Carboxylic acids with one carboxyl group are called monocarboxylic acids. ^�Z�_�Y[X4����L��Lrf DF�P\?����^$OԐ~q
yi�:�I��:��k�W���f��@�/�i�we5Q �Ϋ[�vS8 ��|����I �0!����:����1�*���N���A8���?pPIfu�Ea�u"R�,�y���]�6 �PQ�*��/7����Q�bM�� Ҵ�4CA�K��we-Y��f�X��?Yf]Diݣ�>�H�$zZ�|x��\`۸,cp-����$�*��Ks��4�&�s�٠D���L�xҠ��)~n 3 +�?܊
,m�V��wW �5-WP8� �ȶ�T����b>|�������:�Y��� ��BɒQNg�ܺRXT�jJP�W�U���~����W�tT��TH�y�Y"���yΤ�C�Y����y���oM��O��,��G�}5�~it�ů��8!Sw�n�j��9ĀddZr,Zr�(�����'�n��Izv(h�˂eX�p|��XD,ͼ��2G�p��p7�mWDH@Y1}`
���=�W���Aߵ��� @��9�ƻh�dg�h���)�y�ba��g`�cC*��w���B��z�$���������ݕ���E}:߂j��J�f��D���Z�d�W*�+���X`0��4�
�c�/|`ż�]D�6�O������v����ӎ��>�����qb3z��g���{�����4��{�w��1� >��j.�G�}P�~I��/�+�> u���F��`��j|�f��c�~�g"����F���5B. 4 0 obj
(b) When Z is -OR’, the derivatives are called as esters. Organic Chemistry 2 (CAS CH 204) Uploaded by. If hydroxyl function of carboxylic acids is replaced by other functional group, they are named as derivatives of carboxylic acids. Discussion Notes on Carboxylic Acid Derivatives KEY - Chapter 18. Please sign in or register to post comments. 2 0 obj
formic acid methanoic acid H 3C OH O acetic acid ethanoic acid O HO O OH adipic acid hexanedioic acid OH O benzoic acid benzene carboxylic acid OH O cyclopentane carboxylic acid OH O … Carboxylic Acid Nomenclature Acids are named by replacing the "e" with "oic" and then adding the word "acid". (a) When Z is halogen (usually Cl), the derivatives are called as acid chlorides. <>
Academic year. endobj
2 0 obj
Naming esters. <>
possess two carboxylic acid groups and are named as dioic acids whereas, if the two carboxylic acid groups are in the benzene ring it is named as dicarboxylic acid as shown for compound 13. <>
Boston University. <>/XObject<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text/ImageB/ImageC/ImageI] >>/MediaBox[ 0 0 612 792] /Contents 4 0 R/Group<>/Tabs/S>>
The substituents on nitrogen are indicated by the same method as in the common system. These are generally represented as, where Z is halogen (usually Cl), OCOR’, OR’ or NH 2 (or NHR’ or NR 2 ‘). endobj
There are four carboxylic acid derivatives. An ester is made from an alcohol and carboxylic acid endobj
Diagram showing the formation of ethyl ethanoate . They are named by replacing the final “e” of the corresponding alkane by “oic acid”. 3 0 obj
3 0 obj
Carboxylic Acids. 2017/2018 Discussion Notes on Carboxylic Acid Derivatives KEY - Chapter 18, Copyright © 2020 StudeerSnel B.V., Keizersgracht 424, 1016 GC Amsterdam, KVK: 56829787, BTW: NL852321363B01, Exam September 2013, Questions And Answers - Dr. Colapret, Discussion Notes on Alcohols KEY - Chapter 10, Discussion Notes on Aldehydes ketones KEY - Chapter 16, Discussion Notes on Conjugated dienes KEY - Chapter 20, Discussion Notes on Enol Enolates and Enaminaes KEY, Discussion Notes on Ethers Epoxides KEY - Chapter 11. Given the structure of a carboxylic acid, carboxylate ion, ester, amide, or amine molecule, be able to give the systematic names and vice versa. <>
