Your best friend knowing that the saying is code for, “You can go kick rocks” and chuckling — that’s what. Don’t say things so that you give the impression of being loving or caring. The contagion effect is real. Loving and appreciating yourself sets the tone for how you will love and appreciate others and a great friend realizes that and will put a great deal of effort into creating both internal and external relationships. Try and be honest, if you can’t be somewhere, just tell them. And they don't let you forget how amazing you were at getting to where you are now. WANDER WOMEN COLLECTIVE via Getty Images. There’s no clear definition of what a good friend should be like, but it’s through unspoken words that generations have understood what good friends actually are. Whether by necessity or choice, the situation offers tons of advantages. A great friend knows this and puts in the time and energy needed to create and sustain a good relationship. Don’t manipulate your friends. Make a phone date, FaceTime date or coffee date with your BFF, stat. You guys know the kind of friends I am talking about. That tags-on blouse that made their complexion look ghastly could flatter your skin tone. The essential guide to taking care of your mind and body, group walks outdoors may help with depressive symptoms, Team sports can boost social bonding and mental health, mood on Facebook can affect the moods of those friends, quality time with a BFF can help reduce stress levels. No matter how long you've been friends or how solid your relationship is, know that a great friend will never, ever take that relationship for granted. 3. If you can’t stand kids younger than five for more than 10 minutes, don’t offer to babysit your BFF’s toddler on date night and then bail. A great friend will remember all the goodness and positivity in another's life and will focus on that. Though a great friend will be honest and truthful, s/he will also search for the good and focus on the positive elements of a friend's life. A great friend will cultivate a good relationship within and, in doing so, will become a better friend to others. We have all had that friend who is manipulative or says or does things so that you feel sorry for them, or so that they can get out of you being mad at them. Be the shoulders for your friend to cry on, because as the Beatles have said, “I get by with a little help from my friends” Learn to be the kind of person your friends turn to when all else is lost or when their heart has been broken or when life just sucks. A study published in the journal Proceedings of the Royal Society B found that friends can "spread" a healthy mood -- that is, a generally positive or neutral attitude -- amongst their social circle. Encourage your friend. While one certainly could be positive without friends, it's much easier to stay optimistic with great people by your side. Given below are the ways to be a good friend. A great friend will make a point to treasure the relationship and will make it clear how much s/he values it. Try one of these tips the next time your BFF is feeling down -- because supporting someone when they need it the most is the true hallmark of a good friend. Basically follow steps 1 and 2! Th words you convey hold a lot of power, particularly on social media. While you might not meet up for drinks at the local singles bar any longer, planning an evening just for the two of you once or twice a month keeps your bond cemented. Follow us on social media for a daily dose of wellness! Be yourself. Don’t be a social media friend. 10 Ways To Be a Good Friend This month’s theme for 10 on the 10th hosted by Whitney at The Perfectly Imperfect Mama , is 10 Ways To Be a Good Friend. I can’t believe you’re still dating him. Did you think being a good friend is easy enough? As with any relationship, taking it for granted can be the kiss of death. All rights reserved. Pick a spot you always wanted to explore, such as California’s Highway 1. Recently, I received a request to write a post about friendship. Plus, it’s a blast at parties when you’re the only two who can speak sign language and signal each other from across the room. When you know someone well, it might be tempting to judge his or her actions (or in-actions! If both your spouses belong to the same bowling league, your friend could find out secondhand that you spilled the beans. 10. It’s okay to use reflective statements to help your friend put names to their feelings, such as, “Gosh, you must feel so frustrated.” However, unless they specifically asked, “Should I stay, or should I go?” don’t come off sounding like a know-it-all. Does your friend need to pack up and move unexpectedly because their landlord sold or foreclosed due to COVID-19? Avoid these people and avoid being like those people. RESPECT DIFFERENCES. Don’t lie, what’s the point? True best friends don't just come knocking on your door every day. 7 Benefits of Gratitude That Will Remind You To Be Thankful Daily. Why good friends are so important Research has shown that the better the quality of your relationships, the more likely you are to be happy. Understand what the word means and then say it, you can like a friend a lot but that doesn’t mean you love them. I was often too quick to judge others intensions and motives, even when they apologized. The foundation of any relationship is the relationship you have with yourself—and any great friend knows that. Be honest, but make sure you are not rude such as saying, “Wow. Accept time, love, compliments, the truth—and do so willingly. If you promise something, follow it through. Win-win? We will help you to know and understand the deep meaning of being a good friend. Showing respect to your friend means listening to them, but not necessarily agreeing with them. Head back to the manage forms page and select a different form. As much as you despise floral arranging, you should stick to your word. When was the last time you spoke with your BFF? They break promises that have been made for months, they lie and basically prove that they can’t be depended on. If you screw up, if you have said something horrible or disappointed your friend, fix it. Be truthful to them and if you don’t want to talk about it (or if it’s something you want to keep for now) say that you can’t. Oh no...This form doesn't exist. 1. Friendship offers a world of benefits, including a much-needed mental health boost during tumultuous times. Why You’re Feeling Tired All the Time (and What to Do About It), Learn How to Be Productive and Happy With These 11 Tips, How to Prevent Decision Fatigue From Clouding Your Judgement, 10 Adorable Characteristics Happy People Have, 7 Simple Exercises Busy People Can Do Anywhere, Anytime, 6 Ways To Raise Your Emotional Intelligence (EQ), 7 Free Ways to Make Yourself More Attractive, How to Fight Your Irrational Fears and Stay Strong, 5 Simple Steps to Cultivate a Positive Mental Attitude, The 5 Most Important Things in Life You’ll Regret Not Pursuing, Why Does Life Suck So Bad Sometimes? No, "I like your sweater" doesn't count. You will never be trusted again by that friend in your life. One of the primary drawbacks is that distractions can keep you from completing your tasks on time. Again, the matter boils down to trust — your friends need to know they can count on you. Good friends aren’t protective of you in a self-interested, possessive way; they’re protective of you, all the oddly shaped, precious, intrinsic bits that make up your traveling soul, because those are the bits that truly gravitationally attract us to bright, brilliant souls. While some of the best relationships are built on mutual interests, to be a great friend must be able to respect the line where the similarities end and recognize that differences don't have to stand in the way of a good relationship. King Solomon also said: Friends come and friends go, but a true friend sticks by you like family. | Kesse Kisses, Being a Good Friend | The Friend Frontier. Contact Don’t ever break that trust by telling their secret to someone else and making fun of it. A great friend also avoids comparisons, knowing that comparing is an excellent way to damage a good relationship. When your BFF confides a juicy secret, it’s human nature to want to share it with your spouse. The key is respect. Become a positive person to your friends. "A friendship can weather most things and thrive in thin soil; but it needs a little mulch of letters and phone calls and small, silly presents every so often—just to save it from drying out completely," said Pam Brown, and I couldn't agree more.
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