Is a process of registering all companies and institutions wishing to supply goods and services to Abu Dhabi Media Company. A b u Dhabi Account ability Authority welcomes you and extends its gratitude towards your support to The Authority and your desire to become a vendor and a partner of success. Through this system, it announces the contracts and invites tenders. It looks like your browser does not have JavaScript enabled. Only those suppliers who are registered on the Supplier’s register can view winning bids as they are automated within the eProcurement system and seen only by registered suppliers. Disclaimer: You are using Google Translate. To bid for contracts of Abu Dhabi Government, contractors and suppliers must have an established presence in Abu Dhabi and must possess the licences needed to carry on business activities in Abu Dhabi. Please turn on JavaScript and try again. In addition, it has a tenders and auctions system that ensures the success of purchases and helps in reducing financial and administrative costs by qualifying suppliers to participate in tenders, auctions and bids. If you are a new supplier to Abu Dhabi Government, please watch the below video and follow the indicated steps for registration. View for ongoing federal government's tenders, Law No. Give us your feedback so we can improve your experience. Phone: +97124144452 Welcome to Abu Dhabi Police e-Services! The UAE government entities follow a fair and transparent system for tendering and awarding contracts. اخر تعديل للموقع في: 1 أكتوبر 2020 الساعة 12:00 يجب أن تكون دقة الشاشة 1024 x 768 لأفضل تصفح للموقع يدعم الموقع متصفحات مايكروسوفت انترنت اكسبلورر 9.0+ ، فاير فوكس 2.0+، سفاري 4.0+ ، اوبرا 6.0+, كروم Welcome to Abu Dhabi Media System for Supplier Registration, Rate your experience with us to improve your next visit on our website, © Abu Dhabi Media Company. Registration needs to be renewed annually. Suppliers interested in doing business with Abu Dhabi Government Entities must complete the registration on SAP Ariba. Refer to the Supplier Registration: "New Supplier’ User Guide" for registration instructions and list of required documents. This will entitle contractors to bid for tenders. Maintain physical distance; stay 2 metres (6 feet) away from others. All Rights Reserved. To bid for contracts of Abu Dhabi Government, contractors and suppliers must have an established presence in Abu Dhabi and must possess the licences needed to carry on business activities in Abu Dhabi.Abu Dhabi Government bases its dealings on: Law No.
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