Ethanoic acid will react with ethanol in the presence of concentrated sulfuric acid (catalyst) to form ethyl ethanoate: CH 3 COOH + C 2 H 5 OH → CH 3 COOC 2 H 5 + H 2 O . ���������Ä�������Z֣�����9B+n�{|��8KίQ:�&��Xn�� E�Á$�K"��2'_PÙS:sJs�v8���K�')� �Ɖ��c"=K���M'IF ��k�Rw�5�9�������pt�hE�/�%�{�cO����k889���|�$�������4e�:�p6t�!�=�Q�R� <>/Font<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text/ImageB/ImageC/ImageI] >>/MediaBox[ 0 0 960 540] /Contents 4 0 R/Group<>/Tabs/S/StructParents 0>>
Naming carboxylic acid follows certain pattern for example the structural formula for the compound. Since this sodium salt of propanoic acid - so start from propanoic acid is a three carbon acid with no carbon-carbon double bonds and this negative ion without the H+ atom is called propanoate. Marcello Orlando. Several examples are shown below. stream
Carboxylic acids contain the carboxyl group: This is a combination of the carbonyl group and hydroxyl group: Carboxylic Acid Homologous Series. •Generally in IUPAC system of naming the final “ –e” of the alkane is replaced by “ amide”. R��4H��&IZ�#��QT���i�h��l����͝��7p���+���Ŝ̖x��ܒ�y�ꎶYʲ4�eu4��YXd��gg�O��KN(��r�W=O�_\d ���d�(D>��C�B�H8.q��-û���"UM�nU�P�L��)FH�ʐ)�hb$�XH�}�ԉk%�t���ER�p� stream
•A carboxylic acid contains the –COOH and in amide the –OH part of the carboxylic acid is replaced by the –NH 2 (amino) group so amide contain the -CONH 2 group. 1 0 obj
2. x��Z�s�8�L�=Z{5+~Jڹ��~���������=(�{��Y�i��� ��HY��M�]�� Ro/��^�W�P�����g�dzR�B��,+Lvq{~V�RK�^�������&���n��x������k�z����d�����*���]����(��bOES��/�����|����@��(0o��p\W�;���G�q1fSJV[�dh��L� ���R%�V����l�.&h�x�?䕥r���>+ng� �m�W4`H�C�Y>�&
+����+��.�n�+�mqq�. endobj
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Lumber River Basin Animals,
Lonely Boy Black Keys Sheet Music,
Best Electric Guitar Strings For Country Music,
Micron Semiconductor Malaysia Sdn Bhd,
I Hate Being A Financial Analyst,
" />
Carboxylic acids with one carboxyl group are called monocarboxylic acids. ^�Z�_�Y[X4����L��Lrf DF�P\?����^$OԐ~q
yi�:�I��:��k�W���f��@�/�i�we5Q �Ϋ[�vS8 ��|����I �0!����:����1�*���N���A8���?pPIfu�Ea�u"R�,�y���]�6 �PQ�*��/7����Q�bM�� Ҵ�4CA�K��we-Y��f�X��?Yf]Diݣ�>�H�$zZ�|x��\`۸,cp-����$�*��Ks��4�&�s�٠D���L�xҠ��)~n 3 +�?܊
,m�V��wW �5-WP8� �ȶ�T����b>|�������:�Y��� ��BɒQNg�ܺRXT�jJP�W�U���~����W�tT��TH�y�Y"���yΤ�C�Y����y���oM��O��,��G�}5�~it�ů��8!Sw�n�j��9ĀddZr,Zr�(�����'�n��Izv(h�˂eX�p|��XD,ͼ��2G�p��p7�mWDH@Y1}`
���=�W���Aߵ��� @��9�ƻh�dg�h���)�y�ba��g`�cC*��w���B��z�$���������ݕ���E}:߂j��J�f��D���Z�d�W*�+���X`0��4�
�c�/|`ż�]D�6�O������v����ӎ��>�����qb3z��g���{�����4��{�w��1� >��j.�G�}P�~I��/�+�> u���F��`��j|�f��c�~�g"����F���5B. 4 0 obj
(b) When Z is -OR’, the derivatives are called as esters. Organic Chemistry 2 (CAS CH 204) Uploaded by. If hydroxyl function of carboxylic acids is replaced by other functional group, they are named as derivatives of carboxylic acids. Discussion Notes on Carboxylic Acid Derivatives KEY - Chapter 18. Please sign in or register to post comments. 2 0 obj
formic acid methanoic acid H 3C OH O acetic acid ethanoic acid O HO O OH adipic acid hexanedioic acid OH O benzoic acid benzene carboxylic acid OH O cyclopentane carboxylic acid OH O … Carboxylic Acid Nomenclature Acids are named by replacing the "e" with "oic" and then adding the word "acid". (a) When Z is halogen (usually Cl), the derivatives are called as acid chlorides. <>
