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Furthermore, increased sympathetic nervous system activity is one of the primary mechanisms contributing to cardiac remodeling and heart failure progression. There is an increased stimulation of α1-AR during a cardiac stress, resulting in increased cardiac force of contraction, vasoconstriction, and protein synthesis. Acta Pharmacol Sin 33(3):335–341, Woo AY, Song Y, Xiao RP, Zhu W (2015) Biased β2-adrenoceptor signalling in heart failure: pathophysiology and drug discovery. The beta-receptors are situated on the cell membrane and are believed to be a part of the adenyl cyclase system. By signaling Gs, a cAMP-dependent pathway is initiated through adenylyl cyclase, and this results in potentiation of the receptor’s function. Thus, the effect of maternal autoantibodies in the neonate may depend not only on the antigen specificity, affinity, and antibody isotype, but also on whether or not the antibody is in a dimeric state. 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