"Turkification" was now reserved for Turkey in Europe and for the great compact territory of Asia Minor, the fastness of the Turkish race, by systematic and thorough processes, it being intended to make this wide area Turkish in population and spirit beyond question or doubt. These Regulations prescribe reserved descriptions, composition and manufacturing characteristics for edible acid casein, edible rennet casein and edible caseinates. provided that if there was a celebration in church on the day on which a sick person was to receive the Holy Communion, it should be reserved, and conveyed to the sick man's house to be administered to him; if not, the curate was to visit the sick person before noon and there celebrate according to a form which is given in the book. The tone was decorous and reserved, a moving elegy delivered by someone who didn't know the deceased very well. As for penal servitude, the punishment reserved for the gravest offences, great changes had been introduced. The word Prinz, actually synonymous with Fiirst, is reserved as the title of the non-reigning members of sovereign houses and, with certain exceptions (e.g. In person Lord Selborne was of about the average height: his manners when among strangers were somewhat reserved; his style, both in speaking and writing, was fluent, tending to diffuseness; his oratory was marked by uniform good sense and lucidity, both of arrangement and language; and if he never reached the highest level of oratorical excellence, he never descended to what was commonplace or irrelevant. to reunite and weld together the scattered members of his heritage. These seats are reserved for teachers. Owing to this circumstance, 104 places reserved to the new members of the Convention were left unfilled. 33. 274+12 sentence examples: 1. Compartments are reserved for all group bookings; groups are asked to travel together in the seats reserved for them. Gradually the canonization of saints came to be included in the centralizing movement which reserved to the pope the most important acts of ecclesiastical power. He reserved his defence, however, until his trial. It would seem that eight nuclei primarily arise in all Fucaceae, and that a number corresponding to the number of oospheres subsequently formed is reserved, the restbeing discharged to the periphery, where they may be detected at a late stage. The Post Office reserved the right to compete either directly or by granting other licences, and it was under no obligation to grant wayleaves. None of them, in point of fact, has held its ground, and even his proposal to denote unknown quantities by the vowels A, E, I, 0, u, Y - the consonants B, c, &c., being reserved for general known quantities - has not been taken up. reserved marinade during the last 10 minutes of grilling time. Additional troubleshooting information here. The confirmation and consecration of bishops is now reserved to the Holy See. It was reserved for his edition of Manilius (1579), and his De emendatione temporum (1583), to revolutionize all the received ideas of ancient chronology - to show that ancient history is not confined to that of the Greeks and Romans, but also comprises that of the Persians, the Babylonians and the Egyptians, hitherto neglected as absolutely worthless, and that of the Jews, hitherto treated as a thing apart, and that the historical narratives and fragments of each of these, and their several systems of chronology, must be critically compared, if any true and general conclusions are to be reached. They are also known as reserved matters and act as a guide for which … It was reserved for Georges Cuvier, who in 1798 published at Paris his Tableau elementaire de l'histoire naturelle des ani-. Meanwhile, make the sauce: Combine reserved tomato pulp with tomato sauce. Especially prominent is the fact that polymerism and metamerism are mainly reserved to the domain of organic chemistry, or the chemistry of carbon, both being discovered there; and, more especially, the phenomenon of metamerism in organic chemistry has largely developed our notions concerning the structure of matter. I have ticket reserved for today's matinee. categoryn categories of periodicals may be reserved for use in the Library only. The central part of the house may be devoted to permanent plants; the side stages and open spaces in the permanent beds should be reserved for the temporary plants. This they did by appointing new officials to exercise in their name the rights still reserved to them, or to which they laid claim. Finally the Imperial Ottoman government reserved to itself the right of paying off the whole unified debt at par at any moment, and all the dispositions of the decree of Muharrem not modified by the new " Annex-Decree " were formally confirmed and maintained. This is most commonly achieved by endoscopic balloon dilatation with surgical myotomy reserved for endoscopic failures. The clauses relating to the fisheries and the San Juan boundary were reserved for the approval of the Canadian parliament, which, in spite of much violent opposition, ratified them by a large majority. History shows that states forming unions of the second class are certain in after time to deny or assert that the sovereignty of the state is one of the rights reserved, according as the state belongs to a stronger or weaker section or faction; state sovereignty being the defence of the weaker state or faction, and being denied by the stronger group of states which controls the government and which asserts that a new sovereign state was created by a union of the former independent ones.
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