I'd recommend making a trading list so people can see what you want to trade! He shouldn’t have to rely on his mostly 7-12 year old fans to justify what he did. As some of you know, we regularly track “buyers” and “sellers” and after banning a top item seller, we discovered Jeremy had made many item purchases from their account.

I dont know y theres so much hate in the adopt me community rn. Come chat and have fun! For Adopt Me issues, please use our support form!

Jeremy got his account, Jeruhmih, terminated in late December 2019 because he violated the Terms of Service for participating in hacking events.

Media I can see what you're saying, however with Jeremy getting respect from Adopt Me, Jeremy needs to show it as well. It was a PRETTY big deal to his fanbase. We hope you take the time to watch or read, and understand why we have chosen to take this action. why i played roblox adopt me. developer talk. It was/is a pretty big deal since Jeremy WAS a Adopt Me channel quitting the main game he plays on his channel. This will be our final statement on the matter. © 2020 Treetop Games, LLC. Come chat and have fun! After 5 days he returned to Adopt Me, but never apologised directly to any of us. In early 2020, he was called out by the Adopt Me team for buying pets with real money, which is against both Roblox and Adopt Me's TOS. Following all the above, we have made the unfortunate decision to ban Jeremy from Adopt Me.

| 158,305 members And how he spent 20-30k USD and he never got a thanks? Adopt me and jeremy. February 2018 This article needs a complete rewrite or cleanup to meet the Roblox Wikia's quality standards. After he continued to message members of the team and tag the Adopt Me twitter, our Social Media Manager chose to block him there too - we are a united team of multiple people.

We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. Jeremy owns an alternative account named FreeJeruhmi[1], and another unnamed account. Recent Activity.

That's not how it works! In another video, Jeremy pretended to discover our social media manager had blocked him for the first time, despite her actually blocking him weeks before. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. Ok basicly you might or might NOT know about the Jeremy drama but basicly Jeremy quitted Adopt Me. Ayla and her fans. And then he burnt bridges with both Roblox and the Adopt Me team. ( Most this info is from Koneko Kitten Maybe sub to them on yt?

And about adopt me being 'pay to win' Adopt Me is pretty much a company so they kinda have to have robux items for the game to actully be profitable and pay their company like I completely understand too but some people really don't .-. In another he says I am “a demon” that needs “an exorcism” and that his followers should “#Pray4Josh”. Arab Song Roblox Free Robux Hack Working free robux hack working. imo adopt me made that video to milk the situation as much as possible (they literally monetized it), they could have easily sorted this out via private dms but they chose to block jeremy so he would have no way of contacting them, then went on to make quite a petty 'expose' video- which they knew would get a lot of traction- getting them more money. When he was banned by Roblox the first time, we reached out to Roblox on his behalf and helped him recover some of his “lost” items. The Roblox bans were Jeremy’s fault. Today we check out the new mega neon diamond unicorn in Roblox Adopt Me! Btw about the starcode stuff Jeremy was talking about that Adopt Me doesn't do and 'Doesn't care about there youtubers' and they won't add star codes is because, Roblox devs don't owe ROBLOX YOUTUBERS A N Y T H I N G, It's good for Royal high to do that and support their content creators and its generous but.. it does not mean every other game HAS to do it. All the Jeremy Drama In a post for CONFUSED people - I don't want this to cause drama so don't pls -. And I agree with Koneko Kitten when he said Jeremy's quitting video was bad it is pretty bad to be comepletly honest with yall.. And Jeremy made about 3 points in his quit video, Pay To Win - Btw Adopt Me ain't pay to win you can get rich without paying a CENT, Creators Don't Care - Creators do care! Now we feel stupid, lied to, manipulated. He makes money off of the game, but he has broken many guidelines/rules and has also talked quite badly about the game, saying how it sucked and what-not. He posted the video on December 21, 2019, 2 days after his termination. Team Adopt Me New 160k Code All For One Vs One For All Boku No Roblox. Now with Pokerealm! I honestly think Jeremy is in the wrong here. The site may not work properly if you don't, If you do not update your browser, we suggest you visit, Press J to jump to the feed. I BET HE CAN'T EVEN MAKE HIS OWN MODELS HIMSELF. I didn’t want to have to make this statement, but Jeremy posted another video attacking me and my inbox is filling with hateful messages yet again. He broke multiple rules/guidelines such as buying some of the most exclusive items and pets for money; he completely bashed the game, even after the staff did nothing but help him when his account was blocked, and he used his viewers to his advantage to inflict hate towards the Adopt Me team/Tactful. This is my statement about the YouTuber Jeremy, who has made several videos attacking me. Posted by We were happy never revealing this information but I feel like my hand is forced, because Jeremy has now made 3 videos targeting me and many more lying about the situation. Looks like you're using new Reddit on an old browser. Come and do some trading in this subreddit!

Adopt Me is finally getting the new bucks trading system added to their game. Anybody who played Adopt Me with Jeruhmih on video got temporarily banned from the game. And that makes me really happy. More posts from the AdoptMeTrading community. He attended a private Lutheran high school before beginning his YouTube career. I feel like no one knows enough about the entire thing to judge who's in the wrong. After 5 days he returned to Adopt Me, but never apologised directly to any of us. He mainly uploads content centered around Adopt Me.

I like jeremy and I think he's nice and a good person and all but I agree with you!

Jeremy is a unique and creative young man! I have nothing against Jeremy, this is just my opinion over this situation! We play Roblox Adopt Me, Royale High, MM2, and more. He is also well known for his conflict with Adopt Me. Jeremy had inventories filled full of rare items he would do “giveaways” with to grow his channel - buying or selling Adopt Me items for real money, Robux or cross-trades is against our terms of service. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tskq1gjVS2c&t=470s. Us blocking him is Jeremy’s fault. READ THE RULES. NO it's his choice you did it and he's acting as like Adopt Me is forcing him to do it like come ON now .-. | 158,305 members


Nearly one year after the creation of Jeruhmih, he recorded a video where he was on an alternate account. Now with Pokerealm! Quick disclammer - This is for Informative purposes only I don't want any drama or anything this is just for people who may be confused on this topic, This is MY opinion and some other peoples OPINIONS if you are a fan and are offended by this proof don't say rude things please?

Can't believe he spent 20k - 30k usd on this game and is wanting a thanks, that's ridiculous tbh. In February, Jeremy posted a video titled “quitting Adopt Me”, insulting the Adopt Me team and our work and the community, resulting in hateful messages being sent to team members.

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