The bud is the scion from a selected variety. Explained in simpler terms, grafting is the process of joining two or more plants to grow into a single plant with mixed characteristics. Bud grafting, generally called budding, is similar to grafting. This form of grafting can be used for raising a range of fruit and ornamental plants. Budding. Other Stories on Budding Fruit Trees: Budding is a method of grafting in which the scion (upper portion of the graft) is a single bud rather than a piece of stem or twig. If we get a bit more technical, the bud of the plant, or Scion, is the upper part of the plant in the process of grafting that grows on the root system, or rootstock, of the other plant. Many of the same conditions and materials used for other forms of grafting also apply to buddingBudding is most frequently used to multiply a variety that cannot be produced from seed. Reasons for propagating plants by grafting or budding For budding or bud grafting, a single vegetative bud on a stem is excised (see Fig. What is grafting? 2) and attached to the stem of the rootstock. All varieties of tree fruits and other ornamental relatives can be raised by budding. While the bud grafting technique for home gardeners is best used to add different varieties to existing trees, you can purchase inexpensive rootstock plants and bud graft onto them, creating more fruit trees at a cheaper cost than if you bought the varieties themselves. Budding is preferred to grafting when plant material is in limited supply. The plant that develops is known as a budded plant. The operation is done in summer when the cell sap is flowing easily. Budding .
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