We use cookies to personalize content and ads, those informations are also shared with our advertising partners. Tian, Yuren and on the rheology of dilute emulsions in Stokes flow. 1999. Phillips, Scott D. Holt, R. Glynn 1995. This data will be updated every 24 hours. Smoothed particle hydrodynamics (SPH), as a Lagrangian meshfree particle method, has been applied to modeling viscous liquid drop with surface tension and wetting dynamics. Narayana, K. Badari Air effects are reduced to a level where they are insignificant. By closing this alert, scrolling this page, clicking on a link or continuing navigation in any other way, you consent to the use of cookies. Trinh, E. H. and Mitchell, Garrick F. However, the attractive forces between SPH particles originated from the cohesive pressure of the vdW equation of state can lead to tensile instability, which is associated with unphysical phenomena such as particle clustering or blowing away. The means are the Galerkin/finite-element technique, an implicit predictor-corrector method, and Newton's method for solving the resulting system of nonlinear algebraic equations. Scott, Timothy C. A fundamental understanding of nonlinear oscillations of a viscous liquid drop is needed in diverse areas of science and technology. A fundamental understanding of nonlinear oscillations of a viscous liquid drop is needed in diverse areas of science and technology. cookie policy. and We use cookies to distinguish you from other users and to provide you with a better experience on our websites. The answer to this crossword puzzle is 6 letters long and begins with B. 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For more information see, The dynamics of colliding and oscillating drops, Studies of the nuclear equation of state using numerical calculations of nuclear drop collisions, Three-dimensional oscillations of liquid drops, Drop oscillations in liquid–liquid systems, Materials processing in the reduced-gravity of space, The fluid mechanics of roll coating: steady flows, stability, and rheology, A numerical method for studying simple drop behavior: simple oscillation, On the time-dependent solution of the incompressible Navier–Stokes equations in two and three dimensions, The particle-in-cell method for numerical solution of problems in fluid dynamics, Relativistic fluid dynamics calculations with the particle-in-cell technique, Frontal solution program for unsymmetric matrices, A comparison of various mixed interpolation finite elements in the velocity-pressure formulation of the Navier–Stokes equations, Penalty finite element analysis of unsteady free surface flows, Oscillations of drops in zero gravity with weak viscous effects, On the smoothing property of the Crank–Nicholson scheme, The oscillations of a droplet immersed in another fluid, Quadratic resonance in the three-dimensional oscillations of inviscid drops with surface tension, Third-order resonance effects and the nonlinear stability of drop oscillations, Fluid dynamical description of relativistic nuclear collisions, Spectral methods for problems in complex geometries, Nonlinear oscillations of inviscid free drops, Normal-mode analysis for the oscillations of a viscous liquid drop in an immiscible liquid, The oscillations of a viscous liquid drop, Study of coating flow by the finite element method, Characteristics of electric-field-induced oscillations of translating liquid droplets, The effects of surfactants on drop deformation and breakup, Large-amplitude free and driven drop-shape oscillations: experimental observations, Nonlinear dynamics and break-up of charged drops, Nonlinear oscillations of inviscid drops and bubbles, The frontal method in hydrodynamics simulations, https://doi.org/10.1017/S002211209200199X, Oscillations of liquid drops: results from USML-1 experiments in Space, The deformation of a liquid drop moving normal to a plane wall, A theoretical study of the motion of a viscous drop toward a fluid interface at low Reynolds number, The influence of initial deformation on drop breakup in subcritical time-dependent flows at low Reynolds numbers, Buoyancy-driven motion of a deformable drop through a quiescent liquid at intermediate Reynolds numbers, A deformable liquid drop falling through a quiescent gas at terminal velocity, Breakup of concentric double emulsion droplets in linear flows, Buoyancy-driven interactions between two deformable viscous drops, The effect of surfactants on drop deformation
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