What does Nakai mean? relating to births. rolling pandanus. Land section, Koolaupoko, Oahu. Land section, Hilo, Hawaii. Land section, Ewa, Oahu. to stand begging earnestly in a pleasant manner. growing fern Sadleria cyatheoides). Land section. the lone coconut tree. Land section, Ewa, Oahu. Land section, Honuaula, Maui. Land section, Kohala. Village stream and bay, Kaanapali, Maui. Land section, Koolaupoko, Oahu. gathering almost released. Hamakualoa. Land section, Waialua, Oahu. flattish house. a large medicinal tree. small pala fern (Marattia douglasii) spread out. to peep. Maui. shallow soil. fluttering kite-tail. Mam. house of grief. bring the canoe here. Land section, Ewa, Oahu. to rub in mud. Land section, Kohala, Hawaii. Land section. cut short. Kauai. shiny water. the water veil. shark's house. Land section, Waialua, Oahu. Land section, Koolaupoko, Oahu. a sacred drum of the temple. pandanus grove. woman's stained garme/?/. Kalehuahakihaki Land section. Land section, Oahu. Land section, Kau, Hawaii. the pit of the dog. hau bark cord fastening outriggers. Land section, Wailuku, Maui. to stand and eat rattoon cane. koae (bird) ledge (Phaethon leplurus). tree. the ghostly procession. bird water. beating, strife. the principal water-course. For verification of spelling, pronunciation, and definition, valuable aid has been rendered by Lyle A. Dickey, Joseph S. Emerson, Theodore Kelsey, J. M. Lydgate, Stephen Mahaulu, Mrs. E. Lahilahi Webb. Land section, Kohala, Hawaii. Land section, Oahu. suspended cowry (Cypraea). Cape, Kaluakoi, Molokai. Kau. chief's digging. inflamed eyes of Keawe. Land section, Molokai. Land section, Kohala, Hawaii. dragged intestines. Fish pond, Kalahea, Kauai. Stream, Mauna Kea, Hawaii. permanent hill. Land section, Kahikinui, Maui. Kohala. derivation unknown. Land section, Koolaupoko, Oahu. Land section, Lahaina, Maui. He is also very sexy and he has a big thing if you know what i mean. Land section, Wailuku, Maui. winding mountain. Maui. Kila's mudhen. Islet, northwest coast, Kauai. Land section, Koolaupoko, Oahu. Land section. great restlessness. gullied, furrowed. Land division, Kohala, Hawaii. a falsifying deity. the stars have arisen. Maui. Land section, Hilo, Hawaii. Stream, South Hilo, Hawaii. Lahaina. Oahu. turtle cove. the dusty place. time of seizure. Land section, Koolau, Maui. Land section, Kaupo, Maui. Book of land grants: Honolulu, Hawaii, 1887. shortened mound. Land section, Molokai. mist, fine rain. Land section, Puna, Hawaii. Combined Hawaiian Dictionary. Land section, Hamakualoa, Maui. derivation unknown. Land section, Koolauloa, Oahu. Land section, Hamakua, Hawaii. encircled. name given to the first bonnets. pocket. Land section, North Kona, Hawaii. Land section, North Kona, Hawaii. Land section, Oahu. Elevation, Honuaula, Maui. Nadia Nakai, Max & Ayce) by Buffalo Souljah from the Album The Chosen One [Explicit] All the Rivers / With R.Carlos Nakai by Joseph Langham from the Album The Anthology. Land section, Ewa, Oahu. Land section, Ewa, Oahu. Elevation, North Hilo, Hawaii. eye-approaching hill. Land section, Koolauloa, Oahu. Land section, Lahaina, Maui. Land section, Koolau, Maui. Island. successive currents. Various sections, Hawaii. Land section, Waialua, Oahu. obstructing the flow. Land section, Koolau, Maui. fruiting season. cleared banana field. door daubing. Point. Elevation, Hamakua, Hawaii. Ha-waii. Koolaupoko, Oahu. Land section, Honuaula, Maui. Land section, Molokai. Land section, Hamakua, Hawaii. Land section, Wailuku, Maui. Land section, Puna, Hawaii. rippling water. an ancient deity. Land section, Kohala, Hawaii. Land section, Kona, Hawaii. Kau. Kau. an oven for baking dog. Land section), Ewa, Oahu. the miraculous expression. the water border. red eye. firm, perpetual. Land section, Lahaina, Maui. disappearing water. Hill, Aiea, Ewa, Oahu. to be jealous. severe derision. Land section, Lanai. Land section, Wailuku, Maui. leaf of the ti plant. smooth oceau. Land section, Koolaupoko, Oahu. Pond on Haleakala, Maui. Point, northern Kauai. Land