Part of a cell that contains enzymes capable of digesting or destroying tissue/proteins. Cells that become the reproductive cells eggs (in ovary) or sperm (in testes). 0000002920 00000 n Though it used to be believed that all NSAIDs had the same risk, it's now unclear if certain NSAIDs (including Celebrex) have a higher risk of heart attack or stroke than others. A drug that is very similar to natural chemicals in a normal biochemical reaction in cells but different enough to interfere with the normal division and functions of cells; drug whose chemical structure is similar to that of normal body metabolites and that inhibits normal cell function. An element similar to sodium that is used in the treatment of mania and bipolar mood disorder. Condition that causes individuals to resist acquiring or developing a disease or infection. Disease that involves the development and reproduction of abnormal cells. Irreversible chemical bond that some cancer drugs form with nucleic acids and DNA. creatinine clearance Form of hemoglobin that is produced when glucose attaches to hemoglobin in the RBC. Authors Subhash P Khanapure 1 , David S Garvey, David R Janero, L Gordon Letts. 0000033989 00000 n Refers to sedative-hypnotic drugs that do not possess the barbituric acid structure, such as benzodiazepines and related drugs. Decreased response to pain; condition in which painful stimuli are not consciously interpreted (perceived) as hurting; relief from pain; inhibition of the perception of pain. 0000033576 00000 n In the female stimulates the development of the follicles, and in the male stimulates spermatogenesis. A Consideration of Celecoxib, Etoricoxib, and Diclofenac [published correction appears in Int J Rheumatol. Read our, Medically reviewed by Rochelle Collins, DO, Medically reviewed by Kashif J. Piracha, MD, Peter Dazeley / Photographer's Choice / Getty Images, The 5 Main Classes of Rheumatoid Arthritis Drugs, What to Know About Arthrotec for Relieving Arthritis Pain, What to Know About Zorvolex for Osteoarthritis, Diclofenac Is Commonly Prescribed for Acute Pain and Arthritis Pain. Removing the sensation of touch or pain by applying extreme cold to the nerve endings. State in which a substance has accumulated to potentially harmful levels in the body. Type of tablet or pill with a coating that enables it to pass through the stomach without being dissolved, so the stomach lining will not be irritated; the drug is then released in the intestine. Arrhythmia that originates above the AV node in the atria. Sequence of physiological changes associated with the expression of sexual characteristics and reproductive function that occur when a child progresses into young adulthood, usually at 12 to 14 years of age. Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors, a class of antidepressant drugs. Clot formed by the action of coagulation factors and circulating blood cells. Total parenteral nutrition; a combination of nutrients that may include amino acids, carbohydrates, vitamins, and minerals (electrolytes) that is infused into patients who cannot absorb these substances from the gastrointestinal tract because of condition or disease; the combination and concentration of nutrients vary according to patient need. CNS depressant drug possessing the barbituric acid ring structure. Acute condition in which there is a reduction in the number of white blood cells (WBCs), specifically polymorphonuclear cells (granulocytes); condition in which the number of white blood cells, in particular the granulocytes, is less than normal. Normal state of balance among the body’s internal organs. The uptake of nutrients and drugs from the GI tract. Another way to write a fraction when the denominator is 10, 100, 1000, and so on. 0000160175 00000 n 0000095173 00000 n Refers to nerves of the ANS that originate from the thoracolumbar portion of the spinal cord; they are active when the body is under stress or when it is exerting energy. Seizure originating and involving both cerebral hemispheres that may be either convulsive or nonconvulsive. Match. and/or constipation. Condition in which the thyroid is enlarged, but not as a result of a tumor. Process of removal of waste material from the bowel. Washing with fluids or flushing of a cavity such as the stomach. Route of drug administration by way of the mouth through swallowing. An inflammation of the hair follicles of the beard or scalp caused by ringworm with swelling and pus. Chronic or long-term vitamin deficiency caused by lack in diet or defect in metabolic conversion in body resulting in a vitamin-specific condition such as beri-beri. Drug derived from opium and producing the same pharmacological effects as opium. Int J Rheumatol. Present continually in a particular geographic region, often in spite of control measures. If you have heart disease or risk factors for heart disease, your risk of heart attack or stroke is higher after using an NSAID than it is for people without the same risk factors. Loss of brain function due to a loss of blood supply. Inflammation of the walls of the veins, associated with clot formation. Unusually high concentration of calcium in the blood; high serum calcium; elevated concentration of calcium ions in the circulating blood. Having an affinity for the designated organ; for example, adrenotropic. Insufficient blood supply (and oxygen) to meet the needs of the tissue or organ; condition of insufficient tissue blood flow; reduction in blood supply and oxygen to localized area of the body or tissue insufficient blood flow to a tissue. Process in which the nephrons return to the blood substances (ions, nutrients) that were filtered out of the blood at the glomerulus. Fraction that has a value equal to or greater than 1. Open sore in the mucous membranes or mucosal linings of the body. An abnormally low number of neutrophils (white blood cells). shedding of endometrial tissue with accompanying bleeding; the first day of the menstrual cycle. Inhibitory neurotransmitter in the basal ganglia. The ability to prevent or stop atherosclerosis, the deposition of lipid-containing plaques on the innermost layers of the arteries. A condition where the concentration of salt (sodium, electrolytes) is greater than that found inside the cells. Part of the brainstem that regulates functions such as body temperature, water balance, appetite, and the pituitary gland; center of the brain that influences mood, motivation, and the perception of pain. Bottom number of a fraction; shows the number of parts in a whole. Which Analgesics Provide the Most Relief for Arthritis? Fatty degeneration of arteries due to accumulation of cholesterol plaques; accumulation of fatty deposits in the walls of arteries. Drug-induced confusion that can cause increased drug consumption. The synthesis of glucose from molecules that are not carbohydrates, such as amino and fatty acids or glycerol. Specialized peripheral nerve cells sensitive to tissue injury that transmit pain signals to the brain for interpretation of pain. C-reactive protein (CRP) A protein produced by the liver but only found in the blood in conditions of acute inflammation; an inflammation marker. In: StatPearls [Internet]. 0000020557 00000 n Cells that synthesize and release histamine. Drug that abolishes the response to pain by depressing the central nervous system (CNS) and producing loss of consciousness. Preparation in which undissolved solids are dispersed within a liquid. Condition of hypertensive crisis where the high BP is causing vascular inflammation and necrosis of the blood vessels; hypertensive crisis associated with inflammation and vascular damage. Circulating cell (such as a leukocyte) that ingests waste products or bacteria in order to remove them from the body. Method of staining and identifying bacteria using crystal violet (purple) and safranin (red) stains. A substance that promotes bowel movements. A metabolite of muscle metabolism that is excreted in the urine in proportion to renal function.
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