And, hymned by Jamadagni, let all nourishment that kine supply, And Gods bring to our rite which yields a fivefold gift the hero, lover of mankind! Indra and Agni! 1. To Kundapayya, grandson's son, grandson of Sringavrish! 2. 12. Who for ourselves, O thou most wise, is wealth and fair intelligence, 1. And do thou lay above the milk thy radiant hue! For Indra the sublime, the far-pervading, have singers generateo prayer and praises; who lend him aid are joyful foe And beauteous for the gladdening draught. 9. Gayatra, Trishtup, Jagat hymn. 1. Wealth-craving singers have on Indra set their hope, as men set foot upon a car. Rain from the heavens and hero strength! For Indra Soma-drinker, armed with thunder, press the Soma juice; 2. Flow vigilant for Indra, thou Soma, yea, Indu, run thou forth; Now, Indra, yoke thy two bay steeds! Let the weak bowstrings break upon the bows of our weak enemies! May we be thine, God Varuna, and with our princes, Mitra, thine: On flows the potent juice, sustainer of the heavens; the strength of Gods, whom men must hail with shouts of joy. Give us not, Indra, as a prey unto the scornful or the proud: 3. Make thou the rain descend from heaven 2. 5. hand and offer it on middile of the 2. Strong in thy deeds, quelling attack, Indra, Lord, mightiest! Drive ye disease and strife away, drive ye away malignity: 8. When wilt thou make us glorious? Indra, the mightiest of all. And general praises, flow to us! Unconquerable Lord of speech, dwelling beside Viavasvan, he 1. He takes his weapons, like a hero, in his hands, fain to win light, car-borne, in forays for the kine. 2. 2. Father, begetter of the Gods, most skilful, the buttress of the heavens and earth's supporter. 2. 6. The Brahmans have exalted thee, O Satakratu, like a pole. 2. Exhaustless, with the mouth below. 1. 3. 7. 2. 1. 10. 8. Indra, this might of thine I praise most highly for the sacrifice 1. 2. The wanderer, lagging not behind the hero, coming nigh with, speed! Within the iron-hammered vat. Here where the filter pours its stream, thy worshippers round May we, O Vasu, be most near to this thy bounty, food, and wealth! Strong pillar thou, Lord of the home! To glory goest thou, a Sage with ordering skill, like a groomed steed thou rushest forward to the prize. All-bounteous art thou in carouse. He, Agni, kindled, good and wise, must be entreated with a. song; From the two fire-sticks have the men engendered, with thought, urged by the hand, the glorious Agni, Display thy bounty, Thunderer: 3. Come hither, Indra, with bay steeds, joyous, with tails like peacock's plumes! Oblation-bearer, much-beloved Him who brings forth abundant food. who lookest on the sun, Bring the Gods hither to the feast! May Vata breathe his balm on us, healthful, delightful to our heart: This light, the best of lights, supreme, all conquering, winner of riches, is exalted with high laud. When, being cleansed, thou combatest. Song-lover! Stream on us riches that are craved by hundreds, best at winning spoil, 7. On, onward to a glorious home, free from all guile and dear to. Far-seeing Soma flows, the Steer, the Lord of hymns, the furtherer of days, of mornings, and of heaven. 2. In Indra are all creatures closely held; in him meet the distilling Soma-drops. None by his power or by his goodness hath attained. 3. For Indra girt by Maruts, flow, thou Indu, very rich in meath, 3. 2. Indu, to us for this great rite, bearing as 'twere thy wave to Gods, unwearied, thou art flowing on. te avantvasman II, Vargadvaya Pithrunaam With wealth of gold may this my song bring unmolested might; may this, pure, rejoice! 3. 3. Sing ye a song to Soma brown of hue, of independent might, Give us strength that we may live! 2. Let Tvashtar, Brahmanaspati, Parjanya guard our heavenly word, The deeds of him the mighty, deeds like Indra's, the manly one in whom the folk must triumph! Call on thee, wondrous, Thunder-armed. 1. 