section, Koolaupoko, Oahu. Land section, Koolaupoko, Oahu. Land section, Hana, Maui. to roast on coals. double edged cutting instrument. the branch. Land section, Kaanapali, Maui. Land section, Kahakuloa, Maui. humble friend. Land section, Hamakua. Land section, Koolaupoko, Oahu. vine leaf. Hilo, Hawaii. the shallow water. a dirty puddle of water. Land section, Hamakua, Hawaii. Kau. broken, disjointed. Land section. to eat cautiously. work with the digger. Land section, Kau, Hawaii. Name applied to the leeward districts in the Hawaiian islands. snow goddess. In the Hawaiian language differences in word division and accent imply differences in meanings, hence effort has been made to record the current pronunciation as the basis of this work. the large retinue. sacred coconut. Land section, Puna, Hawaii. to back water with paddles. cape of the milo tree. long gourd for utensils. Land section, Lahaina, Maui. Land section, Koolau, Oahu. great ash mound. Mountain, Waianae, Oahu. Lanai. Land section, Molokai. Channel between Maui and Kahoolawe. shooting field. Koolau range, Oahu. Land section, South Kona, Hawaii. the expanded girdle. the companion. unkind protection. pale, whitish. Land section. the small outlet. Land section, Koolau, Maui. spring of wreaths. Hawaii. the hibiscus flower. Land section, Ukumehame, Maui. Stream, Hilo, Hawaii. Ridge. watchful care. whitish ou bird. Land section, Waialua, Oahu. Land section, Kula, Maui. Land section, Lahaina, Maui. the bamboo arm. Land section, Kona, Hawaii. Land section, Hilo, Hawaii. ahi (Germo germo) water. Halelea. superior ti (Dracaena terminalis). the first land division. Land section, eastern Kauai. Oahu. foot step of Kamehameha. Land section. Land section, Kaanapali, Maui. successive generations. Land section, Hama kua, Hawaii. small naio Land section, Kahikinui, Maui. Land section, Koolaupoko, Oahu. Maui. water burst. an attendant shadow. cough, or broil. Land section, Hamakua, Hawaii. grayish colored. the crooked day. land unsuited for taro growth. planted breadfruit tree. Land section, Kona, Kauai. Kauai. the chilly dew. white moho bird. Land section, Lahaina. Land section, Wailuku, Maui. Koolaupoko, Oahu. Land section, Waianae. Land section. Land section, Kohala, Hawaii. Land section, Hilo, Hawaii. the long pond. Land section, Hamakualoa, Maui. Hawaii. treading moho bird (Pennula millsi). a breadfruit tree. Stream, East Mauna Kea, Hawaii. to make sufficient. many hillplantings. Land section, Hamakua, Hawaii. Land section, Kalihi, Oahu. the first appearance. Land section, Wailuku, Maui. carrying heavenly water. salt pan. Land section, Koolau, Kauai. Land section, Waialua, Oahu. press down lengthwise. Crater, West Maui. Land section, Kahikinui, Maui. Elevation. Land section, Lahaina, Maui. Land section, Kipahulu, Maui. Land section, Ewa, Oahu. Molokai. attractive eye. Cape, Koolau, Molokai. Land section, Koolau, Molokai. Honuaula, Maui. Land section, Hana, Maui. Land section, Hamakua, Hawaii. Cape, North Kona, Hawaii. to wrinkle up. Land section, Hamakuapoko, Maui. water source of Mahaihai. the feminine pit. Land section. Koolau, Maui. Land section, Hamakua, Hawaii. Land section, Lahaina, Maui. Land section, Kau, Hawaii. Land section, Waialua, Oahu. Maui. water to swim in. Land section, Kaupo, Maui. Land section, Wailuku, Maui. Land section, Maunalei, Lanai. smitten water. talkative child. swollen crack. swollen current. ascend for bastard sandalwood (Myoporum sandwicense). four hundred streams. Land section. the fadings. sandy landing. Land section, Kula, Maui. Land section, Kaupo, Maui. noise on spearing fish. Stream, South Hilo, Hawaii. Cape, Koolau, Molokai. Land section, North Kona, Hawaii. Land section, Koolau, Maui. Land section, North Kona, Hawaii. Land section, Wailuku, Maui. Elevation, North Kona, Hawaii. level district. Ridge, Southwest Kauai. Name applied to several localities. very sacred. ohia tree (Eugenia malaccensis). roll quickly. crooked or leaning. North Kona, Hawaii. District, Maui. Land section, Kona, Hawaii. a lateral ridge. Channel