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Over the long term, such disparities will work. And the content of protein in feedstuff is higher Copyright © 2016 All Rights Reserved Contact. The first task of the new government was to introduce (on the 4th of March) an Additional Representation Bill, to rectify - in part - the disparity in electoral power of the rural and urban districts. Sir James Yeo began by blockading Sackett's Harbor in the early part of 1814, but when the American squadron was ready he was compelled to retire by the disparity of the forces. This category only includes cookies that ensures basic functionalities and security features of the website. The Judge was referring to a principle called disparity of sentence. This website uses cookies to improve your experience while you navigate through the website. Copyright © 2020 LoveToKnow. It should be noted that the disparity between newborn and infant sleep is only about an hour. However, there is still a widening disparity in team revenue which will lead to some significant changes in the NFL's economic structure. We know that the visual system is exquisitely sensitive to the small differences between the two eyes ' images (binocular disparity ). 3. disparity, significant regional disparities may remain across Europe. (4) People came to realize that there was great, (7) There are two ways of coping with this, (9) I was shocked to find that such blatant, (10) Concern was also expressed over the growing, (12) The Pop Tarts are the apotheosis of this, (18) Barricades Week revealed the enormous, (20) A list of companies who carry out these, (22) The same differences are evident in pay, (26) In such a place, illusion rivals economic, (27) Years later, toward the end of his life, Joe began a biographical discussion of his childhood by noting this, (28) It will be a matter for discussion as to whether all partners should retire at the same age or whether circumstances justify, (29) The substantial portion of £18,000 doubtless reflected interalia the, (30) Other figures filed Friday were also interesting because of the. We are still seeing a disparity between the rates It is calculated based on the disparity between your resting heart rate and your maximum heart rate. The disparity of force was not so great as … In 2009, the Huffington Post ran an online review of Hollywood odd couples, partners with a great disparity in height. , $MMT = window.$MMT || {}; $MMT.cmd = $MMT.cmd || [];$MMT.cmd.push(function(){ $MMT.display.slots.push(["45ba4f61-76ac-4b3d-94d4-c9019d2ebe3c"]); }), $MMT = window.$MMT || {}; $MMT.cmd = $MMT.cmd || [];$MMT.cmd.push(function(){ $MMT.display.slots.push(["418b1e7b-a189-47b4-952a-43e52a926ad5"]); }), $MMT = window.$MMT || {}; $MMT.cmd = $MMT.cmd || [];$MMT.cmd.push(function(){ $MMT.display.slots.push(["9b588b9a-598a-47f4-bc83-ba2fd303e5df"]); }). , Why does such an economic disparity exist between the third world nations and the more prosperous countries? 30. (32) Further studies are also required to evaluate any, (34) Although many factors will underlie such, (36) Academic libraries Meaningful standards for academic libraries are particularly difficult to devise, because of the wide, (39) Now they pay one-third as much, and there is every indication that the, (40) This is not surprising, for there is little reason for, (41) This is only fair, because the existing, (42) Data from the 1990 Census document the continuing, (45) Neither man had time to conceal or alter his facial expression, and Rostov was struck by the, (48) I have a cynical notion that all religious revivals spawn from times of extreme economic, (52) Outside the financial management division of the income, (57) The algorithm was tested with a set of real stereo imagescorresponding, (60) The more polygynous the species, the greater the size. 2. There is a marked disparity between the two main sectors in the October output findings. 2. 3. It's important to note that that there are actually three grades of leather available for the bag, which may account for some of the disparity. How to use disparity in a sentence. Disparities in a sentence. The autistic husband, not having noticed a clear disparity in the division of tasks, will just react surprised to the wife's complaints. , The cloned animal is not perfect because of its disparity from its parent. Examples of economic disparity in a sentence, how to use it. These cookies will be stored in your browser only with your consent. A common method of prescribing in the UK is to determine the amount of prism required to eliminate a fixation disparity. Out of these cookies, the cookies that are categorized as necessary are stored on your browser as they are essential for the working of basic functionalities of the website. In the parasitic Copepoda and Isopoda the disparity in size is carried to an extreme degree, and the minute male is attached, like a parasite, to the enormously larger female. Copyright © 2016 All Rights Reserved Contact. , As a parent concerned about her daughter’s future, I would like to know the disparity between a private school education and a public school education. 20 people chose this as the best definition of disparity: The condition or fact of... See the dictionary meaning, pronunciation, and sentence examples. The greatest disparity in size between the sexes is met with in the tropical genus Nephila, the females of which are gigantic representatives of the Argyopidae. 2. disparity example sentences. The disparity in population size is not quite so extreme. Obviously, this is a serious area of disparity, but not one that can’t be smoothed over. Their life seems an immense disparity between effort and opportunity. All Rights Reserved. 30. 152. 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