5. On riches, smite the Vritras dead! Giver of wordrous gifts in war. Lord of bay steeds, strong-jawed, sublime, he in joined hands for glory's sake hath grasped his iron thunderbolt. mode) (Upaveeti), 6. We in King Soma place our trust, in Agni, and in Varuna, This Lord of many holy laws, even at his birth engendering strength, The Sage hath robed him in the sheep's wool for the banquet of the Gods, And, lifting up his voice, while filtered, glided on. Sing this, beside the flowing juice, to him your hero, much-invoked, Effused, the source of Indra's joy: may your strong juices reach the Gods! Indu, with sheen approach the milk! vyapohathi na samsayah. In perfect unison have all your longing hymns that find the light of heaven sounded forth Indra's praise. Soma, flow splendid with thy copious stream in due succession through the ample fleece. Like pools of water deep and full, like kine thou cherishest thy might; 1. The men conduct him, Soma, Steer, omniscient the head of heaven. Come, let us praise the wise and, everlasting God even as a well-beloved friend, Showing the hidden, he drave forth the cows for the Angirasas, Strong Indu, bathed in milk, flows on for Indra, Soma exciting strength, for his carousal. 9. And all the splendid fame that the Five Tribes enjoy, bring, yea, all manly powers at once! Set forth the gleaming one, the song-inspirer, not foolish with. 3. 4. 1. Thou very mighty one, whose hands by virtue of thy greatness wield 1. 3. 1. Flow onward like the potent band of Maruts, like that celestial host which none revileth! 6. Sing forth to him whom many men invoke, to him whom many laud: For gain of strength that ever grows: for great is he. Sanskrit) mase, (Krishna/shukla) pakshe 2. We choose to-day that chariot-steed of thine, the strong, that brings us bliss, the guardian, the desire of all. In some families they only 6. 3. Let none, no, not thy worshippers, delay thee far away from us! Directed by the presser's arms bath pressed it. Indra, be pleased: drive forward, hero, striker of thy bays! 3. Come to ouf succour with your steeds, that ye may drink the 2. Bright, active God, thou makest fame increase like means of nourishment. O Indra, if a hundred heavens and if a hundred earths were thine,-- 3. These give us great heroic strength. 3. 1. May he who gives a hundred The Pavamanas have been shed, the beautified swift Somadrops, Driving all enemies afar. 3. The higher order learning in Sāmaveda which includes Veda Bhasyam is a rarity. But one who yokes the bright-hued horses, Etasas; then Indra yokes his tawny steeds. Who with exhilarating juice flows forth to all the deities. on milk and curds! 1.Wise Agni, in the ancient way, making his body beautiful, with singers' hymn; 7. Who are these radiant men in serried rank, Rudra's young heroes, too, with noble steeds? Listen / Download all Divine Chantings of Vedas in Sanskrit. Then, loudly lowing, came the cows to Indu, the chosen, wellloved master in the beaker. Riches and food with hero sons! Soma, the gladdening juice, flows pressed for Indra with his Marut host: he hastens o'er the fleece with all his thousand streams: him, him the men make pure and bright. Whom, served with sacrificial oil, like Mitra, men presenting gifts, 2. 2. With might hath Indra spread out heaven and earth, with power hath indra lighten up the Sun. Sate thee and finish thy carouse! 2. Eager to win the breathing and the breathless. Was gathered in his footstep's dust. With sharpened arms, with swift bow, never vanquished in battle, vanquishing in fight the foemen! Flow, pressed, into the filter, speed the heavenly one who winneth wealth, who bringeth booty through our juice! 2017 - 2020 | Powered by Xenovex Technologies, Start / Participate in a Campaign (to be new page), Prayer for ailments (இடர்களையும் பதிகங்கள்), திருவாதவூரடிகள் புராணம் - நேரலை சீகம்பட்டி இராமலிங்கம் ஐயா அவர்கள், பெரியபுராண இசைப் பாராயணம் - நேரலை மயிலை சற்குருநாத தேசிகர் ஓதுவாமூர்த்திகள். Flow to us, Indu, very strong, effused, with wealth of kine and, steeds, If, loving well the forests, thou wentest to thy maternal floods,
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