Starting ZOLGENSMA Please see the Indication and Important Safety Information on page 7 and the accompanying This information does not take the place of talking to your healthcare professional about medical conditions and treatments. You will need to sign the Patient Consent Form to access all of the support provided by the OneGene Program. Remember to talk to your doctor and care team about any family members you would like to have with you on treatment day. This is via an intrathecal (IT) injection, which is an injection into directly into the cerebrospinal fluid through the lower back. It is designed to support and guide you and your family before, during, and after treatment. Your doctor should perform baseline liver function, platelet, and troponin-I tests. Get these answers and many more in this in-depth guide created just for caregivers. ZOLGENSMA is given as a one-time infusion into a vein. How do you start ZOLGENSMA treatment? Your doctor will determine when to gradually reduce the dose of the corticosteroid and when to stop it. Hear about the day they received ZOLGENSMA and see how they are doing years after treatment. Find helpful information about ZOLGENSMA, including how it works and how to start treatment. Once your child has been treated with ZOLGENSMA ® (onasemnogene abeparvovec-xioi), there is still a need to manage your child’s spinal muscular atrophy (SMA). Confirm your child’s infusion date, time, and location with your doctor. Viral respiratory infections before or after ZOLGENSMA infusion can lead to more serious complications. The safety information provided here is not comprehensive. What is ZOLGENSMA? This information does not take the place of talking to your healthcare professional about medical conditions and treatments. See Full Safety & Prescribing Info. Once you and your child’s doctor have chosen treatment with ZOLGENSMA, there are a few steps that need to be taken to determine eligibility. Knowing what to expect and what you can do now will help you and your child prepare for treatment with ZOLGENSMA® (onasemnogene abeparvovec-xioi). Your doctor will give you a prescription for an oral corticosteroid to start the day before your child’s infusion. See how AveXis collects, uses, and shares your personal information in our Privacy Policy. Because of this mutation, the individual does not produce enough survival motor neuron (SMN) protein. Additional therapies, accommodations, and support may be needed to help manage your child’s SMA and guide his or her ongoing development. Your doctor should perform blood tests to check your child’s liver function and to establish baseline levels for other markers in the blood. Protection against respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) is recommended. Talk with the patient’s doctor to decide if adjustments to the vaccination schedule are needed to accommodate treatment with a corticosteroid. These measurements before dosing will help your doctor and care team monitor your child’s levels after dosing. Spinal muscular atrophy (SMA) is caused by a mutation in the survival motor neuron 1 gene (SMN1). However, ask your doctor or care team for additional details on the schedule for the day. It is a one-time treatment. © 2019 Cure SMA | Cure SMA is recognized as tax-exempt under section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code. You will continue to give your child the corticosteroid as prescribed by your doctor. Find a treatment center. Other support includes following your child’s prescription through insurance approvals, the pharmacy process, and shipment journey to ensure it is delivered to the right place at the right time. US-ZOL-20-0250 07/2020. If not completed already, your doctor should perform blood tests to check your child’s liver function and to establish baseline levels for other markers in the blood. If you and your doctor decide that ZOLGENSMA is right for your child, there are a few places you can contact to find a treatment center. Caregivers should discuss specific treatment recommendations with their treating doctor.
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