Nukes in the hands of thugs like Saddam Hussein won't give rogue leaders the wherewithal to win a fight against the United States, but they could be used as instruments of terror against American forces and allies. Nevertheless, these actions provide some Persian Gulf War. Makes military personnel called to active duty in the Persian Gulf eligible for the deferment of student loan repayments in the case of loans made under the Higher Education Act of 1965, such deferment lasting during the continuance of such duty. Title VII: Other Matters - Repeals a Federal provision containing certain limitations on the payment of unemployment compensation (prohibiting such payment before a certain time period and limiting the aggregate amount of such payment) with respect to discharged or released members of the armed forces. This study examined the stress response of 86 civilian subjects at the onset of the Persian Gulf War. At the conference, Iraq was authorized to fly armed helicopters on their side of the temporary border, ostensibly for government transit due to the damage done to civilian infrastructure. States that such amounts shall be based on the pay grades of veterans dying between January 1, 1957, and the last day of the month in which the Persian Gulf War ends if such is larger than the amount provided when based solely upon the age of the surviving spouse. Entitles reserve members called to active duty in connection with the Persian Gulf War to certain transitional health care benefits after release from such active duty until: (1) 60 days after release from such active duty; or (2) the date such member is covered by a health plan sponsored by a private employer. Amends the Small Business Act to authorize appropriations. Authorizes the SBA to make grants for veterans' outreach programs with governmental and private sector entities. Background: Gulf war veterans report more symptomatic ill-health than other military controls, and skin disease is one of the most frequent reasons for military personnel to seek medical care. Washington: U.S. Government Printing Office, 1992. Washington: Department of Defense, [1992]. Aim: To compare the nature and prevalence of skin disease in UK Gulf veterans with non-Gulf veterans, and to assess whether skin disease is associated with disability. For nearly half a century, the two nuclear superpowers were mutually driven by policies of nuclear deterrence. '3 Highlighted by recent concern over grave global implications of con- His approval rating stayed near that level for about a month, but declined to 54% in November 1990 amid increasing unease about a possible war and a rise in U.S. gas prices. The outcome of the war arguably poisoned the minds of many people, crippling relationships between many groups; particularly between the […] They are reinforced by reports this week from U.N. officials that Iraq has admitted making large purchases of uranium enrichment materials before the war so it could produce four or five nuclear weapons each year. Makes veterans of the Persian Gulf War suffering from war-related psychosis within two years of the end of such War eligible for treatment through the Department for a service-connected disability. A year later, long after memories of massive patriotic victory parades have faded, Saddam remains in power, still dangerous, still a threat to Mideast stability. As Aspin puts it: "Only mass destruction weapons, particularly nuclear ones, can offset huge U.S. advantages in conventional military power. The Marine Mammal Program was originally classified, and was at its peak during the Cold War. But despite warnings that Iraq posed a grave threat by imperiling the industrial world's access to oil, America's dependence on foreign oil continues. Title II: Veterans Education Benefits - Increases the monthly stipend available to members of the all-volunteer active-duty armed forces and the Selected Reserve for educational assistance provided under the Montgomery GI Bill armed forces and veterans' educational assistance programs. Defense for a New Era: Lessons of the Persian Gulf War.House Armed Services Committee. ( The war had quite a large impact on history, particularly modern history. The registry, known as the Gulf War Registry is modeled after the Agent Orange and Ionizing Radiation Registries. Iraq had largely financed the war effort through loans, and owed some $37 billion to Gulf creditors in 1990. Keep supporting great journalism by turning off your ad blocker. January 17, 1992 In the aftermath of the Persian Gulf War -- yes, that war, remember? The Gulf War, 1991 At the end of the Iran-Iraq War of 1980–1988, Iraq emerged with its state intact and a reinforced sense of national pride, but laden with massive debts. (. Gulf War. In the glow of victory, Bush soared to the highest approval ratings ever recorded for a president. -- India's military chief of staff reportedly drew this lesson: "Never fight the U.S. without nuclear weapons." Tanya Boozer, a Desert Storm veteran and veteran advocate, and who runs a Gulf War Veterans Facebook page, also said Linney is a Gulf War … The British Army's contribution to the international coalition force was based upon 1st Armoured Division. Vests responsibility for the coordination and formulation of policies relating to Federal assistance to such concerns with the Associate Administrator for Veterans Programs. Background: Gulf war veterans report more symptomatic ill-health than other military controls, and skin disease is one of the most frequent reasons for military personnel to seek medical care. Mandates the establishment of an interagency working group to develop a comprehensive outreach program for veterans of the Persian Gulf War and veterans affected by reductions in armed forces personnel.
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