Risked his life and led his men to repeatedly attack the enemy, assist another Marine unit that had inflicted heavy casualties and led his unit to a helicopter for evacuation. listed in alphabetical order by their last name: If you or someone you know is suicidal He’s a war hero because he was captured. The recipients must have distinguished themselves at the risk of their own life above and beyond the call of duty in action against an enemy of the United States. For diving on top of a flare to eject it from an aircraft, saving the aircraft and the entire crew on board. Votes: 1,376 | Gross: $23.67M During the Vietnam War and in the following twelve months, 235 Medals of Honor were awarded and since 1978 a further 26 awards have been presented. it was a conflict nobody in america wants to remember. On that day, while in Hậu Nghĩa Province in the Republic of Vietnam, Sargent threw himself on two enemy hand grenades, sacrificing himself but saving the lives of two men nearby. Families allege California is failing to educate poor, minority students during pandemic . For rescuing a group of surrounded American troops with his helicopter. Although already wounded, he sacrificed his life to save other soldiers who were pinned down by silencing two enemy gun emplacements and diving into a third with a grenade. He later renounced his medal of honor. Col Harry Summers, USA, argued in his classic book On Strategy: The Vietnam War in Context (Carlisle Barracks, Pa.: Strategic Studies Institute, 1981) that the arrival of North Vietnamese troops in the south in 1964 changed the complexion of the Vietnam War to a conventional struggle. Vietnam War Heroes.From 1962 approximately 50,000 Australians, including ground troops, air force and navy personnel served in Vietnam. Of the total of 261 awards, 174 were to the US Army, 15 to the US Navy, 58 to the USMC and 14 to the USAF. He continued to direct his men and refused treatment until his men were taken care of. Saved wounded Americans on a search and clear operation, Although wounded he directed fire on enemy positions and continued to fight until he died from his wounds, Was killed while attempting to rescue a wounded soldier from a personnel carrier. Exposed himself to enemy fire in order to place his three surviving wounded comrades in rescue slings, permitting them to be airlifted to safety. 520 died and close to 2,400 were wounded. The unknown soldier from the Vietnam War who was buried in the Tomb of the Unknowns was authorized a Medal of Honor and in 1998 was identified as 1st Lieutenant Michael Blassie, USAF. Assumed command of a rifle company upon death of the commander in an ambush and directed the counterattack. Sacrificed himself to save others by smothering an enemy grenade with his body, For refusing evacuation while tending wounded and defending the unit's position, Risked his life to assist a group of Marines who had been attacked by a larger enemy force. Led his men in the seizure of enemy ammunition and supplies and continued to counterattack the enemy using artillery fire and air support. Each name is listed with great honor and respect. For letting a Vietnamese soldier take his spot in a helicopter rescue, while he stayed behind to attempt to hold off advancing Viet Cong by which he was overrun. Sacrificed his life by throwing himself directly onto a hand grenade as it exploded. Sacrificed his life to save several of his fellow Marines by smothering a grenade with his body, For defending his 42-man unit from hundreds of attacking Viet Cong, For actions as a prisoner of war from August 26, 1967 – March 4, 1973, Sacrificed his life and saved several Marines by blocking them from the blast of a grenade, Flew repeated close range strikes to silence enemy defensive positions, ignoring overwhelming firepower and damage to his own aircraft, Sacrificed his life to draw the enemy fire upon himself allowing a trapped squad to rejoin their platoon. Risked his life to repel the enemy and protect his soldiers during an enemy assault on his firebase. Single-handedly destroyed a Viet Cong bunker and was then killed while chasing the retreating enemy soldiers. Rescued a wounded comrade and then smothered the blast of an enemy-thrown grenade with his body to protect other soldiers. A Vietnam vet returns home from a prisoner of war camp and is greeted as a hero, but is quickly forgotten and soon discovers how tough survival is in his own country. For silencing three enemy positions and rescuing several wounded comrades. For his courageous actions while serving as radio telephone operator in Company C, 1st Battalion (Airmobile), 501st Infantry, 101st Airborne Division (Airmobile) during search and clear mission. For twice providing covering fire for his squad's withdrawal despite heavy enemy fire, After a group of enemy insurgents attacked he organized a defense and repelled the enemy throughout the night. Sacrificed his life in an attempt to assist a wounded soldier, Along with another soldier attacked and defeated multiple enemy bunkers. [6] Thomas Bennett and Joseph LaPointe were conscientious objectors who received the medal for their actions as a medic;[7] three chaplains received the medal, including Vincent R. Capodanno, who served with the Marine Corps and was known as the "Grunt Padre".