Someone “way into working out,” some surmised, who would need the protein and be ready to burn off the fat. Disclaimer, Terms and Conditions, and Privacy Policy. I doubt those Depression-era sandwich-eaters had sriracha around, but maybe the readers of Garden & Gun should give it a try. Of the peanut-butter-and-mayo combo, one person said, “It’s no worse than either of them on their own,” said one taster (I keep forgetting how much people really hate mayo around here.). We’re the only Pop Archaeology site combining scientific research with out-of-the-box perspectives. In Africa, crushed peanuts were added into stews, whilst some sauces in Chinese cuisine require ground peanuts as an ingredient too. Lessons learned from making a sandwich I’d always heard about but never tried: Sometimes even strange combos are legendary for a reason. That’s “not adding texture, which is what it needs!” another taster pointed out. Following the suggestions of noted scientist Dr. George Washington Carver, peanuts served as an effective commercial crop and, for a time, rivaled the position of cotton in the South. It was hard for some people to get around the creamy, high-caloric aspect of the peanut butter-mayo combo: “It feels like it’s bad for you.” Another sandwich-tryer agreed, “My arteries are clogging as I chew.” “It’s closing my throat!” cried a third. We seek to retell the story of our beginnings. Peanut butter is a popular type of food commonly used as a spread, though it may also be used as an ingredient in various recipes. History of Peanuts & Peanut Butter. By bringing together top experts and authors, this archaeology website explores lost civilizations, examines sacred writings, tours ancient places, investigates ancient discoveries and questions mysterious happenings. Peter’s Tomb: A Mystery That Stretches From Rome To Jerusalem And Back, Searching for the Terrifying Mongolian Death Worm. Chances are, you don’t need an excuse to enjoy a filling peanut butter and honey sandwich, but it’s still good to know that this favorite is packed with nutritional benefits. Who Destroyed the Great Library of Alexandria? This week, a fierce debate struck up online inspired by a 2015 article in Garden & Gun magazine. Harvesting Peanuts, also called Groundnuts. There are claims the sandwich was already in existence in the early 1900s. Snack nuts are often salted, spiced or flavored with a variety of coatings. Peanut butter and honey have plenty of nutrients to make them useful for breakfast, lunch or anytime. [Online]Available at:, I am a university student doing a BA degree in Archaeology. Kellogg promoted his invention by giving lectures around the U.S. on the health benefits of peanut butter, as well as serving it to his patients at the Battle Creek Sanatorium in Michigan. Because we think you’re worth it. Floki and the Viking Discovery of Iceland, 3 Problems to Remember When Trying to Find Atlantis. But this problem was solved during the 1920s, when a patent called ‘Peanut butter and the process of manufacturing the same’ was granted to a businessman by the name of Joseph Rosefield. Peanut production steadily grew the first half of the nineteenth century. DNA Reveals Earliest Twins Buried 30,000 Years Ago in Austria, Czech Mushroom Hunter Finds 3,300-Year-Old Bronze Age Sword, The Tamam Shud Enigma – Dead Body found in Australia with Ancient Persian Connection, Viking Ship Burial Unfolds into Nordic Center of Power. The saddest scenario was that the peanut-butter-and-mayo constituted the “depressed divorced dad kind of meal,” like when you’ve got custody that weekend and the kids’ softball practice is over and there’s nothing in the kitchen. Top 15 Interesting Facts About Ancient Egypt That You May Not Know, 1,200-Year-Old Telephone, Amazing Invention of the Ancient Chimu Civilization, The Evidence is Cut in Stone: A Compelling Argument for Lost High Technology in Ancient Egypt, Beaver's teeth 'used to carve the oldest wooden statue in the world’, Ten amazing inventions from ancient times, The Lost World of Socotra: The Most Alien-Looking Place on Earth. Both armies subsisted on this food source high in protein. Your love for America’s favorite nut keeps growing. Great article, keep up the great work. Nevertheless, it would not be surprising if the ‘peanut butter’ of the Inca bears no resemblance to the product people are familiar with today. There are examples of South American pottery from around 1500 BC in the shape of peanuts, as well as vessels which have been decorated using this legume. I soon carved up peanut-butter-and-mayo sandwiches for some hopefully hungry co-workers. Peanut butter is such a food staple in the USA that there is even a National Peanut Butter Day on Jan. 24. In Acquired Tastes, The Takeout explores the food and drinks we can’t live without. As early as 1500 B.C., the Incans of Peru used peanuts as sacrificial offerings and entombed them with their mummies to aid in the spirit life. When peanut butter was first invented, it was made by grinding the peanuts in a mortar and pestle before putting them through a meat grinder. According to this account of the history of peanut butter and jelly sandwich, peanut butter was regarded as a delicacy. Source: Incan Empire, Holloway, S., 2017. As the explorers returned to their countries, they took the peanut with them and from Europe this legume travelled to Asia and Africa. Many people ate peanut butter and jam (PB& J) sandwiches when they were little or enjoyed another sweet and salty combo – peanut butter and chocolate. About the only thing I wouldn’t put peanut butter on is a good thick steak! Other tea rooms featured peanut butter and pimento sandwich and peanut butter on toast triangles with soda crackers. This week, a fierce debate struck up online inspired by a 2015 article in Garden & Gun magazine.Called “A Forgotten Southern Sandwich,” the piece discusses the history of the peanut-butter-and-mayonnaise sandwich, apparently created during the Depression in nearly-bare larders as hungry people searched for a valuable combo of protein and