As the uterus grows (from about the size of a pear to the size of a watermelon) and becomes heavier, these ligaments stretch, soften, and pull on adjacent nerves, all of which can cause pain. These abdominal support garments are worn underneath your clothes. A case report documented the development of a mesothelial cyst on the uterine round ligament of a woman after IVF stimulation.[16]. Shooting abdominal pain when performing sudden movements or physical exercise.
Pain is sudden, intermittent and lasts only for a few seconds. Sometimes, though, your stomach pain could be a sign of something more serious. Here’s the thing: Round ligament pain during pregnancy can be uncomfortable, but it should go away quickly or respond to a warm compress, rest or Tylenol, Phillips explains. Certain movements commonly trigger round ligament pain in pregnant women, such as: Most of the time, round ligament pain goes away on its own. Providence Saint John’s Health Center in Santa Monica, CA, Management of acute abdomen in pregnancy: current perspectives, A pulling sensation down your sides and groin, Brief, shooting pains around your growing belly, Stabbing pain on the right side of your pelvis, Discomfort on the left side or both sides of your abdomen, Increased pain when you change positions suddenly, or when you cough, laugh, or sneeze, Being on your feet and on the move for long stretches, Doing activities that are vigorous or require rapid movement. Round ligaments are rope-like structures that run from the top of each side of the uterus and insert into the groin, explains Kameelah Phillips, ob-gyn and founder of Calla Women’s Health in New York City.“This anatomy is important because when pregnant women have pain, they classically point along the direction of this ligament,” she adds. Thank you, {{}}, for signing up. If they don’t bring it up, definitely mention that you are experiencing these symptoms. It can also be experienced as a persistent, dull ache.
However, diagnosis of RLP is problematic. During pregnancy, these ligaments lengthen, thicken, and stretch, much like a rubber band. It almost never starts before 12 weeks of pregnancy. So how can you tell if the discomfort you’re feeling is round ligament pain?
Explorative surgery did not locate a hernia but revealed varicosities of the round ligament. How long does round ligament pain last? If severe pain in the lower abdomen does not resolve on its own or with rest, it is best to speak to a doctor. In many cases, RLP is confused with other conditions that cause abdominal pain. “The pain is fairly common, intermittent and usually disappears on its own within a few weeks,” explains Frederick Friedman, Jr., MD, director of obstetrics at The Mount Sinai Health System in New York City. Round ligaments are found on each side of your uterus. “You can also be reassured that it’s a normal physiologic process that has absolutely no bearing on the rest of your pregnancy.” The not-so-good news? RLP also occurs in nonpregnant women. But pregnancy can cause these ligaments to become long and taut. “Sometimes it’s absolutely nothing to worry about, but we do want to know if there’s a complaint that’s ongoing.”. Although very common during pregnancy, non-gestating women can also experience RLP. Any medical information published on this website is not intended as a substitute for informed medical advice and you should not take any action before consulting with a healthcare professional, Bursts of exercise may improve metabolic health, COVID-19 live updates: Total number of cases passes 58.6 million, Cynical hostility might lead to cardiovascular disease, Diabetes drug shows promise in treating and reversing heart failure, Thanksgiving 2020: How to protect mental health, The link between lung cancer and shoulder pain. (Fun stuff, right?) It usually sets in at the very end of your first trimester or early part of your second trimester, when your uterus begins to push out of the pelvis. Healthline Media does not provide medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. As the uterus grows during pregnancy, the round ligaments can stretch.
“We like to know about anything that’s persistent,” Friedman says. Round ligament pain is common during pregnancy, but there’s plenty you can do to reduce discomfort. If you have round ligament pain with any of the following symptoms, contact your provider right away, as these may be signs of a more serious condition. Warm water (not hot) can help alleviate some of the discomfort from round ligament pain. Round ligament pain is considered rare in women who are not pregnant, but may occur in those with endometriosis. Why Vaginal Pressure During Pregnancy Is Totally Normal, Pregnancy Rib Pain: Causes, Prevention, Remedies, Sciatica During Pregnancy: Symptoms, Causes, Treatments. Aim to keep your back straight, shoulders back, and your head, shoulders, and hips in alignment. This action triggers sharp pain and discomfort.
A warm compress, stretching (Cat Cow pose and pelvic tilts can be particularly good) and—if the pain is intense—Tylenol are also options to help get you through the discomfort. A baby pushing on your bladder is uncomfortable enough without the added pain of sciatica. [5] There are at least 2 other round ligaments in the human body, the round ligament of the liver (ligamentum teres hepatis) and the round ligament of the head of the femur (ligamentum teres femoris).
But that doesn’t mean you can’t research the heck out of it in the meantime. © 1998-2020 Mayo Foundation for Medical Education and Research (MFMER). Management of acute abdomen in pregnancy: current perspectives. Your doctor may recommend other treatments, including: Wearing a maternity belt may also remedy round ligament pain. Some triggering movements may include rolling over in bed or taking a step. In some cases, however, RLP was only diagnosed during exploratory surgery.[2][7]. Pregnant women should speak to a doctor if they experience any of the following symptoms: These symptoms can indicate that the pelvic pain is unrelated to the round ligaments. If it’s your first pregnancy, you may fear that this pain is due to a bigger problem. Int J Womens Health. Your obstetrician or midwife may recommend stretching exercises or prenatal yoga.
Even bending over when you sneeze can help, Phillips says. There are no specific tests to diagnose round ligament pain.
The belts help support your bump and can relieve the pain and pressure that results from a growing stomach. In a few short weeks, your little one will finally be here. When you get a shooting pain, it’ll usually only last for a few seconds or minutes. If anything hurts, simply stop and try a different pose or stretch until you find ones that work for you.
Bastian LA, et al. Mayo Clinic, Rochester, Minn. Nov. 3, 2017. They may conduct a physical examination to ensure the pain isn’t caused by another problem. Modifications in movements and position. This is the time when the growing uterus and fetus will be placing added demands on the body.
While the pain may be sharp enough to stop you in your tracks, there are a variety of simple strategies you can try to help relieve some of the pressure and discomfort. Hate to break it to you, but this is probably one of those things you’re just going to have to get through. Rest. It typically feels like a throbbing, pulling, aching or shooting pain that runs from the side of your mid-abdomen and radiates down into your groin.
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