If you were on a PBA contract, you must receive written confirmation from your employment business confirming your right to equal pay by 30th April 2020. Many agencies will let you come straight into the office to sign up for work. Initially, a company will get in touch with them to say they have a role on offer. However, it’s always worth calling ahead and making an appointment, just to make sure they have roles available in your industry. They should check that the hirer has carried out a thorough health and safety risk assessment, and ensure that you are made aware of the situation before placing you with the organisation... Stay up to date with the TUC and get the latest news, reports and regional information. All employment businesses are regulated by Conduct of Employment Agencies and Employment Businesses Regulations (2003) which are enforced by the Employment Agencies Standards Inspectorate (EAS). This information was produced by the Recruitment & Employment Confederation (REC) the professional body for UK recruitment agencies and businesses and the TUC who exist to make the working world a better place for everyone, representing more than 5.5 million working people who make up our 48 member unions. If you're an agency worker, your contract is with the employment agency. You should never be charged to use a recruitment agency. I work through an agency. Coronavirus (COVID-19): latest advice for employers and employees. They place you with a company ('hiring organisation') for a temporary period of work ('assignment'). As an agency worker, your agency has a responsibility not to place you in a job for which you are not appropriately qualified. You’ll then be able to walk into that interview feeling totally prepared, with everything you need to nail it. Employment agencies might offer other services for a fee, such as: If the agency does charge a fee for these other services, they must not: If they do charge you, you should be able to cancel and get your money back, if you give the following notice: If you think you've been charged a fee unfairly, you can report the agency to the Employment Agency Standards Inspectorate (EAS) on GOV.UK. They place you with a company ('hiring organisation') for a temporary period of work ('assignment'). Nothing beats being a union member, but if you are looking for particular guidance on a workplace issue have a look at our workplace guidance. If you want to find out more about your rights as agency worker, unions can help. If you are not satisfied you can make a complaint about an REC member here: If you would like more information on your rights and entitlements as an agency worker, or to make a complaint against an employment business, you can contact the ACAS helpline on 0300 123 1100 or find information online at. Black Friday: when is it and what deals on courses are coming? In addition, you should not be unfairly dismissed or subject to a detriment when you exercise your right to receive equal pay. And one of the best resources you can take advantage of are recruitment agencies. Am I an employee or a worker? If you're self-employed and do not have a limited company, you might use an umbrella company to process your pay when you get an assignment through an agency. We cannot respond to questions sent through this form. But from 6 April 2020, it will be unlawful if you don’t receive equal pay after the 12 weeks qualifying period if you are on a PBA contract. Please do not include any personal details, for example email address or phone number. Job hunting can be a lonely process, but it becomes so much less so when you’re with a recruitment agency. Finding a job isn’t always an easy process…. You’re an agency worker if all the following things apply to you: Finding a job through a recruitment agency has a lot of advantages. Alternatively, if you’ve added your CV to an online database, recruitment consultants may contact you directly to let you know they have a relevant role. If you have a question about your individual circumstances, call our helpline on 0300 123 1190. To access the admin area, you will need to setup two-factor authentication (TFA). The recruitment agency will then either: When they’ve sourced some suitable candidates, they’ll then send them through to the company for approval, and generally arrange interviews for the best-matching candidates. You also have the right to be accompanied at a workplace disciplinary or grievance hearing by either a trade union representative or an existing colleague. Essentially, they streamline the whole jobseeking process. Some agency workers are 'temporary agency workers', engaged by an employment agency or business and sent to perform fixed term assignments at the premises of a different business (the 'hirer'). When you're on an assignment, the hiring organisation is responsible for directing your work. They’ll handle all of the paperwork and other formalities, and liaise with your new employer to make sure everything is in place for your first day and beyond. When you’re working on a job, the employer tells you how you should do your work. Recruitment agencies work in a number of different ways. If you have this arrangement, you would