between Molokai and Lanai. Land section, Kohala, Hawaii. Part of east side of Haleakala crater, Maui. Land section. Ditch, Iao valley, Wailuku, Maui. Hilo. Land section. Land section, Hilo, Hawaii. sweet water. passed torch. Land section, Koolau, Maui. the expurgated wind. the slippery squid. Haleakala, Maui. Land section, Hilo, Hawaii. Land section, Hamakua, Hawaii. Land section, Kaupo, Maui. Land section, Napali, Kauai. the slimy sea-moss. Land section, Lahaina, Maui. scorched back. Land section, Kau, Hawaii. overwhelming Kane. Land section. Land section, Oahu. Land section, Kohala, Hawaii. heavenly house. Land section, Molokai. Land section, Waialua, Oahu. house of images. Land section, Hana, Maui. Land section, Hamakua, Hawaii. Elevation, South Kona, Hawaii. Land section, Kona, Hawaii. Land section, Kau, Hawaii. Wailuku, Maui. a species of small fish (Salarias). Land section, Oahu. descent of the omao bird. comfortable resting place. Land section, North Kona, Hawaii. the kamani (Callophyllum inophyllum) altar. Maui. Mele Kalikimaka me ka Hau'oli Makahiki Hou. an offspring. an ancient traditional queen of Koolauloa. red fish poison. Hawaii. Land section, Hamakua, Hawaii. Land section, Kona, Oahu. a place of wild growth. Land section., Oahu. Land section, Koolauloa, Oahu. the bundle of pandanus wreaths. (mā'hu-ko'na-ka-lua-pa'a): Ohua waikakalaua cavern section. flowing robe. Oahu. candlenut tree (Aleurites). Land section, Koolaupoko, Oahu. Land section, Hilo, Hawaii. Land section, Koolau, Maui. Land section, Kona, Hawaii. to dodge thickly flying missiles. Summit crater, Mauna Loa, Hawaii. Hilo. 1In this compilation full use has been made of the following publications: Alexander, W. D., Hawaiian geographic names: Annual Report, U. S. Coast and Geodetic Survey for 1902. wiliwili trees (Erythrina). termination of land breeze. extremely hot. Land section, Napali, Kauai. Stream, Waialua, Oahu. expulsion hill. Land section, Wailuku, Maui. the angered tenon. endeared hills. how many seasons. Land section, Koolaupoko, Oahu. Land section, Hamakua, Hawaii. producing redness. small Kauwila. kūpono. the bamboo. Land section, Lahaina, Maui. the bad smelling pit. Parker Dictionary. Land section, Wailuku, Maui. house of kou (wood) (Cordia subcordata). Point. bundled house material. one of the primary gods. the two-stream post. red ashes. an angry, stubby person. Nakai is a Girl name, meaning Be beautiful in Shona origin. Hawaii. long pile of stones. water of Kama. Land section, Lahaina, Maui. Land section, Koolaupoko, Oahu. the canoe leak. white spot remedial water. the clear night. Hawaii. close fitted stone. a kind of tree (Gouldia). name of traditional discoverer and first settler. Land section. Maui. Land section. the small tide reflux. yellow-feathered bird (Moho nobilis) hill. Land section, Koolaupoko, Oahu. Land section, Kau, Hawaii. Land section. Koolauloa. Land section, Lahaina, Maui. Valley, Koolauloa, Oahu. Land section, Wailuku, Maui. hoʻonaninani ʻia. the hot anger. Latitude station, North Hilo, Hawaii. Lahaina. washing at the spring. Land section, Hilo, Hawaii. Land section, Lahaina, Maui. Hawaii. the thinly covered rock stratum. rising smoke cloud. district observer. Land section, Oahu. Land section, Koolau, Maui. Maui. Land section, Kipahulu, Maui. Land section, Koolaupoko, Oahu. white haired. Land section, Koolaupoko, Oahu. Name applied to several localities. Land section, Kahikinui, Maui. to finish urinaling. Land section, Kaupo, Maui. Bubaru (feat. chewing rapidly. Land section, South Kona, Hawaii. Mountain, South Kona, Hawaii. Land section, Wailuku. Land section. dark child. Land section, Kohala, Hawaii. Ancient roadway, Kona, Hawaii. Land section, Hamakua, Hawaii. Hawaii. Hawaii. kukui-grove entrance. rising darkness. ā ē ī ō ū ʻ Use special characters look it up. strength-wrestling game. interrupted prayer penalty. the red root. sacred enclosure. the commoner. dripping trough. Elevation, east slope of Mauna Kea, North Hilo, Hawaii.
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