This is just behind the Pastoral Center at 3290 Middlefield Road. “St Thomas Aquinas and All Saints, Bletchley” in the NOTES SECTION of the donate page. To date, we have $1,850 in the pot. That his holy example may influence an ever increasing number of souls, grant, O Lord, the favors we ask through his intercession. Amen N.B. Donations, by check, of $15.00 each can be made to Coventry Cemetery Commission, 1712 Main St., Coventry Ct 06238. The largely-Muslim makeup of Azerbaijan and the history of Armenian... Alex Wong Cardinal Theodore E. McCarrick, Archbishop of Washington, speaks on the importance of serving God and the others to audiences during the "Theology on Tap" program at Ireland's... Daniel Ibanez Cardinal Vincent Nichols, Archbishop of Westminster, celebrated a Mass of Thanksgiving for the canonization of St. John Henry Newman at the Basilica of St. John Lateran in Rome on Oct... Next Session Pastoral Garden Cleanup Our next work day is planned for the 4th Saturday in February, the 22th, from 9 to 11:00am (or however much time you can spare). Monday: 9:00 AM, English, (Some Italian and Spanish.) Students from the University of Richmond, Notre Dame, and the University of Charleston camped at the St. Thomas Student Center while donating their time to help others. Official website of St. Thomas Aquinas Catholic Church and School. St. Thomas Aquinas Catholic Church. for outdoor Mass and max of 100 people for indoor Mass. 1 Brochure written by Father Michael Tracey, 2 Hattiesburg, A Pictorial History by Kenneth McCarthy, 3 List of pastors and dates from Sacred Heart pictorial directory, circa 1985, 4 Diary of Bishop Gerow, Biloxi Diocese archives, 6 Documents from archives of Biloxi Diocese, 8 Sr. Rebecca Rutkowski, archives Biloxi Diocese. USM’s continued growth with over 800 Catholic students prompted chaplain Father John Rietti to launch a new building program. In this week’s video of Ask a Priest Anything, Fr. Obtain for me also the special favor which I now ask through your intercession with God. A tree fell on the corner of the church, and the roofs of all St. Thomas structures were compromised. On August 29, 2005 Hurricane Katrina created catastrophic damage on the Gulf Coast and serious damage in the Hattiesburg area. A party February, 2012 celebrated its completion. Extraordinary Ministers of the Holy Eucharist,, Everyday from 9:00am - Sunset @ St. Albert the Great,,,, of disciples working together for the glory of God and, our spiritual growth in Jesus Christ. If you cannot join us for daily Mass, you are encouraged to say the prayers on your own. Please ensure that you type the parish name and area i.e. People sometimes forget life's ultimate purpose is to prepare for the kingdom of heaven, Pope Francis said. For more updates on coronavirus from the diocese of San Jose, see their website: U.S. Bishops' Positions on Social Justice Iss, Central American Free Trade Agreement (CAFTA), Global Trade; Who's Helped? In the first month of operation over 40 trucks, many 18 wheelers, delivered supplies to St. Thomas. Saturday: 3:00pm - 4:00pm. Founded in 1876. 8:00am (English), For more updates on coronavirus from the diocese of San Jose, see their website: Remember, you may enter as many times as you wish. In 1952 Msgr. On his way to OMI Seminary for the Clergy Retreat in June 1962, Bishop R.O. Masks Required / Social Distancing / Limited Seating, Saint Thomas Aquinas Phone: 860-429-6436 As we continue our efforts to stay safe, please follow these directives: If possible, bring your own portable/picnicking chairs. Fairfield, CT 06824|Ph: 203-255-1097 Mass Times. La misa en espanol tambien esta disponible por zoom siguiendo este link: 200-person max for outdoor services; 100-person max for indoor services - 8am Sunday Mass, St. Thomas Aquinas Parish now offers Online Giving! Memorial of Saint Josaphat, Bishop and Martyr. During this period St. Thomas served the spiritual needs of 100 campus-related families in addition to the Catholic students of USM. Email: When the Vatican publishes its lengthy report on the rise to power of ex-cardinal and priest Theodore McCarrick, there will likely be several influential people included, both in the American... Pope Francis met with Father Pierluigi Maccalli, a member of the Society of African Missions, who was freed more than two years after he was kidnapped in Niger. Additional envelopes are available in the back of Church and in the Parish Office. Mark Ropel became Pastor of St.Thomas, serving with Assistant Pastor Fr. By logging in you can: Access featured local businesses and churches in your area. An old home, which was subsequently identified by parishioners as The Brown Building, and a prefabricated building on a 3-acre lot were purchased at a total cost, including renovation of $25,000. We will miss you, Father John! O Lord, Who on earth both praised and practiced the hidden life, grant that, in these days of pride and outward display, the humble ways of Your servant, Saint John Neumann, may inspire us to imitate Your divine example. Presented by Our Lady Queen of Peace Retreat Team Welcome to the St. Thomas Aquinas Parish On Thursday, November 19, 2020, come join in praying with Bishop Cote a Eucharistic Holy Hour for Vocations.
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