The alligator is foremost among these; the alligator is rare at this latitude this far from coastal waters. Highway 74 roughly parallels the river for about 30 miles, running in a southeasterly direction from Maxton to Pembroke and past Lumberton and then to the southeast from Lumberton to Boardman. Fossil and Artifact Hunting: Many amateur and professional paleontologists enjoy finding fossils and artifacts in North Carolina, particularly in the eastern part of the state, which is rich in locations. It was characterized by the further development of subsistence agriculture and ceramics, although hunting and gathering continued. The meandering nature of the river and the force of unseen currents provide challenging variations in navigability to boaters. Virginia creeper and Spanish moss are common on trees bordering the river. The popularity of canoeing is reflected by the number of canoe rental operators in the Wagram, Burnt Island, and Fair Bluff areas, as well as at Pembroke and Lumberton, the Robeson County Recreation Department being among them. Woody goldenrod is listed as endangered by the state of North Carolina, and threadleaf sundew is listed as "significantly rare." Hunting may be permissible on lands along the river that are not acquired as State park lands. In Lumberton, recreational opportunities can be found at Luther J. Britt Park, James Stephens Park, Turner Gore Park, Bicentennial Park, and Noir Street Playground. Other recreation opportunities along the Lumber River include excellent wildlife observation, hiking, photography and hunting. Juan was coming first thing Saturday morning. and 1,000 B.C. Saturday night we camped in a clearing near the bridge over S.R. Cultural Resources: A number of archaeological sites are found on high ground along the river. In Laurinburg, take 401 North. Geology: Though they are not unique to the region, several geologic features exhibited in the river corridor are noteworthy. The Archaic Period, from about 8,000 B.C., saw a slight climatic warming and a consequent increase in human population and deciduous trees. Fishing: Bank, small boat and canoe fishing occur all along the river. These species are the pinewoods darter and the sandhills chub. The earliest European settlers in Robeson County found several thousand Indians already on the scene who spoke broken English and farmed as Europeans did. Trips can vary from one hour along some river sections to several days navigating the entire river. Soon after crossing into South Carolina, the Lumber River flows into the Little Pee Dee River, which eventually flows into the Great Pe… The scenery was very beautiful. My wife did not have enough boat control to maneuver around some of the obstacles. Only the upland pine forest areas of Pembroke, Lumberton, and Fair Bluff are comprised of significantly developed land. It was very difficult and early on she capsized while I was trying to get her around a log. The river has been divided into recreation water trails and has 24 canoe access points at road intersections. We stopped for lunch somewhere before chalk banks on a small dry spot river left near a rope swing. The river has been divided into recreation water trails and has 24 canoe access points at road intersections. The visitor experiences miles of natural settings that one would normally expect in highly isolated areas. It was from these indigenous groups that the present Native American population descended. In addition to the topographic and vegetative variation from the upland to swamp areas, variety of landform is provided by tight meanders, varying channel width, white sand point bars, low natural levees, islands, sloughs and the backwaters of abandoned river channels. The river's headwaters are known as Drowning Creek; the waterway known as the Lumber River extends from the Scotland County-Hoke County border 115 miles downstream to the North Carolina-South Carolina border. It passes near Lumberton, NC. Wildlife: The Lumber River supports a diverse wildlife community. The regatta was a popular event, and local officials are interested in reviving it now that most of the obstructions have been removed. We got to Chalk Banks around 2pm. Outside population centers, remnants of cypress logging railroad trestles hidden along the river and intermittent bridges are among the very infrequent reminders that man ever played a role in the bottomland swamp of the Lumber River. The river’s headwaters are known as Drowning Creek; the waterway known as the Lumber River extends from the Scotland County-Hoke County border 115 miles downstream to the North Carolina-South Carolina border. An 18,191-acre portion is found in Scotland County, composed of a number of tracts of land. The Lumber River has all three classifications at some point along its course. Some of them were blue-eyed and bore familiar English names. The river offers visitors an opportunity to experience multi-day canoe trips on an unusually long and meandering blackwater river in a natural and uncrowded setting. It was from these indigenous groups that the present Native American population descended. The Woodland Period began between 2,000 B.C. A number of different Native American groups speaking different languages (Siouan, Iroquoian, Algonkian and Muskogean) were in the area. ); however, there are several notable rare and endangered animal species within the river system. Swimming: Swimming takes place at many areas along the river, particularly by local residents who are familiar with the river. Intensive canoeing activity can take place within the eight-mile stretch of river through Lumberton in Robeson County, ranging from N.C. 72 at McNeill’s bridge to its intersection with N.C. 72 at High Hill. The section that we did was at the beginning of the river near Wagram, NC. The Paleo-Indian Period, dating possibly to 20,000 B.C., is characterized by nomadism, hunting and food-gathering. In the early part of this period, the bows and arrows using small projectile points, or true arrowheads, were first used. Currents and obstructions by fallen trees provide additional variety and offer navigability challenges. Hunting: Hunting for survival and for sport has always been an important activity in the region. Sandbars and fallen logs provide habitat for fish. Swimming: Swimming takes place at many areas along the river, particularly by local residents who are familiar with the river. The NCWRC tries to maintain a small boat passageway along the lower river by cutting up to a six-foot-wide opening where downed trees cross the river. An inventory of tools found from this period shows adaptation to the forest environment. This annual event was discontinued because fallen trees had made that section of the river impassable. The middle portion from Back Swamp to Jacob Swamp Canal is wider, averaging 75 feet, and is classified as recreational because it offers outstanding recreational and scenic values and is largely free of impoundments, but has development and an extensive road system along its banks. The popularity of canoeing is reflected by the number of canoe rental operators in the Wagram, Burnt Island and Fair Bluff areas, as well as at Pembroke and Lumberton, the Robeson County Recreation Department being among them. Friday night we camped at the river acess on Turnpike Rd. We were paddling sea kayaks so it was quite difficult to get through the first part of the river. McMillan Beach has the potential to be incorporated into the open space trail system of the city. These contain high-quality natural communities or habitat for rare species; six natural community types are found in these 12 areas. These Native Americans abandoned the nomadic lifestyle for village life. Unfortunately, no standing structure related to these industries has been found that could be considered of historic value. Fern species and the insectivorous Venus flytrap grow along the stream banks. The endangered red-cockaded woodpecker is found in the uppermost reaches of the river. Native Americans constructed flat-topped earthen mounds as part of their ceremonial activities. The Lumber River is located in south-central North Carolina in the flat Coastal Plain. This classification lends itself to wilderness-type experiences, such as solitude and wildlife viewing. Light and dark contrast as sunlight filters through the dense forest canopy and dances on the smooth water surface. This area has good accessibility. There are several other interesting features of the Lumber River. Comfortroot is another uncommon plant found along the river; comfortroot is a candidate for State listing. Twelve State Natural Heritage Priority Areas have been identified along the river. The North Carolina Wildlife Resources Commission (NCWRC) manages three boating access areas along the river, which provide access for hunters. In addition to National Wild and Scenic River designation, the Lumber River is also part of the North Carolina Natural and Scenic River System (it was added in 1989). Hunting also takes place at the 231-acre Bullard and Branch Hunting Preserve in Robeson County. It became clear that we were not going to make Jasper Memory Campsite so we stopped and scouted the surroundings of hwy 1404 around 4:30pm. A few steep outcrops along the riverbank expose Coastal Plain formations and abundant marine fossils, providing additional scenic variation and complexity. It is on the east bank of the river about one-quarter of a mile upriver from the N.C. 72 intersection with the river. This section is classified as scenic, which is defined as largely primitive, undeveloped, and free of impoundments, but accessible by roads.
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