Now, with Mizoram's state law as a dry state, the youth busy themselves with music and community dancing. [81] By 2011 census, it had reached 92%, compared to 74% average for India. For all the latest North East India News, download Indian Express App. [119], Every 50 years, the Mautam bamboo blooms and its high-protein seeds lead to an explosion in the black rat population in the jungle, also referred to as the rat flood, which has historically destroyed entire villages' food supplies after rats move on to farm fields and devour crops. The following rivers are suited for hydel projects with minimal impact on its biosphere - Tuivai, Tuivawl, Tlawng, Tut, Serlui, Tuirial, Kolodyne, Tuichang, Tuipui, Tiau and Mat. [27] The northern and southern Mizo Hills became the Lushai Hills, with Aizawl as their headquarters by declaring the whole area as Excluded Area till India got independence from the British. In 1898, the southern part was transferred from Bengal to Assam. The data on this website is provided by Google Maps, a free online map service one can access and view in a web browser. The data on this website is provided by Google Maps, a free online map service one can access and view in a web browser. The state produces about 5,200 metric tonnes of fish a year, about 12% of potential that can be sustainably achieved. Mizos enjoy singing and, even without musical instruments, they enthusiastically sing together, clapping hands or by using other rhythmic methods. [10] This is the highest concentration of tribal people among all states of India, and they are currently protected under Indian constitution as a Scheduled Tribe. [62], There are also a few Mizos who practice Judaism (866 according to the 2001 census) and a modernised traditional Mizo religion called Hnam sakhua, which puts a particular emphasis on Mizo culture and seeks to revive traditional Mizo values, while at the same time attacking the influence brought about by Christianity on Mizo people. Clockwise from top: Vantawng Waterfall, Rock formation known as Kolodyne Castle in Mizoram, Mizoram Bango Nritya perform, Champhai, Tlawng River (top) and Tuipui river of Mizoram. Despite dedicating largest amount of labour, jhum cultivated and non-jhum crop area to rice, the yields are low; Mizoram average rice yields per acre is about 70% of India's average rice yield per acre and 32% of India's best yield. Tourism is a growth industry. It will contain, Each boundary will have the following attributes. Chapchar Kut was reintroduced and revived in 1973 by Mizo people to celebrate their heritage. The state is a power deficit state, with plans to develop its hydroelectric potential. [84] The state has proposed projects to attract private investments on Build, Own, Operate and Transfer (BOOT) basis with financial assistance in rehabilitating its citizens were they to be affected by the project. In 2008, the state had nearly 7,000 registered companies. [30] The revolt was suppressed by the government of India, which carried out airstrikes in Aizawl and surrounding areas. [11][57] This demographic classification, given to Mizoram tribes since the 1950s, has provided reservations and extra resources in education and government job opportunities, a preferential treatment as a means to accelerate their integration with mainstream society.[58]. (2010), Chronicles and impacts of the 2005–09 mautam in Mizoram, in, General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church of India, Congregational Church of India (Maraland), College of Veterinary Sciences & Animal Husbandry, Selesih, Aizawl, Mizoram, Regional Institute of Paramedical and Nursing Aizawl, List of institutions of higher education in Mizoram, Institute of Chartered Financial Analysts of India, "Kerala BJP President PS Sreedharan Pillai appointed as Mizoram Governor", "AREA AND POPULATION - Statistical Year Book India 2017 | Ministry of Statistics and Program Implementation | Government Of India", "Report of the Commissioner for linguistic minorities: 50th report (July 2012 to June 2013)", "Mizoram To Be 23rd State Of India, Tribal Customs Protected", "CHAPTER 2 SIZE, GROWTH RATE AND RURAL-URBAN DISTRIBUTION OF POPULATION IN MIZORAM", Demographic Status of Scheduled Tribe Population of India, Agriculture Statistical Abstract 2012-2013, "See 2012 data in 3rd set of Table 162, Number and Percentage of Population Below Poverty Line". [41], Mizoram has the third highest total forest cover with 15,94,000 hectares (39,40,000 acres), and highest percentage area (90.68%) covered by forests, among the states of India, according to 2011 Forest Survey of India. Of the many schools of Buddhism that are exist recent time Theravada Buddhism in Mizoram. Mizoram is host to numerous species of birds, wildlife and flora. Christian majority Mizo population started persecuting and driving the Buddhist Chakmas and Hindu Brus, minority groups in state, out of Mizoram after being bestowed with statehood. J.M. In 1971, the government agreed to convert the Mizo Hills into a Union Territory, which became Mizoram in 1972. The largest proposed project is expected to be on Kolodyne (460 MW), and there are dozens of small to micro projects that have been identified. Phawngpui Tlang also known as the Blue Mountain, situated in the southeastern part of the state, is the highest peak in Mizoram at 2,210 metres (7,250 ft). You can also download