In addition to the idiom beginning with clam. (law) a voluntary repudiation of a person's legal claim to something. clamp. burrowing marine mollusk living on sand or mud; the shell closes with viselike firmness, gather clams, by digging in the sand by the ocean, an edible clam with thin oval-shaped shell found in coastal regions of the United States and Europe, an edible American clam; the heavy shells were used as money by some American Indians, a large edible clam found burrowing deeply in sandy mud along the Pacific coast of North America; weighs up to six pounds; has siphons that can extend to several feet and cannot be withdrawn into the shell, marine clam having a long narrow curved thin shell, a large clam inhabiting reefs in the southern Pacific and weighing up to 500 pounds, wormlike marine bivalve that bores into wooden piers and ships by means of drill-like shells, giant shipworm of the Pacific coast of North America, marine or freshwater mollusks having a soft body with platelike gills enclosed within two shells hinged together, Atlantic coast round clams with hard shells; large clams usually used for chowders or other clam dishes, a clam that is usually steamed in the shell, a quahog when young and small; usually eaten raw; an important food popular in New York, small quahog larger than a littleneck; eaten raw or cooked as in e.g. Zenas Henry is swinging that clam bucket as if there wasn't a thing in it. Related: Words that start with claim, Words that end in claim. Unleash my powers, dear master!Itâs all laid out for you, for one-click magic! any of various burrowing bivalve molluscs of the genera, Shibuya Eatery lives up to its name, bringing Tokyo street food to Adams Morgan, Mussels are simple to prepare, and add tasty drama to the table, 14 wild edibles you can pull right out of the ocean, Joseph McElroy’s ‘Cannonball’ Is the Meta Iraq War Novel, Jeffrey Eugenides Hails Donald Antrim’s 'Elect Mr. Robinson for a Better World', A Report upon the Mollusk Fisheries of Massachusetts. Focus on learning whatâs important to you; weâll manage your progress behind the scenes. THIS SET IS … a claim filed in opposition to another claim in a legal action. Someone who engages in an art, science, study, or athletic activity for pleasure rather than for payment or as a pastime rather than as a profession. “The Clam Castle was crowded with taxpayers,” Pete says in typical fashion. Your individualized learning plan presents the right words for review at the right time. Clamor. counterclaim. Claim : CLAIM (klame) v., Dictionary, Encyclopedia and Thesaurus - The Free Dictionary. any of various bivalve mollusks, especially certain edible species. before 1000; Middle English; Old English, derivative of, Unabridged power or ability to act or to influence people, events, decisions, etc. Years and years of obsessingabout words. The root word 'clam' means cry out. Questions? clam: [noun] Musician's slang for a wrong note.
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Browse our Scrabble Word Finder, Words With Friends cheat dictionary, and WordHub word solver to find words that contain claim. Words that rhyme Share to Twitter Share to Facebook Share to Pinterest. impose or inflict forcefully. How long will the footprints on the moon last?
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