"Think You upon them." The Lord's day now (first day of the week), given us as a sign of His resurrection, is regarded by many in very different ways. Importunity. The Cross of our Lord Jesus Christ was the instrument by which all our enemies have been overthrown, and the Holy Spirit is our Guiding Pillar and daily Deliverer from the bondage of darkness and the wearisomeness of the wilderness pilgrimage. 7, 8). Related to Nehemiah, The articles below are available online at no charge…, Chart: A Chronological and Literary Harmony of Ezra & Nehemiah, SERMONS, DEVOTIONALS, While the building went on they ridiculed and threatened, but now that success had come they attempt to lure them down to their level, that some compromise might be made. Neglecting this day of rest, and not honoring it as of God, has been the fruitful source of much backsliding on the part of God's people. They declared that his purpose was to rebel against the king, and to make himself king in Judah, and to appoint prophets to preach of him in Jerusalem (vv. Some had their weapons held by others, while they did the work (v. 16). But God knew, and God saw, and it was with Him, and not with these "feeble Jews," that they had to do. The best Nehemiah commentaries are listed below. The lukewarm Christian is not likely to be mocked at by the easy-going worldling. Nehemiah 7-10: Witnesses for God In Dark and Evil Times, Nehemiah 8:1-18 Reading and Expounding the Book, Nehemiah 8:5,6 Effect of Ezra's Preaching, Nehemiah 8:8 Verses That Have Helped Me In Preaching, Nehemiah 8:10 Devotional (See entry for September 3 & 4), Nehemiah 8:10 Nehemiah's Joy in Serving God (The joy of the Lord is your strength), Nehemiah 8:10 Send portions unto them for whom nothing is prepared, Nehemiah 8:10 The Strength of Joy (Great Texts of the Bible), Nehemiah 8:10 Manners and Customs - Sending Portions, Nehemiah 8:10 The Joy of the Lord is Your Strength, Nehemiah 8:10 The Joy of the Lord, the Strength of His People, Nehemiah 8:10 The Joy of the Lord - sermon, Nehemiah 9 Commentary - Wells of Living Water Commentary, Nehemiah 9:1-37 Let Us Bow Before Our Maker, Nehemiah 9:5 Stand Up and Bless the Lord - hymn based on Nehemiah 9:5, Nehemiah 9:20 The Spirit Given to Instruct, Nehemiah 9:20 Devotional (See entry for May 9), Nehemiah 10:30-33 The Need For A Sacrifice, Nehemiah 10:34 Manners and Customs - Wood for the Sacrifices, Nehemiah 10:39 Nehemiah's Zeal for the Sanctuary (We will not forsake the house of our God). See more about the Ancient Christian Commentary on Scripture series. When Paul referred to Alexander the coppersmith, who did him much evil, he said, "The Lord reward him according to his works" (2 Timothy 4:14). The runner is not crowned unless he strive lawfully. They sneered at the work done. "If it please the king, let letters be given me," etc. This was the gate through which the shekinah glory [had departed from] Israel (Ezekiel 10). Labor in prayer. This commentary (referring to Davis' commentary on Judges), like the others, is also very practical, but it avoids the kind of moralizing exposition that rips passages out of context in order to make some vague inspirational point.” (Keith Mathison - Ligonier Ministries Blog), Richard Pratt - “There is no more gifted expositor of the Old Testament in our day than Ralph Davis.”, Derek Thomas - “Dale Ralph Davis is among the finest expositors of the Old Testament alive today. It would take a very expert workman to do as much work in a week as twenty ordinary hands. He who comes to God must believe that He is, and that He is a Rewarder of them that diligently seek Him (Hebrews 11:6). They were inspired, not by any selfish consideration of personal reward or pre-eminence, but by one general God-honoring motive—the glory of His Name and the salvation of the people. Steve Brady, "Restoring Your Vision 2," Evangel 12:3 (1994): 66-68. How Should The People Of God Build? Your gift enables our worldwide outreach. With God Directed Boldness - Nehemiah 1:11b-3:32 6 In our study of his life and character we trust there will be, in his example, much to inspire us in our service for Christ, and to follow those who "have obtained a good report through faith.". He well knew that what the people needed, was not his thoughts, but the thoughts of God as written in that book. "Should such a man as I flee?" What was the significance of gatekeepers in the Bible? Yet for the purpose of religion, the old language continued to be employed for several centuries. NEHEMIAH He had probably formed no plan, but waited in the confident hope that God's providence would so order events, that some occasion would arise whereof he might take advantage. Those who have the interests of God and His kingdom so close to their hearts as Nehemiah had will be ready to deny themselves of everything that would hinder His will from being done in them and by them (Hebrews 11:24-26). Whatever you do, do it heartily, as unto the Lord. They present a careful section-by-section exposition of the biblical books with key terms and phrases highlighted and all Hebrew transliterated. When the walls of the New Jerusalem (the Church of God) are finished, will you be built out or built in? There are the walls of a city of God to be built in every individual human heart. Esther