Academic year. endobj
2 0 obj
Naming esters. <>
possess two carboxylic acid groups and are named as dioic acids whereas, if the two carboxylic acid groups are in the benzene ring it is named as dicarboxylic acid as shown for compound 13. <>
Boston University. <>/XObject<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text/ImageB/ImageC/ImageI] >>/MediaBox[ 0 0 612 792] /Contents 4 0 R/Group<>/Tabs/S>>
The substituents on nitrogen are indicated by the same method as in the common system. These are generally represented as, where Z is halogen (usually Cl), OCOR’, OR’ or NH 2 (or NHR’ or NR 2 ‘). endobj
There are four carboxylic acid derivatives. An ester is made from an alcohol and carboxylic acid endobj
Diagram showing the formation of ethyl ethanoate . They are named by replacing the final “e” of the corresponding alkane by “oic acid”. 3 0 obj
3 0 obj
Carboxylic Acids. 2017/2018 Discussion Notes on Carboxylic Acid Derivatives KEY - Chapter 18, Copyright © 2020 StudeerSnel B.V., Keizersgracht 424, 1016 GC Amsterdam, KVK: 56829787, BTW: NL852321363B01, Exam September 2013, Questions And Answers - Dr. Colapret, Discussion Notes on Alcohols KEY - Chapter 10, Discussion Notes on Aldehydes ketones KEY - Chapter 16, Discussion Notes on Conjugated dienes KEY - Chapter 20, Discussion Notes on Enol Enolates and Enaminaes KEY, Discussion Notes on Ethers Epoxides KEY - Chapter 11. Given the structure of a carboxylic acid, carboxylate ion, ester, amide, or amine molecule, be able to give the systematic names and vice versa. <>
Ethanoic acid will react with ethanol in the presence of concentrated sulfuric acid (catalyst) to form ethyl ethanoate: CH 3 COOH + C 2 H 5 OH → CH 3 COOC 2 H 5 + H 2 O . ���������Ä�������Z֣�����9B+n�{|��8KίQ:�&��Xn�� E�Á$�K"��2'_PÙS:sJs�v8���K�')� �Ɖ��c"=K���M'IF ��k�Rw�5�9�������pt�hE�/�%�{�cO����k889���|�$�������4e�:�p6t�!�=�Q�R� <>/Font<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text/ImageB/ImageC/ImageI] >>/MediaBox[ 0 0 960 540] /Contents 4 0 R/Group<>/Tabs/S/StructParents 0>>
Naming carboxylic acid follows certain pattern for example the structural formula for the compound. Since this sodium salt of propanoic acid - so start from propanoic acid is a three carbon acid with no carbon-carbon double bonds and this negative ion without the H+ atom is called propanoate. Marcello Orlando. Several examples are shown below. stream
Carboxylic acids contain the carboxyl group: This is a combination of the carbonyl group and hydroxyl group: Carboxylic Acid Homologous Series. •Generally in IUPAC system of naming the final “ –e” of the alkane is replaced by “ amide”. R��4H��&IZ�#��QT���i�h��l����͝��7p���+���Ŝ̖x��ܒ�y�ꎶYʲ4�eu4��YXd��gg�O��KN(��r�W=O�_\d ���d�(D>��C�B�H8.q��-û���"UM�nU�P�L��)FH�ʐ)�hb$�XH�}�ԉk%�t���ER�p� stream
•A carboxylic acid contains the –COOH and in amide the –OH part of the carboxylic acid is replaced by the –NH 2 (amino) group so amide contain the -CONH 2 group. 1 0 obj
2. x��Z�s�8�L�=Z{5+~Jڹ��~���������=(�{��Y�i��� ��HY��M�]�� Ro/��^�W�P�����g�dzR�B��,+Lvq{~V�RK�^�������&���n��x������k�z����d�����*���]����(��bOES��/�����|����@��(0o��p\W�;���G�q1fSJV[�dh��L� ���R%�V����l�.&h�x�?䕥r���>+ng� �m�W4`H�C�Y>�&