the full version state map from state page. 1 (, Dommen, A. J. The icon links to further information about a selected place including its population structure (gender, urbanization, population group, literacy (a7+), activity status (a7+)). Jones starting in 1894. Mizoram schools are run by the state and central government or by private organisation. The language is mixed with other dialects like the Hmar, Mara, Lai, Thadou-Kuki, Paite, Gangte, etc. [17] Another software technology park is being established in Mizoram University campus. By the time India gained independence from the British Empire, the number of tribal chiefs had increased to over 200. View satellite images/ street maps of villages in Champhai district of Mizoram, India. These clans sometimes have slight linguistic differences. To bridge the gap, it purchased electricity from the national grid. [15], Between 55% to 60% of the working population of the state is annually deployed on agriculture. As a result, majority converted to Christianity and changed their faiths without giving up any resistance. These ethnic groups are collectively known as Mizos (Mi means People, Zo meaning the name of a progenitor ; Mizo thus is People of Zo origin[26]). This category has the following 8 subcategories, out of 8 total. Rulings could be appealed to courts staffed with British officials. Here we have digitized them, cleaned them, added appropriate attributes so it can be used by all the researchers, students etc. It is the fifth smallest state of India with 21,087 km2 (8,142 sq mi). of villages, total village population, total households and area covered by the state of Mizoram, Mizoram is one the Indian states, its spread over 525435 Hectares with a total village populatinn of 256300 and total households of 269135. Mizoram is one of the State/UT in India, find the state complete info such as no. Significantly, Bru forums have been demanding that they be resettled at Phuldungsai and nearby areas. Google Map of Aizawl District, Mizoram showing list of villages in Aizawl, Mizoram, major roads, local train route, hotels, hospitals, schools, colleges, religious places and important landmarks. In addition to these, there are several websites in local dialects. The Mizo National Front led by Zoramthanga was elected to power. This practice has reduced in recent decades, due to a government-supported initiative to support horticultural crops such as pineapple and banana plantations.[9]. [100] Community festivals were called kut in the local language, and there were major and minor kuts such as Chapchar Kut, Thalfavang Kut, Mim Kut and Pawl Kut. Jhum cultivation practice offers low crop yields and is a threat to the biome of Mizoram; they suggest increased government institutional support, shift to higher income horticultural crops, assured supply of affordable food staples for survival as means to further reduce jhum cultivation. The resulting isolation and separation created numerous tribes and sub-tribes. The various clans and subclans practised slash-and-burn, locally called jhum cultivation - a form of subsistence agriculture. It has existed since ancient ages and has been one of the major sources of livelihood. The major Christian denomination is Mizoram Presbyterian Church which was established by a Welsh missionary Rev. [8] About 20% of Mizoram's population lives below poverty line, with 35% rural poverty as of 2014. In modern Mizoram, much of the social life often revolves around church. The state and central governments of India have cooperated to reserve and protect 67% of the land covered by forests, and additional 15% by management. B. Lalthangliana says 'zo' may also mean 'cold region' and therefore, Mizo may also signify people of the cold region. Within Mizoram University, there are 29 undergraduate departments including 2 professional institutions affiliated with the university. The voter turnout was 80%. If you find issues we are more than happy to accept corrections but please source them to an official source. Christian missionaries developed the Mizo script. In an attempt to counter these insurgency threats, the Indian government bombed state areas affected with insurgency (which is the only known bombing of India on its own soil) on 5 March 1966. The guitar is a popular instrument and Mizos enjoy country style music. [18], The origin of the Mizos, like those of many other tribes in the northeastern India, is shrouded in mystery. Explanation: Districts and towns in the boundaries of 2011. [107], Almost all foreign nationals can also get visitor pass on arrival, and face the same requirements as domestic tourists. Rural population in India comprises a major portion of the total Indian population. “130 voters in the electoral roll of Zampui Phuldungsai are residents of Tripura. [109] Wild water buffalo, Sumatran rhinoceros, elephants and other mammals have been spotted in the past. You can download the whole repository as a zip file to get everything you want. Meanwhile, Tripura royal scion Pradyot Manikya Debbarman, who is chairman of Indigenous Progressive Regional Alliance, told The Indian Express that he had raised the matter with CM Deb. Internet access is average, and private television cable channels are popular. The first election of Mizoram Legislative Assembly was held on 16 February 1987.
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