Sunday Mass with your friends. If you have a need, stop by, just remember to practice social distancing and please wear... Capital Region businesses and organizations are joining in by collecting boxed and canned food to donate to the Schenectady Community Ministries (SICM). Share The Tony Loves Trixie Show with your friends. New York Living Legacy – The Folk Music Renaissance NY Living Legacy – The Folk Music … Please alert us if there is any inaccurate information here. It will require access to a computer, mobile device with... Albany PAL presents a DRIVE-THROUGH SNEAK PEEK of the Lights on the Lake! REGGAE RIDE to your collection. The 45th Annual Holiday Craft Marketplace will be VIRTUAL from November 14-28, 2020. The Clifton Park Water Authority Board Meeting will take place via Zoom at 4pm on November 19. Albany Institute of History & Art • Albany, NY, Margarita City Mexican Grill And Bar • Colonie, NY, The Supper Club at the Hollow featuring Hot Club of Saratoga, Remembering John Cohen with The Down Hill Strugglers, The Linda WAMC's Performing Arts Studio • Albany, NY, Fix and Flip/Fix and Hold Property Tour - Online Albany, Learn how to make an estimated $6,750 a month (Albany, NY), Career Event- SUNY at Albany Students & 2020 Graduates, Delaware Plaza - Delaware Ave • Delmar, NY, Sat, Nov 14, 2020 6:00 PM PST (-08:00) + 6 more events, Mon, Nov 16, 2020 5:00 PM PST (-08:00) + 6 more events, Wed, Nov 18, 2020 12:00 PM EST (-05:00) + 4 more events, Monthly Wellness Wednesday: An Hour for You & Your Wellbeing, A FEMINIST'S GUIDE TO BOTANY: Online Botanical Painting Session, Thu, Dec 3, 2020 7:00 PM EST (-05:00) + 1 more events. Save Career Event- SUNY at Albany Students & 2020 Graduates to your collection. Save 48 hours of Bite Sized Mindfulness to your collection. Save Timed Ticket: Museum Admission to your collection. "Alex" and "Vanna" will be here to ask the questions and host the event. In this class, students will be guided through the exploration of how current and emerging climate and environmental justice advocates and activists can be more inclusive, culturally responsive, and understand implicit bias as they work in and engage with communities... Skate & Donate! Save Admission for Social Distance Visit to Opus 40 Sculpture Park to your collection. This is an online class that will meet on 11/18/2020. with your friends. The monthly meeting of the Board of Trustees will meet by video conference and can be viewed by the public at Save PMP Classroom Training in Albany, CA to your collection. Bring the whole family and enjoy a night out, while staying... Art is essential, in both good and bad times. Share Monthly Wellness Wednesday: An Hour for You & Your Wellbeing with your friends. Stay tuned for more details. Laptops, tablets, and phones welcome. Be... Join Ms. Marybeth as we go live from the Children's Library! 9 PM Web Site. Pet Walk Night at Price Chopper/Market 32 Capital Holiday Lights in the Park . This tour of Schuyler Mansion State Historic Site will highlight unique approaches to help bring more voices to the history we share. SAT 21 NOV 2020 - SUN 22 NOV 2020 8:00 PM Garage Sale Trail 2020, the recovery edition, is coming to Albany on Saturday 21 & Sunday 22 November 2020. Games Start at 7:15PM. Capital District Transportation Authority, RFP/Request Group Tour Planning Assistance. To learn how we can help you, register for our online info session. Latin Weds@Noware Bar -Free dance lesson included 8pm w/Cover, ONLINE MINDSHOP™|DESIGN THINKING FOR EXECUTIVES, Career Event- Excelsior College Students & 2020 Graduates, Albany, New York United States • Albany, NY, PMP Certification Training in Danville, VA, Business Hotel / Regus Business Centre • Albany, NY, Albany Virtual Game Night: Trivia, Charades, and Drawing over Video, Creative Writing Workshop: Healing through Nature, The Mount, Edith Wharton's Home • Lenox, MA, Details Sent to Attendees • Dripping Springs, TX, Admission for Social Distance Visit to Opus 40 Sculpture Park, Masses for the weekend of November 14/15, 2020, St. Mary's Church, Crescent • Waterford, NY, Tru Heart, Inc.'s 2nd Annual JimBowl 2020, East Greenbush Bowling Center • East Greenbush, NY, Handgun Safety Course (Free) Phoenicia, NY, Phoenicia Fish and Game Association • Mount Tremper, NY. Upcoming Events. Save The Tony Loves Trixie Show to your collection. Share Admission for Social Distance Visit to Opus 40 Sculpture Park with your friends. Share ONLINE MINDSHOP™|DESIGN THINKING FOR EXECUTIVES with your friends. Free bagged clothing and lunches will be available to grab-and-go on November 5, 12 & 19 from 2PM - 5PM at New Jerusalem Home of the Saved. This online program uses the Zoom live streaming platform. Save Skate Albany Meet-up + Clothing Drive to your collection. Save Just For The Health Of It! On Saturday, November 28th, vendors will offer specials. This online program uses the Zoom live streaming platform. This gathering offers you a safe and confidential space to share what is on your heart with the support of community. #DiscoverAlbany. Share 48 hours of Bite Sized Mindfulness with your friends. Save Ujamaa Market Capital Region to your collection. Share An evening with Caitlin Moran with your friends. Share Eden Cafe's 2020 Platinum Concert Series with your friends. Share Learn how to make an estimated $6,750 a month (Albany, NY) with your friends. For teens and adults. Share Career Event- SUNY at Albany Students & 2020 Graduates with your friends. Happening online and across our city, this year’s event is all about helping you make or save some money by buying or selling secondhand. Suggested donation is $5 per person or $10 per family, and social distancing and masks are required.
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