usually be classed as an employee of the umbrella company. The TUC has a history of developing analysis and research to inform economic and employment-related issues. Key information should be set out in your agreement with an employment business including: When offered an assignment you should receive information including: Changes to your terms and conditions can only be made if you agree. How do recruitment agencies work? Many agency workers have joined trade unions because unions can negotiate improved pay and other terms and conditions. You might also be called a temp. Before offering you an assignment, the agency must: When the agency offers you an assignment, at the same time they must give you details including: By law, these details must be given to you in writing or by email straight away when they offer you the assignment, or within 3 working days if they told you verbally to start with. Provisions previously meant that you could be paid between assignments, instead of receiving equal pay after 12 weeks of working for the same client in the same role. This is done to capture seasonal differences in pay for some agency workers. Buy James Reed's latest book », School leaver CV & cover letter templates, Look at their current database, to find matching candidates, Post the job online to source applicants with the right skills, Constructive feedback from each interview and employer, Being put forward for any relevant roles that come up. Here’s a quick guide to recruitment agencies, and a few tips to help get you started: Recruitment agencies match candidates to job vacancies, working with companies directly to help fill their roles. www.rec.uk.com/about-us/membership/compliance/code-of-practice2, National Minimum Wage or National Living Wage, Protection from unlawful deductions from your wages, Statutory Maternity and Paternity Pay, Shared Parental Pay and Adoption Pay, Statutory holiday entitlement - 5.6 weeks paid holiday a year, Right not to be charged direct or indirect fees for finding a job, Right to a payslip which includes details of hours worked, Maximum working time - 48 average hours a week (you can opt out of this if you choose), To be automatically enrolled into a pension if you meet the required criteria, Protection from unlawful discrimination under the Equality Act 2010, Access to the same onsite facilities as an employee such as staff canteens, food and drinks machines, showers, childcare, and car parking, Equal pay as a permanent employee doing the same job, Equal treatment with permanent employees with regard to rest breaks, holidays and working time, Paid time off for ante-natal appointments, The identity of the employment business or other entity (e.g. From 6th April 2020 you will be entitled to a ‘Key Information Document’ (KID) before you enter into an agreement with an employment business. Some agency workers are 'temporary agency workers', engaged by an employment agency or business and sent to perform fixed term assignments at the premises of a different business (the 'hirer'). All REC members are listed in a Member Directory and you can search this by sector, location and placement type. Firstly, they’ll often have built up good relationships with a lot of top employers, giving you exclusive access to their jobs. © Trades Union Congress 2020, unless otherwise stated, https://archive.acas.org.uk/article/6493/Rights-while-working-as-an-agency-worker, www.gov.uk/government/organisations/employment-agency-standards-inspectorate. Who is responsible for my safety as an agency worker? For more information go to: Trade unions offer protection, independent advice and support at work. The top courses to help you get hired November 2020, 101 Interview Questions You'll never fear again, Find out what future employers are looking for and land your dream job, Full-time hours vs. part-time hours: What you need to know, How to make your CV stand out during COVID-19, New Write a killer CV Find out what future employers are looking for and land your dream job. All agency workers, subject to meeting the qualifying criteria are entitled to: For further information – please visit the ACAS website: https://archive.acas.org.uk/article/6493/Rights-while-working-as-an-agency-worker, In addition to the above, agency workers have other rights under the Agency Worker Regulations (2010). View all recruitment agency roles now. The KID must contain information including: A KID must be provided even if you are working through an umbrella company, intermediary or your own company . This comes into force following changes to the Employment Rights Act. And, even though the roles they advertise will be working for other companies, many of them won’t state the company name until you reach the interview stage. By clicking Submit you agree to the terms and conditions applicable to our service and acknowledge that your personal data will be used in accordance with our privacy policy and you will receive emails and communications about jobs and career related topics. If you have worked for fewer than 52 weeks, the pay reference period will be the number of whole weeks you have worked.
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