[8]. [3] These totals do not include the award to the Vietnam Unknown Soldier. Sacrificed his life by flying his aircraft dangerously slow and low to destroy enemy machine gun emplacements until his aircraft was shot down. The war was fought between the Communist-supported Democratic Republic of Vietnam and the United States-supported Republic of Vietnam, beginning with the presence of a small number of US military advisors in 1955 and escalating into direct US involvement in a ground war in 1965. Although losing his arm and repeatedly losing consciousness from loss of blood after the helicopter he was on was shot down he fought back an enemy gun emplacement and assisted in the rescue of a fallen officer. [1], The Vietnam War, (also known as the Second Indochina War, Vietnam Conflict, and in Vietnam as the American War), took place from 1955 to 1975. War: Vietnam War, 1961-1975 Branch: Navy Service Location: United States Naval Training Center (USNTC), San Diego, Camp Pendleton, Coronado and Alameda, California; Midway Island; Vietnam Theme: Vietnam War: Looking Back: Joseph Stephen Acsai War: World War, 1939-1945 Branch: Army Service Location: Africa; Sicily, Italy Theme: The War: Jay S. Adams War: World War, 1939-1945 … After all wounded had been evacuated he joined another platoon and assisted in pursuing the enemy. For some, the Vietnam Veterans Memorial in Washington, D.C., is another stop on a long list of tourist attractions; for others, it’s a special chance to see and touch the name of a lost loved one enshrined forever. The US Navy’s repatriation of some 300,000 civilians from North Vietnam to the South, under the provisions of the Geneva Accords. Although wounded multiple times he continued to fight and refused medical aid until the enemy attack was over. Distinguished himself by realizing that Army Rangers were walking into an ambush and, with no air support close by and no radio communication with the Rangers, he sacrificed his life to alert the Rangers of the danger. Only 7,500 North Vietnamese army (NVA) troops were in South Vietnam by July 1965 (\"Memorandum, McNamara to the President,\" 3 November 1965, National Security Files, Country File: Vietnam, Folder 2… Risked his life attempting to save the lives of his entrapped comrades and commanding officer, Threw himself between enemy fire and an injured fellow Marine, Covered a grenade with his helmet and body, saving eight men, Risked his life by repeatedly leading groups of men in fighting back an enemy attack. From 1962, approximately 50,000 Australians, including ground troops, air force and navy personnel served in Vietnam. Drove off squads of enemy soldiers on three occasions who were searching for allied wounded and weapons. Maintained his position, refused assistance, and provided defensive fire for his comrades until he fell mortally wounded. Single-handedly destroyed an enemy bunker, rescued a wounded comrade from under heavy fire, and attacked and destroyed two more bunkers by himself before being mortally wounded while attacking a fourth bunker. All heroes are listed alphabetically by their last name. So, instead of receiving a heroes welcome when these superstars returned to America, they were mistreated, vilified, and scorned. Held his position in the face of enemy ambush despite having his lower leg blown off, allowing the remainder of his outnumbered unit to move to safety. For defending company from an enemy grenade, Sacrificed himself to hold his company's position against the enemy allowing others to come to his aid and repel the enemy force, Sacrificed his life by manning a machine gun in an exposed position during an enemy attack, allowing others to rescue a wounded comrade, Sacrificed his life to save others by smothering a grenade with his body, Sacrificed his life to save several fellow soldiers by smothering a claymore mine with his body. SHARE. Was a medic who was killed while treating and rescuing members of his unit. The only Canadian recipient since World War II, and one of only four since 1900. Delta 1/5 Names Air Force Names Army Names Marines Names Navy Names Other Names Photo Albums Reunions Ribbons & Medals Old Guest Book Other Stuff. Read Now Brave Men, Gentle Heroes: American Fathers and Sons in World War II and Vietnam PDF Book. It took an act of Congress for Etchberger to be reconsidered for this 2010 Medal of Honor, since the existence of Lima Site 85 had to be kept secret in 1968. Just getting use to how everything works again. In 1954 , after the First Indochina War, Vietnam received their independence from the French Empire thanks to the rebellion lead by Ho Chi Minh. Vietnam War Our Fallen Heroes Some Terminology Some Timelines War Memorials PTSD Government Links: Here is a list of some of the Delta 1/5 Marines. Placed himself between an enemy grenade and his shipmates, absorbing most of the blast fragments with his own body in order to protect his shipmates from injury and death. For creating a diversion at the expense of his own life and providing his squad time to evacuate two wounded soldiers. Specialist Rascon's showed extraordinary valor in the face of deadly enemy fire, heroism in rescuing the wounded, and gallantry by repeatedly risking his own life for his fellow soldiers. Drew Dix — U.S. Army. For absorbing an explosive charge and continuing to fight with weapons and hand to hand before successfully defending a bunker. Sacrificed his life to shield another soldier from a rocket blast, absorbing the full blast with his body. Exposed himself to enemy fire and overran an enemy squad, continuing to provide cover fire until the lead element had overrun a second enemy squad and he fell mortally wounded. Risked his life by attacking an enemy SAM site and other enemy targets multiple times. While wounded he secured a machine gun and fired on the enemy, refusing evacuation until his injured comrades were taken. .mw-parser-output .legend{page-break-inside:avoid;break-inside:avoid-column}.mw-parser-output .legend-color{display:inline-block;min-width:1.25em;height:1.25em;line-height:1.25;margin:1px 0;text-align:center;border:1px solid black;background-color:transparent;color:black}.mw-parser-output .legend-text{} Grey background and † indicates that the Medal of Honor was awarded posthumously.All locations are in South Vietnam (Republic of Vietnam) unless otherwise stated. The first Medal of Honor presentation for Vietnam was to Captain Roger Donlon for actions on 6 July 1964 as commanding officer of the U.S. Army Special Forces Detachment defending Camp Nam Dong against a Viet Cong attack.
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