Analogous irredentist movements are included in the list of active irredentist movements. We could be like Plaid Cymru says new party's leader", "We want devolution, says York council leader", "The official website of the "Yorkshire Independence – Campaign for devolution, "David Blunkett MP suggests "Yorkshire Parliament, From Spain to Iraq, states have to see that suppressing secession won’t work, Disintegration of Britain and Spain both possible,, Articles with dead external links from December 2017, Articles with permanently dead external links, Short description is different from Wikidata, Articles that may contain original research from September 2017, All articles that may contain original research, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License. Belgian federal elections will be held in May giving Flemish separatist sentiments opportunity to express themselves and therefore making a repeated political crisis possible. In the European Union (EU), several of these groups are members of the European Free Alliance (EFA). The Basque Nationalist Party (EAJ-PNV), on the center-right of the political spectrum, has always denied connections with the militant Euskadi Ta Askatasuna (ETA). Wenn Sie mit der Teilnahme einverstanden sind, öffnet sich eine neue Seite mit den Fragen. Andere Cookies werden dazu verwendet, die Leistung unserer Website zu erhöhen und deren Sicherheit zu gewährleisten. Der Rat der EU und der Europäische Rat haben ihren Sitz in Brüssel (Belgien). What about List of active separatist movements and disputed polities in Europe ?Fakirbakir 21:20, 29 March 2014 (UTC) Either way it's rather long. This is a list of currently active separatist movements in Europe. 2014 will be a decisive year for separatist movements in Europe. Separatism often refers to full political secession, though separatist movements may seek nothing more than greater autonomy or to be recognised as a national minority. Belgian federal … Verfolgen Sie die jüngsten Entwicklungen bei der Politikgestaltung und der zur Verhandlung stehenden Gesetzgebung. From sources more on the institutional side, there is the Institut d'estudis autonòmics, created in 1984 by the Catalan government to conduct and promote research in the field of territorial organization and give advise in self-governance issues. Boonen and Hooghe's empirical analysis in quarterly Nations and Nationalism 2013, present Flemish separatism, and classifies it as a rather a bottom-up process, in which voters with an already strong subnational identity tend to vote for separatist parties, rather than separatist elites cueing voters and spreading separatist sentiments. List of active separatist movements in Europe - WikiMili, The Fr Bestimmte Cookies werden dazu verwendet, aggregierte Statistiken über die Besuche auf unserer Website zu erhalten, damit wir diese ständig verbessern und an Ihre Bedürfnisse anpassen können. The source of each movement is cited in its own section. Der Rat der EU tritt je nach dem zur Beratung anstehenden Thema in verschiedenen Zusammensetzungen zusammen. What is and is not considered an autonomist or secessionist movement is sometimes contentious. Separatism often refers to full political secession, though separatist movements may seek nothing more than greater autonomy or to be recognised as a national minority. The blog series 'Separatism in Europe' will feature four posts analysing various ideational, political and economical aspects of separatist movement in Europe. In some cases, the group seeks to unify into a different state – in cases where this does not involve the creation of a new state entity, this is considered to be irredentism. A referendum about the independence of Scotland is scheduled for September. For defunct/inactive movements, see, List of active separatist movements in Africa, List of active separatist movements in Asia, List of active separatist movements in Europe, List of active separatist movements in North America, List of active separatist movements in Oceania, List of active separatist movements in South America, List of active separatist movements recognized by intergovernmental organizations, List of rebel groups that control territory,, Short description is different from Wikidata, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License, This page was last edited on 30 August 2020, at 16:42. A referendum about the independence of Scotland is scheduled for September. There have always been separatists and independence movements in Europe, but they seem to have gained momentum lately. Proposed state: proposed name for a seceding sovereign state; Proposed autonomous area: for movements towards greater. Wir verwenden Cookies, damit Sie alle Funktionen der Ratswebsite optimal nutzen können. Flanders or Flemish Community (the latter includes Brussels-Capital Region), Wallonia or French Community of Belgium (the latter includes Brussels-Capital Region), Historic Brittany, comprising Brittany (administrative region) and parts of Pays de la Loire, East Frisia (the latter includes Saterland), Kashubia by Bernard Sychta as the Kashubian dialects area, The historical Székely seats on the map of present-day Romania, Partium, depicted in the darker colour, and the Principality of Transylvania, 1570. Pressereferenten äußern sich inoffiziell ("off the record") zu den Tätigkeiten des Rates. Proposals for Hungarian territorial autonomy in the northern part of Vojvodina: Proposed autonomous area: Territorial autonomy for the compact Hungarian ethnic block and cultural autonomy for the regions of Hungarian presence. Carles Boix and JC Major, in Politique étrangère 2013/14, analyse Catalan separatism as a continuation of the long struggle for independence since its loss in 1714 and not merely as a "révolte fiscale de la part d’une région riche confrontée à une crise économique". Moreover, this issue features Edurne Bartolomé Peral's article, which investigates the impact of the end of violence in the Basque conflict on subnational identity in Catalonia and in the Basque country. Wir werden diese Daten für ein verbessertes Besuchserlebnis unserer Website nutzen. Image Note: Republic of Vojvodina within federalized Serbia, proposed by the League of Social Democrats of Vojvodina in 1999 – the map also includes an autonomous Sandžak, Kosovo and the metropolitan area of Belgrade as a distinctive administrative unit as well, Autonomous Province of Kosovo and Metohija. De facto autonomous government: for governments with de facto autonomous control over a region; Political party (or parties): for political parties involved in a political system to push for autonomy or secession; Militant organisation(s): for armed organisations; Political movements: Movimento Trieste Libera; Status: Democratic movement seeking greater autonomy for Frisian-speaking people in Friesland. Er setzt sich zusammen aus den Staats- und Regierungschefs der Mitgliedstaaten sowie dem Präsidenten des Europäischen Rates und dem Präsidenten der Kommission. The ambiguity between autonomy and independence prevails among the main separatist movements in Europe, including some of the more persistent ones, like in the Basque region of Spain. Beyond Catalonia: pro-independence movements in Europe Nationhood and autonomy are issues that transcend north-east Spain, with others wanting to … This table shows only the list of movements. ", "FNP program for the Provincial Elections 2007", and People of the Silesian Nationality "Silesian Autonomy Movement", "Borbély az autonómiatervezet ről: ejnye, hogy megijedtünk! Additionally, there are a number of almost extinct secessionist or soveranist movements in other autonomous communities and historical territories, e.g. Die Staats- und Regierungschefs der Mitgliedstaaten der Europäischen Union kommen mindestens viermal im Jahr im Rahmen des Europäischen Rates zusammen. Sie ist anonym und dauert weniger als 5 Minuten. What is and is not considered an autonomist or secessionist movement is sometimes contentious. The Scottish government has created a website and a blog to inform the citizens on all issues related to the referendum for independence. Der Europäische Rat ist das Organ der EU, das die allgemeinen politischen Zielvorstellungen und Prioritäten der Europäischen Union festlegt. Entries on this list must meet three criteria: Under each region listed is one or more of the following: Various ethnic groups in Europe are seeking greater autonomy or independence. Der Rat der EU, informell auch EU-Rat genannt, ist das Organ, das die Regierungen der Mitgliedstaaten vertritt. Zudem haben Sie die Möglichkeit, Veröffentlichungen des Rates anzusehen, auf das Archiv zuzugreifen und nach Rechtsvorschriften zu suchen, die der Rat gemeinsam mit dem Europäischen Parlament aushandelt. Extremadura and Murcia. Catalonia's government intends the same for November, but has to face strong opposition from Madrid. Patterson et al., in Regional & Federal Studies 2014,emphasise the important impact of language on the support for Scottish independence, which has not been traditionally identified as one of key decisive causes of the Scottish separatism. In the past few days Scottish first minister Nicola Sturgeon announced she was willing to organise a new referendum on Scotland’s independence from the United Kingdom. Proposals for Hungarian territorial autonomy: Advocacy groups: Ural Democratic Foundation, Free Ural, Advocacy groups: The Union of Tatar Youth, Tatar Patriotic Front Altyn Urda, Tatar Social Center, Government in exile: Tatar Government in Exile, Movement: Congress of the Peoples of Udmurtia, Advocacy groups: Bashkort Public Organization, Bashkir Human Rights Movement, Council of Aksakals of Bashkortostan, Bashkir Social Movement, Movements: Chuvash National Movement, Chuvash Republican Youth, Organization: Chuvash Ireklekh Society of National-Cultural Rebirth, Political organizations: Komi Republican Organization, Advocacy movements: Komi Voityr, Finno-Ugric Peoples Consultative Committee.
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