+����+��.�n�+�mqq�. endobj
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Orange Wallpaper The Range,
1991 Voter List Assam,
Bushcraft Courses Uk,
Wholesale Chicken Breading,
Sims 4 Building Cheats,
Feel The Song Meaning In Tamil,
Assassin's Creed Odyssey Things I Wish I Knew,
Conclusion Of Language Proficiency,
Tvj Jamaica News Today 2019,
Dream Interpretation Boyfriend Meeting Family,
Beef Stir Fry Marinade,
Slimming World Butternut Squash Curry Soup,
International Marriage Canada,
Asus Zenfone Max Pro M2 Update Android 10,
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Funny Bollywood Movie Names,
Lumber River Basin Animals,
Lonely Boy Black Keys Sheet Music,
Best Electric Guitar Strings For Country Music,
Micron Semiconductor Malaysia Sdn Bhd,
I Hate Being A Financial Analyst,
" />
1 0 obj
Chapter 9 Lecture Notes: Carboxylic Acids, Amines, and Amides Educational Goals 1. Chapter 18 covered in the semester on carboxylic acid derivatives. x��Z[s�6~��N�J�3�gdʼn�M�l�ζS���i�S���Y���@f���;6��" �ܿ��P��9
Carboxylic acids with one carboxyl group are called monocarboxylic acids. ^�Z�_�Y[X4����L��Lrf DF�P\?����^$OԐ~q
yi�:�I��:��k�W���f��@�/�i�we5Q �Ϋ[�vS8 ��|����I �0!����:����1�*���N���A8���?pPIfu�Ea�u"R�,�y���]�6 �PQ�*��/7����Q�bM�� Ҵ�4CA�K��we-Y��f�X��?Yf]Diݣ�>�H�$zZ�|x��\`۸,cp-����$�*��Ks��4�&�s�٠D���L�xҠ��)~n 3 +�?܊
,m�V��wW �5-WP8� �ȶ�T����b>|�������:�Y��� ��BɒQNg�ܺRXT�jJP�W�U���~����W�tT��TH�y�Y"���yΤ�C�Y����y���oM��O��,��G�}5�~it�ů��8!Sw�n�j��9ĀddZr,Zr�(�����'�n��Izv(h�˂eX�p|��XD,ͼ��2G�p��p7�mWDH@Y1}`
���=�W���Aߵ��� @��9�ƻh�dg�h���)�y�ba��g`�cC*��w���B��z�$���������ݕ���E}:߂j��J�f��D���Z�d�W*�+���X`0��4�
�c�/|`ż�]D�6�O������v����ӎ��>�����qb3z��g���{�����4��{�w��1� >��j.�G�}P�~I��/�+�> u���F��`��j|�f��c�~�g"����F���5B. 4 0 obj
(b) When Z is -OR’, the derivatives are called as esters. Organic Chemistry 2 (CAS CH 204) Uploaded by. If hydroxyl function of carboxylic acids is replaced by other functional group, they are named as derivatives of carboxylic acids. Discussion Notes on Carboxylic Acid Derivatives KEY - Chapter 18. Please sign in or register to post comments. 2 0 obj
formic acid methanoic acid H 3C OH O acetic acid ethanoic acid O HO O OH adipic acid hexanedioic acid OH O benzoic acid benzene carboxylic acid OH O cyclopentane carboxylic acid OH O … Carboxylic Acid Nomenclature Acids are named by replacing the "e" with "oic" and then adding the word "acid". (a) When Z is halogen (usually Cl), the derivatives are called as acid chlorides. <>
Academic year. endobj
2 0 obj
Naming esters. <>
possess two carboxylic acid groups and are named as dioic acids whereas, if the two carboxylic acid groups are in the benzene ring it is named as dicarboxylic acid as shown for compound 13. <>
Boston University. <>/XObject<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text/ImageB/ImageC/ImageI] >>/MediaBox[ 0 0 612 792] /Contents 4 0 R/Group<>/Tabs/S>>
The substituents on nitrogen are indicated by the same method as in the common system. These are generally represented as, where Z is halogen (usually Cl), OCOR’, OR’ or NH 2 (or NHR’ or NR 2 ‘). endobj
There are four carboxylic acid derivatives. An ester is made from an alcohol and carboxylic acid endobj