Commentary, Sermon, Illustration, Devotional, Adapted from Wilkinson's Talk Thru the Bible and Jensen's Survey of the OT, Key Passages: Nehemiah 2:17, Nehemiah 6:3, 15, 16, Nehemiah 8:8, Nehemiah 8:10, Key Words: Build/built (Nehemiah 2:18, 20, 3:1, 2, 3, 13, 14, 15, 4:3, 5, 6, 18, 7:4, 12:29), Remember (Nehemiah 1:8, 4:14, 6:19, 6:14, 9:17, 13:14, 22, 29, 31), Read the Book (Nehemiah 8:3, 8, 18, 9:3, 13:1) Pray (Nehemiah 1:4, 6, 11, 2:4, 4:9, 11:17), Wall (33x), Work (22x), Mercy (Lovingkindness) (Nehemiah 1:5, 9:17, 32, 13:22), Disobedient (Nehemiah 9:26), J Sidlow Baxter - Nehemiah is a gem of a book in the spiritual lessons which it teaches us. If but one streak of light— Flagstaff Christian Fellowship, Highly Recommended - 130 pages - functions like a commentary, THOMAS CONSTABLE "You are the Lord who did choose Abram, and brought Him forth... and gave him the name Abraham... and made a covenant with him" (vv. Commentary on the The people ''had a mind to work'' (Nehemiah 4:6). II. The audacity of faith is astounding. Sermon Series on There are three classes of servants: the slave, who serves through fear; the hireling, who serves for wages; and the son, who serves for love. 5:12). 1910, JAMIESON, FAUSSET AND BROWN This man Tobiah was a sort of puppet for his master Sanballat. It tells how, under the new leadership of Nehemiah, the walls of Jerusalem were rebuilt by the returned Remnant, and how the people themselves were reinstructed in the Law which God had given to their nation, long before, through Moses. There is nothing belonging to you in the Holy City; you have no right to any of its privileges, for the things of Jerusalem awaken no sacred memories in you. For Israel to "stand up" was virtually to declare their willingness to hear and obey. They not only had a mind to work, but they had a mind also to have their work "joined together." If any man would live godly, he must suffer even the persecution of a grieved and godless sweetheart. The dastardly motives of Shemaiah have been discovered. Are you one? "Come, let us meet together in the plain of Ono" (v. 2). I. Uprightness. 3. So it pleased the king to send me; and I set him a time. Lange's Commentary Series, RALPH DAVIS Ezra, Nehemiah, and EstherThe Daily Study Bible Seriesby J.G. Be sure your sin will find you out. Copyright © 2001, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2010 by, Now I had not been beforetime sad in his presence. Commentary on the Thompson — The Book of Jeremiah (New International Commentary on the Old Testament, 1980). 4: Commenting and Commentaries; Lectures Addressed to the students of the Pastors' College, Metropolitan Tabernacle), PAUL APPLE "They said, Let us rise up and build" (chapter 2:18). Samuel H. Kellogg on Leviticus is a classic; so is Alexander Maclaren on the Psalms and on Colossians. "He wept, mourned, fasted" (v. 4). With the Defeat of Discouragement - Nehemiah 4:1-7:73a 15 12, 13). Accomplishing those goals resulted in a people encouraged, renewed, and excited about their future. V. Meets with Opposition. 2. This was no formal prayer. Our influence for Jesus Christ abroad will be pretty much like what it is at home. The result is judicious and balanced insight into the meanings of the text in the framework of biblical theology.”. As the work of building went on, and parts of the wall got built up, the workers became in some places separated from one another, and so felt the need of listening for the trumpet call. "From morning until midday... all the people were attentive to the book" (v. 3). 5. He "showed signs and wonders upon Pharaoh... and did divide the sea, so that they went through on dry land... and led them in the day by a cloudy pillar, and in the night by a pillar of fire" (vv. It is hoped that these books will aid the Christian pastor, preacher, teacher, student, as well as any Bible reader that wants to understand more about Nehemiah. Knowledge. Sanballat means "strength and courage," and fitly stands for the wisdom of this world. 15-22). With a heart melted in the love of God, and eyes bedimmed with the tears of brotherly kindness, surely the prayer that comes from such a source, and in such a manner, will be abundantly answered. It will be interesting and profitable for us to study his method of operation. The following are five of the most helpful commentaries on Ezra/Nehemiah. "In what place you hear the sound of the trumpet, resort you thither" (v. 20). They sneered at their motives. He who comes to God must believe, and, in so believing, he must be rewarded. His writings include addresses or commentaries on the entire New Testament, all of the Old Testament prophetic books, and a great many volumes on other biblical topics. "Why is the house of God forsaken?" Before we get to each individual book of the Bible, some people just want to buy a nice set of commentaries and be done with it. Nehemiah exemplifies the vital principles which are involved in all such building, if it is to be successful building in the true sense. Son, go work today in my vineyard. He Enforced the Truth. My thoughts are not your thoughts says the Lord. A discouraged man is a useless man in the work of the Lord; he is worse than useless—he is a positive hindrance.
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