Thanks for posting that Lakeside brand is OK. Coke man in the store said all the warehouses were out Minneapolis Cincinnati St. Louis..once I’m out I guess it’s time to give up pop for good. It’s so true, they look nice but the reality is those cages are a joke for anyone living in the south . BJs and Costco have lots of canned fish (Tuna, Sardines, Etc) , Spam, and Chicken. Sugar and flour were limited to one per customer at both stores, and the supply mostly in small bags. They are all back. Pool supplies are in low supply. They had some large bags of flour and rice, but very few spices – there was 20+ feet of just black peppercorns on display to fill space. Dad and I were walking through the grocery store and I couldn’t figure out why it felt different. I mentioned a few days ago that they had sliced apples for a decent price so today’s trip was to go and buy some. High atop Big Mountain in the Whitefish Range of Flathead County Montana sits a large statue of Jesus with out stretched arms. I went shopping in True Value today, mostly looking for canning jars, but to check out their wares too. Utilities are cheap. Another way is to use those growing pellets, they swell up when you water them, act the same way as the soil blocks, are not cheap but are way easy, just make sure there is space between the blocks or plugs and you will be golden, goots grow straight out and stop when they hit air, have found it will buy you up to a month or more depending on the plant type Sparse lunch meat products. Assorted small amounts of assorted .22. Then I hit Wally’s, after the witching hour of noon so the vampires were out.
PEACE Planing on a new freezer? No Glock of any kind available for love nor money. Good idea for an article, Ken. One cleaning supply isle was virtually empty but the other one with laundry soap pretty full. Must be everyone’s fav canned fruit! The rice section was okay also, but about half of what is normal. Nothing there in canning lids or jars. When he said trucklines can’t afford to leave their trailers there for 10-14 days speaks volumes. Meats seem decent but still have limits here. Definitely fewer varieties of leafy greens. I’m not hurting for ammo by a long shot, but still add to my stores when I can. Banks claim a coin shortage. Coins in short supply in central va. Ammo and guns etc as well. Grocery stores are continuing to move their products around as many have noted. Thats only for State/County/gov land, on private you can hunt with whatever. Just north of Tacoma there is a string of RV and camper vendors all next to one another. For me, that’s a town of about 6,000 .
Things are mostly well stocked again, but sometimes sporadic shortages. They don’t seem to be getting more than 3 dozen of anything at one time other than drinks. Prices vary of course. Weapons are in short supply for purchase. Meats and chicken looked decently stocked, and I went in for auto supplies to do more oil changes and other auto maintenance—those things were well stocked. If you are paying by cash, please try to use exact change.”. OH, Check out Aldi if you have one.Mine had plenty of yeast yesterday. different aldi’s still no sugar, 3/4 pallet of plain flour.. No baking powder that is in date. Along with the shortages, the sticker shock of prices is worrisome. No canning jars at all, but an end cap completely filled with large mouth lids. .
… and we are just running a few cross-dock warehouses in the states brother. . Your email address will not be published. Stacking away. i have noticed that inexpensive foreign made shoes are short, but some of the more expensive designer brands and such are doing their usual seasonal thing and are available. Then add more hot vinegar to that drain until you have used up all the vinegar OR the baking soda is working its way down the pipes to remove all the oil build up. My neighbor told me that her son had paid for a freezer last spring that was supposed to be delivered i a couple of months. Just a “heads up”, I work at one the big box stores and it’s going to be a while before anything big starts to roll in. Tomatoes grow differently depending on your climate, and you may find different results. I have not seen this program for a while now. Weird. We use concrete tie wire to apply the chicken wire. My friend that works at Walmart says the public has their head in the sand. They are getting inventive to cover holes and missing SKU items. Arkansas governor issued a mask mandate for everyone out in public. Power may be shut off to 2,700 SDG&E customers over Thanksgiving weekend due to high winds. Couldn’t get Old man to buy anymore, we have it stacked all over! Dennis, don’t worry about it too much. By contrast, my staked tomatoes showed higher vulnerability to sunscald. Can still get fertilizer and pesticide type items, but even basic gardening tools are sold out. Grand was able to find facial scrub she was looking for. Had a lot of holes in items.throughout the veggie aisle. Someone suggested the other day (I’m sorry I don’t remember who, or I’d give them credit) to re-use one lid every batch. « Continuous Harvest vs. Quick Maturing Vegetables, Raised Bed Garden FAQs: 9 Common Questions ». To do this, cut the horizontal bars at the bottom so you leave prongs that will serve as a ground anchor. 9mm, 20 rounds for $18 and only one brand available, no more than 2 boxes at one time… I may use my .32 as I have several boxes on hand for it, (I have a chamber adapter for .32 for my .308 deer rifle, .32 makes it a decent substitute for a .22 without having to carry a second rifle) that way I can keep serious ammunition and .22 on hand. For bushier determinate tomatoes, a tomato cage works fine. Basically the store has what you want. Alternatively, cut your remesh so you leave tag ends which you’ll use for securing. The jar yeast is not available but the strip packages are limited to one per. Next, consider how you plan to eat your tomatoes.
The “gaps” were hard to find. For indeterminate tomatoes, cages are advised to be up to 10 feet high. On Saturday, the local Food Lion had started rationing again, and there were lots of holes. We do not use any medications at all, just multi-vitamins and we brew our own wine. Eggs looked VERY low! Some stuff has literally doubled in price or more. Canned veggies maybe 50%. Not to worry about ole Blue… the ground chuck is back at a lower price finally. Really, it all looked like the fully stocked shelves of last year. Remember you don’t have to run the gen set 24/7. Its getting harder and harder to find 100% USA Made shoes. On our trip to and from shopping we only counted 11 semi trucks each way , normally about 24 each way. Underwater welding, deep sea welding, large machinery, etc.). My wife bought some Purell Foodservice Surface Sanitizer (available in spray bottles and gallon-sized containers) well before the holidays simply because it is so effective at cleaning/sanitizing, and we’ve finally worked through our supply. Noted that they had a dozen cases of quart-sized Mason jars on an endcap near the front door, Number 10 cans of Lakeside brand corn on the next, and other “prepper’ type goods as you walked into the store further.
Can’t happen here???????? Thanks for sharing your insight! Not so much stalking as simply taking advantage of curiosity. drifted off a little I thought maybe I could sneak this thru. Prices were about 15% over last year summer prices. Today was shopping day but I only had to hit two stores – Walmart and Aldis. She calls it fraud. Standing at the end of the long panel, count nine squares and cut all the way across just above the horizontal bar. To build tomato cages using livestock panels you’ll need: A 16 x 4 ft. panel will allow you to build solid size tomato cages that are wide enough so that there is enough room for each tomato in cage.
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