In a small bowl or mug, melt the butter halfway in the microwave. I’m glad you’re doing fairly well and getting plenty of cookie dough. Thank you for this (and for the choco chip cookie dough recipe)! Weird, yes, but so great to know that no matter what: I have people. is that allowed? With only a few ingredients, it’s an easy dessert when you need a little pick me up! Combine unsalted butter, sugar, vanilla, flour, salt and what ever other add-ins you desired. An easy single serving recipe for healthy edible and eggless cookie dough for one, made sugar free and keto friendly! I moved in yesterday!) No eggs, no baking, no beating hard butter with a spoon. You can add different toppings to this sugar cookie dough to make it more fun. I think so), but I’m guessing everyone has a night here or there where all they need is a nice big spoonful of cookie dough. Stir in the sugars, and pinch of salt. Put the cookie dough in an ice-cream cone and serve it like that (also fun if sprinkled with some chocolate chips or sprinkles)! Enjoy a single serve bowl of oatmeal chocolate chip cookie dough designed specifically for breakfast! Thank you so much! }, you should probably brace yourselves for some single-lady recipes coming up. Eating cookie dough by the spoon is my personal favorite, but you could also add chunks of it into your favorite flavor of ice cream for a real treat. This single-serving cookie dough recipe keeps you to a limit of about 200 calories, which is not too bad for a satisfying dessert. Some of you have noticed the we/our/us changed to I/my/me a while back. So easy to whip up and soooo yummy!! “Always remember: You’re braver than you believe, and stronger than you seem, and smarter than you think!” Keep your cookie dough covered. I am going out on a limb here and telling you no, edible cookie dough is not healthy by any standard, however I beleive that you are fine eating anything in moderation. Mine cookie dough recipe doesn’t contain any preservatives or additives, so it doesn’t last long, but since it also doesn’t make much, I’m not sure how much will be left over. It is the perfect amount for one person and it is absolutely great! Thank you for sharing. I’ve been with you for a few years (3 more?!) Thanks for being patient with me. Required fields are marked *, My dough was soupy and liquify I’m not sure why that happened can you please help me out, Hi Abigail, did you microwave your butter to soften it? Sending you lots of positive thoughts! So now I’m back. Microwaving is the quickest way. In a small bowl, combine the protein powder and powdered peanut butter. This cookie dough business is my life in a nutshell. Christopher Robin to Winnie The Pooh. I’ve been hibernating at my mom’s house for just over a month, battling a range of emotions — embarrassment, anger, fear, heartache — and feeling really inauthentic in my blogging. I appreciate the support! Can you freeze eggless cookie dough? I can’t even begin to talk about what a huge help my yoga and meditation practice have been — the last year of diving deep into both of them has prepared me in the best way to face this divorce with as much sanity and peace as I can. And while I keep things jolly here, sometimes I really want to tell you that I’m having a tough day. I’m not sure how much, if at all, I’ll really talk about this with all of you, but I wanted to open the door and let you know that I am a real person. Being open and honest is extremely brave. xo. So appreciate your real talk and so proud of all you’re doing. That is the number one way this recipe gets soupy. ; Use fructose sugar instead of the brown sugar. And I know it’s cliché but tie you will be a stronger and better person for it.
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