American country singer Patsy Cline is pictured here in 1955. Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump, whose 2016 campaign was propelled by voters who were angry with establishment politicians and the ruling political class, used an appropriately angry campaign song: "We're Not Gonna Take It." This is … Springsteen’s (L) managers, however, politely turned down the request as the singer was not a supporter of the Republican candidate. All rights reserved. American folk musician Woody Guthrie is picture at right in 1961. The song was played extensively throughout Barack Obama’s (R) 2012 presidential campaign and also following his victory speech. Platten's hit will always be associated with Hillary Clinton's 2016 run, with Clinton embracing the track as the theme song of her campaign, also … Lindsey Buckingham of Fleetwood Mac performs in Anaheim, Calif., in 2009. We Take Care of Our Own, by Bruce Springsteen. Henry Ross Perot (R), a billionaire independent candidate, used the 1961 love song for the presidential election campaign in 1992. It predates Clinton's presidency, although the depicted game ( Battletoads in Battlemaniacs ) does not. For his 2004 campaign, he chose the Creedence Clearwater Revival classic "Fortunate Son," about politically connected Americans who were able to avoid combat duty in Vietnam. Microsoft may earn an Affiliate Commission if you purchase something through recommended links in this article. The singer’s representatives have sent a cease-and-desist letter to Trump for playing the song at his rallies, adding that it was the second time that the band has asked him to stop using the song. The song was selected for a month-long web campaign. Top 10 Songs About Being a Touring Musician. The band reunited in 1993 to play the song at the inaugural ball for Clinton. It includes the lyrics: John Cohen / Hulton Archive / Getty Images. With lyrics like "Everywhere around the world, they're coming to America," Neil Diamond's "America" was practically begging to become a campaign song, and in 1988 it did. It was now called “I’m A Dole Man.” However, the original song's publishers, who still held the copyright, were not amused with this parody and threatened to sue Dole unless he stops using the song; Dole had to finally give in to the demand. He wouldn't have it, and the song stuck. Guthrie, who was associated with communists, dealt with the issues of liberty and property ownership in the song. American country rock group Creedence Clearwater Revival consisted of Doug Clifford, Tom Fogerty, Stu Cook and John Fogerty. Like us on Facebook to see similar stories, US daily death total jumps to almost 2,000, John Malcolm Bareswill sentenced to two years in prison for New Hope threat. Let’s take a look at a few of them. The 1977 song was used by Democratic candidate Bill Clinton (R) as the theme for his first campaign, especially at the 1992 Democratic National Convention. Romney, a former Massachusetts governor, explained what many thought was an odd choice by saying the two shared a geographic connection: "He loves Michigan and Detroit and so do I." Independent Ross Perot, an eccentric billionaire, was one of the most unconventional presidential candidates in American political history. Sales of the song’s records jumped by over 400 percent after the song was played following Obama’s speech at the 2012 Democratic National Convention. The 1981 hit was the theme song during Democratic candidate Michael Dukakis' (R) 1988 presidential campaign. The Best and Worst Campaign Songs By Presidential Candidate. Is Mark Zuckerberg a Democrat or a Republican? George W. Bush picked Tom Petty's 1989 hit "I Won't Back Down" for his successful 2000 campaign for president. © 2019 TIME USA, LLC. Joseph Winters and the Fire Escape Ladder, Importance of the US Presidential Primaries, Why Presidential Candidates Get Secret Service Protection, About the Presidential Election Campaign Fund, Swing States in the Presidential Election, won the presidency with the help of disaffected working-class white voters, one of the most unconventional presidential candidates. In the past, several music artistes have supported U.S. presidential candidates through their songs, while a few others have refused permission or expressed their reluctance about their songs being used for political reasons. Fleetwood Mac wasn't the hippest musical choice, though, and at the time, Clinton's aids tried to get their candidate to switch to something cooler. Connect with friends faster than ever with the new Facebook app. The 2009 hit, which was originally written for Somalia and aspirations of its people for freedom, was used by Republican Mitt Romney (R) at rallies during his 2012 presidential campaign. The song includes the lyrics: Former Texas Gov. Hillary Clinton (R) used the 2004 song in her bid for the Democratic Party nomination for US president in 2008. The lyrics include the lines: Here's a clever take on the campaign song: If you can't find one that suits your tastes, just make up your own words and set it to a catchy tune. Wonder (L) performed the song live on the final night of the 2008 Democratic National Convention in Denver, Colorado. Enjoy the videos and music you love, upload original content, and share it all with friends, family, and the world on YouTube. Republican candidate John McCain (R) is an ardent ABBA fan, and he used the 1977 hit at many rallies for the 2008 election campaign. We're Not Gonna Take It, by Twisted Sister. Whether it's Stevie Wonder or Tippecanoe and Tyler, Too You can't run for President without some catchy theme music. Singer Neil Diamond performs in California in 2012. He was often seen dancing with his wife on stage to the tune of the song during campaign rallies. George W. Bush used the 1989 song during the 2000 presidential campaign rallies, but was forced to stop playing it after receiving a cease-and-desist letter from Petty’s (R) publisher. When Are Presidential Running Mates Chosen? Former Arkansas Gov. Clinton perhaps chose the song for its inspirational lyrics, which include the lines: Mitt Romney, the Republican Party's 2012 presidential nominee, chose the song "Born Free" by rapper/rocker Kid Rock. "When you hit my playlist you'll always wanna select repeat, baby" - Clinton Real Song Theme Tune: The theme to Gaming In The Clinton Years is a song from the NES game Shadowgate (specifically, the hall of mirrors theme). All the Women Who Have Run for President of the US. 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