Diagram showing the formation of ethyl ethanoate . They are named by replacing the final “e” of the corresponding alkane by “oic acid”. 3 0 obj
3 0 obj
Carboxylic Acids. 2017/2018 Discussion Notes on Carboxylic Acid Derivatives KEY - Chapter 18, Copyright © 2020 StudeerSnel B.V., Keizersgracht 424, 1016 GC Amsterdam, KVK: 56829787, BTW: NL852321363B01, Exam September 2013, Questions And Answers - Dr. Colapret, Discussion Notes on Alcohols KEY - Chapter 10, Discussion Notes on Aldehydes ketones KEY - Chapter 16, Discussion Notes on Conjugated dienes KEY - Chapter 20, Discussion Notes on Enol Enolates and Enaminaes KEY, Discussion Notes on Ethers Epoxides KEY - Chapter 11. Given the structure of a carboxylic acid, carboxylate ion, ester, amide, or amine molecule, be able to give the systematic names and vice versa. <>
Ethanoic acid will react with ethanol in the presence of concentrated sulfuric acid (catalyst) to form ethyl ethanoate: CH 3 COOH + C 2 H 5 OH → CH 3 COOC 2 H 5 + H 2 O . ���������Ä�������Z֣�����9B+n�{|��8KίQ:�&��Xn�� E�Á$�K"��2'_PÙS:sJs�v8���K�')� �Ɖ��c"=K���M'IF ��k�Rw�5�9�������pt�hE�/�%�{�cO����k889���|�$�������4e�:�p6t�!�=�Q�R� <>/Font<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text/ImageB/ImageC/ImageI] >>/MediaBox[ 0 0 960 540] /Contents 4 0 R/Group<>/Tabs/S/StructParents 0>>
Naming carboxylic acid follows certain pattern for example the structural formula for the compound. Since this sodium salt of propanoic acid - so start from propanoic acid is a three carbon acid with no carbon-carbon double bonds and this negative ion without the H+ atom is called propanoate. Marcello Orlando. Several examples are shown below. stream
Carboxylic acids contain the carboxyl group: This is a combination of the carbonyl group and hydroxyl group: Carboxylic Acid Homologous Series. •Generally in IUPAC system of naming the final “ –e” of the alkane is replaced by “ amide”. R��4H��&IZ�#��QT���i�h��l����͝��7p���+���Ŝ̖x��ܒ�y�ꎶYʲ4�eu4��YXd��gg�O��KN(��r�W=O�_\d ���d�(D>��C�B�H8.q��-û���"UM�nU�P�L��)FH�ʐ)�hb$�XH�}�ԉk%�t���ER�p� stream
•A carboxylic acid contains the –COOH and in amide the –OH part of the carboxylic acid is replaced by the –NH 2 (amino) group so amide contain the -CONH 2 group. 1 0 obj
2. x��Z�s�8�L�=Z{5+~Jڹ��~���������=(�{��Y�i��� ��HY��M�]�� Ro/��^�W�P�����g�dzR�B��,+Lvq{~V�RK�^�������&���n��x������k�z����d�����*���]����(��bOES��/�����|����@��(0o��p\W�;���G�q1fSJV[�dh��L� ���R%�V����l�.&h�x�?䕥r���>+ng� �m�W4`H�C�Y>�&
+����+��.�n�+�mqq�. endobj
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Wholesale Chicken Breading,
Sims 4 Building Cheats,
Feel The Song Meaning In Tamil,
Assassin's Creed Odyssey Things I Wish I Knew,
Conclusion Of Language Proficiency,
Tvj Jamaica News Today 2019,
Dream Interpretation Boyfriend Meeting Family,
Beef Stir Fry Marinade,
Slimming World Butternut Squash Curry Soup,
International Marriage Canada,
Asus Zenfone Max Pro M2 Update Android 10,
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Lumber River Basin Animals,
Lonely Boy Black Keys Sheet Music,
Best Electric Guitar Strings For Country Music,
Micron Semiconductor Malaysia Sdn Bhd,
I Hate Being A Financial Analyst,