Hamster Plugin. Greece is more colorful. But both are great games so I'd save up for both (And Origins should be on sale relatively frequently at this point). Imo you should buy origins odyssey is just mindless grinding, Origins is so much better than Odyssey, Odyssey has basically no story but origins has such an amazing story, Origins is less grindy and has better graphics, New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast, More posts from the ShouldIbuythisgame community, Continue browsing in r/ShouldIbuythisgame, Have you ever wanted to buy a game on Steam but didn't know if it was good? I think some of the backstory in origins is worth it. My last AC game was Black Flag, but want buy know one of this. I played two of them. My last AC game was Black Flag, but want buy know one of this. You don't want to play Odyssey first, because it will mar Origins for you. Origins is probably cheaper at the moment so it’s maybe better to start with that one, but I personally prefer Odyssey. Origins for story purposes. Banned. I personally think origins is the better game. Both games are pretty different and more rpg heavy than older acs. Note: This is ONLY to be used to report spam, advertising, and problematic (harassment, fighting, or rude) posts. Also ancient Egypt was amazing, the world really felt unique and interesting. Odyssey was extremely boring for me. Both are great games, however they are definitely not worth spending $60 on. Oct 4, 2018 #2 Nope! I have never been and AC fan at all really. Then once I got the hang of dodging and attacking I fell in love. Figured this was a good place to ask since the hubbub about Odyssey seems to have died down. Which game should i buy? Odyssey is a bit more in depth, as you have a bunch of abilities and the like to get your head around. Always play games in the order of release. I’d heartily recommend both. That’s kinda how I felt. I tried 3 and 4 but never really got into them due to the mechanics and such I just didn't care for. Playing both close together will burn you out. The exploration is my favourite part of the and the map is huge. By using our Services or clicking I agree, you agree to our use of cookies. I'm just start Odyssey a couple days ago, around lvl 10 or so right now, and it good so far. I'm gonna follow your advice and start with origins! both are great games, but the masterpiece is origins for me. Thank you! By using our Services or clicking I agree, you agree to our use of cookies. Got a few missions left in origins, then going to finish red dead and pick up odyssey for cheap. Should I buy Assassin’s Creed Origins or Odyssey? Because they're similar games in themselves, Odyssey just has a lot of quality of life improvements {or so I've heard}. I know that Odyssey is the most recent. The world is beautiful and the side missions are pretty good and interesting, the protagonist is not a bad one for an AC game either. So I’m looking to play a new game during this quarantine and I’ve always liked the assassin’s creed games. Both games are great ! A few important points for the games would be: decent story, good fun gameplay (not forcing me to grind on end for one piece of something) and a wonderful world to explore. Cookies help us deliver our Services. Yeah I’m like 60 hrs in and still enjoying it a lot. But after a long heated debate with the voices in my head I came to the decision to try the new modern AC's. Thanks for replying! Origins is less grindy and has better graphics. Origins was really good last year, but Odyssey really polishes and improves upon it. but yeah i would recommended buying odyssey, i liked/prefer it more than origins in terms of gameplay etc. level 1. So if you could pick one which would you suggest for me to get? Origins has much more of a story than odyssey. I eventually just quit. I want to buy one of the 2 re-imagined assassin's creed games. So I would say give origins a try, its pretty cheap now. Español - Latinoamérica (Spanish - Latin America), https://www.pcgamebenchmark.com/assassins-creed-origins-system-requirements. Flyte Like A … So did you like Origins? Which game should i buy? Besides that, the games are similar enough in my opinion to just base your decision on your preferred scenario. in odyssey the world is way bigger, and you get a lot of cut and paste stuff, also other things, like chickens that can go mad...but otehr ppl will have dieffernt opinions.
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