fat. It is so large, in fact, that it was said to have been wielded by a giant. Medieval Icelanders were fascinated by genealogy, not only because, as emigrants, What’s Behind Increasing Paranormal Activity? Africans were the first people to introduce peanuts to North America beginning in the 1700s. Therefore, peanut butter remained a regional product at that time. In central Brazil, for example, indigenous tribes made a drink out of ground peanuts and maize. History. Then it is believed that a St. Louis physician may have developed a version of peanut butter as a protein substitute for his older patients who had poor teeth and couldn’t chew meat. Who invented peanut butter? At this time, peanuts were regarded as a food for livestock and the poor and were considered difficult to grow and harvest. The explorers took peanuts back to Spain, and from there traders and explorers spread them to Asia and Africa. Modern day smooth peanut butter in a jar. Records show that it wasn’t until the early 1800s that peanuts were grown as a commercial crop in the United States. The most prominent of these is Dr. John Harvey Kellogg, best known for his invention of cornflakes. By that time, peanuts were being grown as far north as Mexico. July 8, 2011 George Brown Opinion 1. Apart from the basic knowledge of it having been forged in the 15th century AD, measuring 3.77 meters (12.37 ft.) in length, and weighing as much as 14.5 kg (31.97 lbs. Club. I had never actually had one, although I remember a childhood friend who enthused that adding the mayo to the peanut butter stopped it from sticking to the roof of your mouth. The “Apple Fandango” featured sliced apples and marmalade, while the “Crazy Combo”—you’ve been warned—included salami, sliced eggs, and onions.”. Many scholars credit the Inca civilization with the first peanut paste. According to researchers, the peanut plant probably originated in South America , either in Peru or Brazil. There is evidence that ancient South American Inca Indians were the first to grind peanuts to make peanut butter. While peanut production rose during this time, peanuts were still harvested by hand, leaving stems and trash in the peanuts. To make a “Double Crunch,” one simply added bacon and pickles. The other problem with the sandwich, besides the painful one-season sitcom scenarios it inspired, was lack of texture. Peanut butter has been used in many different recipes and combined with other ingredients in creative ways over the years. For example, the “love it or hate it” yeast spread Marmite recently decided to provide UK consumers with a chunky peanut butter addition to their product. Mount Shasta: Spirits and Danger on a Sacred California Mountain, Researchers Say New Find of Khipu Strings May Help Unravel the Inca Record-keeping System, 4,500-Year-Old Burial Suggests Norte Chico People of Peru Practiced Gender Equality, Lord of Sipan: First Time Real Face of 2,000-Year-Old Mochican Priest Revealed, Mummy hair reveals ancient Peruvians enjoyed seafood and beer, Eating Like a Roman: Healthy Greens, Gritty Bread and Fish Paste – The Evolution of Ancient Roman Cuisine, Feeding Stonehenge: Hearty Menu for Monument Builders Revealed - Barbeque Pork, Roast Beef, Yogurt and Cheeses. During the 1700s, African slaves introduced the peanut to North America. But I have to say that the sriracha weirdly bound the whole thing together, like some kind of squishy pad Thai sandwich. The peanut plant probably originated in Peru or Brazil in South America. Peanut butter accounts for about half of the U.S. edible use of peanuts—accounting for $850 million in retail sales each year. ( CC BY 2.0 ). It is believed that the U.S. army popularized the peanut butter and jelly sandwich for sustenance during maneuvers in World War II. If you get an urge for a snack or unique dessert try using these foods for taste and nutrition. Peanuts and peanut butter also are used in a variety of cookies and baked goods. Norimitsu Odachi: Who Could Have Possibly Wielded This Enormous 15th Century Japanese Sword? Did You Know That There Are 4 Different Types of Peanuts? ( CC BY-SA 3.0 ) George Washington Carver, a renowned botanist, is also popularly, though mistakenly, credited with the invention of peanut butter.Whilst Carver may not have invented peanut butter, he did develop a modified recipe of the product, which contributed to its early popularity. The History of Peanut Butter. I believe that intellectual engagement by advocates from both ends of the spectrum would serve to... Read More. Peanut butter was first introduced at the St. Louis World’s Fair in 1904. If you qualify, please. Called “A Forgotten Southern Sandwich,” the piece discusses the history of the peanut-butter-and-mayonnaise sandwich, apparently created during the Depression in nearly-bare larders as hungry people searched for a valuable combo of protein and fat. This area is reserved for members of the news media. The history of peanuts is a journey from South America, to Asia, east across the Atlantic Ocean and back again to North America. Nevertheless, it was a food that could not be kept for long, as the oil separated from the peanut butter solids, and exposure to light and oxygen caused it to spoil quickly. At Ancient Origins, we believe that one of the most important fields of knowledge we can pursue as human beings is our beginnings. A “Funny Face” called for raisins and carrots (and some degree of artistic capability). Peanuts became prominent after the Civil War when Union soldiers found they liked them and took them home. Peanuts have been ground into a paste for many centuries. The goal of Ancient Origins is to highlight recent archaeological discoveries, peer-reviewed academic research and evidence, as well as offering alternative viewpoints and explanations of science, archaeology, mythology, religion and history around the globe. [Online]Available at:, National Peanut Board, 2017. There seemed to be very little ground when it came to the peanut-butter-and-mayonnaise sandwich.
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