You're just a conjugal visit. Juliet got upset about this due to her love for Romeo, and she tried to talk them out of the marriage. After that night there was nothing that would keep them apart. Epic Rap Battles of History Wiki is a FANDOM Games Community. (The Capulet family planned to marry Juliet off to a wealthy man named Paris. Watch Epic Rap Battles of History to find out", "Gordon Ramsay And Julia Child Have A Rap War, And It's Tasty", "Watch Gordon Ramsay, Julia Child face off in 'Epic Rap Battles of History' (VIDEO)", "Frederick Douglas Schools Thomas Jefferson In This 'Epic Rap Battle, "James Bond v Austin Powers hilarious Epic Rap Battle hits 5 MILLION views in 2 days", "Donald Trump takes on Hillary Clinton in 'Epic Rap Battles of History, "Donald Trump vs Hillary Clinton: Epic Rap Battle shows how ugly the rivalry could get", "Stevie Wonder And Wonder Woman's Rap Battle Is Legendary", "Wonder Woman, Stevie Wonder throw down in 'Epic Rap Battles, "Watch: T-Pain rap-battles as 'Stevie Wonder' vs 'Wonder Woman, "Nine Years After Hitler Vs. Vader, 'Epic Rap Battles Of History' Continues To Go Its Own Way",, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License, "Hulk Hogan and Macho Man vs. Kim Jong-il", "The Final Battle: Nice Peter vs. EpicLLOYD", The title characters of William Shakespeare's, "Eastern Philosophers vs. Western Philosophers", "J. R. R. Tolkien vs. George R. R. Martin", "Frederick Douglass vs. Thomas Jefferson", "Alexander the Great vs. Ivan the Terrible", "Theodore Roosevelt vs. Winston Churchill", This page was last edited on 11 November 2020, at 10:21. My flesh was merely grazed. is a French phrase used by swordbearers to prepare for battle, which means "[Be] on [your] guard!" It was released on November 17th, 2014. In all tragedies things always go wrong when they could have been prevented. ), (Clyde offers to rob, attack, and defeat Romeo face-to-face, with his weapon trained on him. Ho, shall I draw my long sword? The Capsules had planned to have Juliet marry Paris; a wealthy, kinsman of the Prince. ), So you louts can lick my ass! ERB hosts the finished episodes, and ERB2 features behind-the-scenes footage. [46][47], Zulu Kingdom monarch Shaka Zulu (DeStorm Power) battles against Ancient Roman dictator Julius Caesar (Nice Peter). A Nightmare on Elm Street antagonist Freddy Krueger (Wax) battles against comic book superhero Wolverine (EpicLLOYD). The relationships of Romeo and Juliet and Bonnie and Clyde are alike when it comes to how they started. The three Ghosts of Christmas then arrive to rap against Scrooge - first the Ghost of Christmas Past (in the form of banker J. P. Morgan portrayed by EpicLLOYD), the Ghost of Christmas Present (in the form of rapper Kanye West portrayed by DeStorm Power), and the Ghost of Christmas Yet to Come (portrayed by Nice Peter). (To "pop a cap" means to shoot someone. If both members of the couple are rapping, it will appear in regular text.] A cup, closed in my true love’s hand? Oh, happy dagger, pierce me true. 'Cause if these lovers cross me, they're gonna end up seeing stars! Spit sick like a plague on both your houses! Actress and sex symbol Marilyn Monroe (Kimmy Gatewood) battles against the last pharaoh of Ancient Egypt, Cleopatra (Angela Trimbur). The two were soon causing mischief, robbing, and ailing everything in sight. A moment's break from your gaze is an eternity past. A moment's break from your gaze is an eternity past, (Shakespeare's plays often use metaphors like this one: Juliet says that just being away from Romeo for a short time feels like forever to her.). Epic Rap Battles of History Wiki is a FANDOM Games Community.
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