It is the role of the setting to help children experience the awe and wonder of the world in which they live, through the seven areas of learning’. Ofsted have published a document that sets out approaches that inspectors should take when inspecting safeguarding elements of the inspection in EIF. Deciding whether an incident is 'serious' and warrants notification to Ofsted will depend on many factors, including the age of the child, the frequency of the incident(s), the nature of any injuries sustained, any additional needs the child has and the context of the home. In these situations, the inspector is likely to ask for additional information to be sent directly by e-mail rather than through a series of further notifications. Any member of staff can complete the notification form, but the manager or proprietor is responsible for ensuring notifications are made. Notification updates 4 What is meant by ‘serious’? If any of the children are eligible for the early years pupil premium or subject to a child protection plan or child in need plan, at least one of them must be included in the sample of those tracked. The notification must include details of: Notifications should not just be a chronology of events. Regulation 40 (safeguarding notifications) of the Children's Homes (England) Regulations 2015 sets out the arrangements for notifications by the registered person in relation to serious incidents which should be shared with Ofsted. Notifications to Ofsted should be made by using the online notification form. Home; Cookies on Find an Ofsted inspection report; Cookies on Find an Ofsted inspection report . Ofsted do not need to be sent updates in relation to any notifications made, though it may be appropriate to share updates with the placing authority and other relevant persons. For Good (2) ‘leaders engage with their staff and are aware of the main pressures on them. The line between what is serious, and what is not, can be blurred and is always a matter of judgement. Ofsted do not need to be notified of accidents or illnesses in Children's Homes.
4 ‘Without delay’ 5 On inspection 5 Quality of notifications 6. Update your Ofsted details to meet the new registration requirements. A child being the victim or perpetrator of a serious assault; Serious concerns over a child's missing behaviour, such as where you consider the child to be at grave risk due to age or vulnerability or where they have been missing for a considerable period of time and their whereabouts are unknown. Guidance for children’s homes providers: notifying Ofsted of a serious event April 2018, No. (. %PDF-1.6
The ‘Quality of education’ refers to the EYFS curriculum, the educational programmes provided through the curriculum framework. Where a child, visitor or member of staff is involved in a serious accident in the home, the HSE should be informed.
Regardless of whether Ofsted are notified, the home must share any concerns about the child or their behaviour with the placing authority, in order to safeguard the child and promote their welfare. Notifications to Ofsted should be made by using the online notification form. Inspectors will ask for information on learning from notifications during subsequent inspections. to be relevant in relation to the care, protection or safeguarding of a particular child in all the
You will be asked to display the notice that tells parents that your setting is being inspected at the start of the inspection. ‘Inspectors must discuss with leaders and practitioners what they intend children to learn, know and do as a result of the curriculum offer’. This procedure summarises who must be notified of serious events in relation to Looked After Children placed in children's homes. The notification call is an important part of the process of inspection and an opportunity not only for the inspector to gain important information but also for the provider to ask any questions before the day when the inspector arrives. Incidents which are likely to be considered serious (and thus warrant notification to Ofsted as well as the placing authority) include: A serious illness or accident would include matters such as fractured bones, when a child loses consciousness or situations that require admittance to hospital for more than 24 hours. If any of the following people are convicted of a criminal offence, they must notify Ofsted in writing without delay giving details of the date and place of the conviction, the offence and the penalty imposed: Where a notification is required to Ofsted, see relevant forms online: Tell Ofsted about an Incident - Online Forms and Guidance. This enables the provider to see where the inspector has identified areas of strength or weakness and can provide them with an opportunity to respond with further or additional information or evidence offering clarity and verification of practice in the setting. The intention is that Ofsted should only be notified of the most serious incidents. In order for the effectiveness of leadership and management to be judged Good (2) the provider will demonstrate a ‘culture of safeguarding that facilitates effective arrangements to: identify children who may need early help or are at risk of neglect, abuse, grooming or exploitation; help children to reduce their risk of harm by securing the support they need, or referring in a timely way to those who have the expertise to help; and manage safe recruitment and allegations about adults who may be a risk to children.’ In order to achieve Outstanding (1) the provider will meet this criteria ‘securely and consistently’. In urgent situations, Ofsted can be contacted by telephone (0300 123 1231). Working in partnership with our nurseries since 2004. Guidance for children’s homes providers: notifying Ofsted of a serious event April 2018, No. See HSE website for forms to report incidents to the HSE. Where a child or member of staff is involved in a serious accident in the home, the HSE should be informed. b����1V���5�H������� Allegation of abuse against the home or a person working there. Referral of a person working in the home pursuant to section 35 (Regulated activity providers: duty to refer) of the Safeguarding Vulnerable Groups Act 2006. Wherever possible, actions should be planned to reduce the likelihood of similar incidents occurring again. They must not ‘advocate a particular method of planning’. There may be occasions when an inspector will ask for an update following a serious incident because this would be helpful in understanding what has happened and the action that you have taken. Inspectors will seek to find out the following information in order to form their lines of enquiry: Notice is given for ‘group provision’ by telephone, normally around midday on the working day before the start of the inspection.
We use this information to improve our site. They will need to gather evidence to determine progress made. What are notifications? 603 0 obj
Any member of staff can complete the notification form, but the manager or proprietor is responsible for ensuring notifications are made. Before the inspector makes their final judgment they ‘should always check with the provider whether further evidence should be taken into account’. This conversation will be wider than the process of notifying (or not notifying) Ofsted, and will focus on your response to any incidents in terms of safeguarding practice and outcomes for children. 180021 3 Introduction 1. If the Registered Provider is an organisation, any director of that organisation; If the Registered Provider is a partnership, any partner in that partnership. A new phrase and focus in the Education Inspection Framework for early years inspection is what Ofsted refer to as cultural capital. It is important to note that: The handbook states that ‘Inspectors must spend most of the inspection time gathering first-hand evidence by observing the quality of the daily routines and activities of children and staff’. Even though Ofsted are not updated, it may be appropriate to share updates with the placing authority and other relevant persons. (H��x��frs����A�q��r��J�塴�5U��7�^�A��[� p� T
The Secretary of State (if the Secretary of State is not the placing authority); The local authority in whose area the children's home is located (if that local authority is not the placing authority); The Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG) for the area in which the home is located; If the child was accommodated in a Secure Children's Home, the Prisons and Probation Ombudsman for England and Wales (“the PPO”); The local authority designated officer (LADO) for the area where the home is located; The local authority in whose area the children's home is located (if different to the placing authority) which will have responsibility for ensuring appropriate enquiries are made under Section 47 of the Children Act 1989; [1] “relevant person” means any person, body or organisation that the registered person considers
5 Of all notifications received in 2017-18, 200 (52%) were about boys and 184 (48%) were about girls. These are ‘counted’ as new notifications for data purposes. Serious Incident Notifications from local authority children’s se rvices Responsible Statistician: Adam King, Published on: 25 10 2018.
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