Weebly Vs Wix Vs Wordpress, Sign Up ... my life is good your life is bad im rad your just mad you think your rad ... your raps are lame and I am heading to the hall of fame "Y'all cowards couldn't rap this dope with a Zig-Zag. Just hold and press paste (see?) The juxtaposition of this poverty with the image of Big indulging in fine champagne when water would suffice presents the full picture of a made man. Best Wwe Matches Modern Era, Received Their Wings Meaning, The line about wine is particularly resonant in that, when people fall into depression, they find comfort in the bottle. Terribly In A Sentence, Your email address will not be published. One of the …, When you are searching among suitable ways of paying for your …, The term annuity is derived from the Latin word for year – annus. By HipHopChamp / December 17, 2017 1. How do you keep your head up figuratively when you can't even keep it up literally, and how do you keep yourself together when your body falls apart every time you try to stand? Privacy, The way he says it is completely fresh, combining the two familiar idioms of pouring liquor out for the dead homies and a dead man walking, then coming full circle, telling you how you'll die with a dark and funny Talking Heads reference and a perfect rhyme. He becomes one with his words, and as long as the rhyme is incomplete, so is he incomplete. How To Shrink Windows Installer, Your email address will not be published. Keep reading for the full countdown to see which rhymes struck as some of the best of all time. His words are laced with a kind of bohemian wisdom that inspires more questions than it can hope to answer, but the ride is nonetheless enlightening. You would expect trouble to be uncaring and unkind, but K'naan presents trouble as a soothing figure. Either way, it's pretty terrifying. "No question I would speed for cracks and weed/The combination made my eyes bleed.". Learn how to build your audience, get more fans and sell your music online! Earl speaks about trying to climb out of something dark, but the figurative weight of his sins is keeping him down like Vince Carter's old knees (Vince Carter could once fly like even Air Jordan couldn't). Janoris Jenkins Number, Regardless, the line is simply the pinnacle of pimpology. 2Pac has always been one for keeping things simple, at least on the surface, but what this rhyme suggests about the nature of man is insidious. Cboe Annual Report 2019, That's what I do in the rap game (yuh) Con Te Partirò Meaning, The concept of …. Your email address will not be published. "A bird in the hand is worth more than a Bush.". Enter your email or sign up with a social account to get started, The independent voice of Denver since 1977. Youtube.comtoday i FINALLY get around to play auto rap battles in roblox and oh...is it a fun time. All rights reserved. You can help by participating in our "I Support" membership program, allowing us to keep covering Denver with no paywalls. From Another Planet - Crossword Clue, Kilómetros A Centímetros, I certainly wouldn't want to be his prey, and it's understandable why 2Pac flipped his wig after hearing this. "Swimmin' laps around a bottle of Louie the Thirteenth/Jumpin' off of a mountain into a sea of codeine/I'm at the top of the top, but still I climb/And if I should ever fall, the ground will then turn to wine.". Help, Don't have an account yet? Your email address will not be published. Kindergarten Starters Curriculum, "I look into mother's stomach, wonder if you are a boy or a girl/Turnin' this woman's womb into a tomb/But she and I agree, a seed we don't need/You would've been much more than a mouth to feed/But someone I would've fed this information I read/To someone my life for you I would've had to leave/Instead I led you to death.". Eminem leans heavily on internal rhyme to build palpable tension until, suddenly, it's gone, along with the dream. Utada Hikaru Simple And Clean, When is the last time you took a bath, the last time you actually did good in math. Like an overdose, I'm slowly/Drifting into the arms of trouble, then trouble holds me". Rolls-royce Mt30 Fuel Consumption, By clicking 'X' or continuing to use the site, you agree to allow cookies to be placed. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. I play this game 'cause I have no friends (huh?) About Us, J. Cole retroactively forgives those who would judge his music before even listening to him, thereby removing all power from potential haters. This line encapsulates the paranoia that informs the belief system of the revolutionary.
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