A stock’s dividend reliability is determined by a healthy payout ratio that is higher than other stocks. (-0.50%), -55.95 (-0.44%). Kindly note www.capitalmarket.com does not send any mobile SMS, whatsapp or twitter messages. Dividend for the financial year ended 31st March, 2020 The Board of Directors of the Company, at the Meeting held on 26th June, 2020, recommended dividend of Rs. You take care of your investments. Learn from industry thought leaders and expert market participants. The power of the database is harnessed by our fired-up reporters to generate interesting ideas. The announcement managed to arrest any further fall in the company's stock price. : PFIZER, COALINDIA, News by Trendlyne Fwd Payout Ratio is used to examine if a company’s earnings can support the current dividend payment amount. Municipal bonds news, reports, video and more. ITC: Get the latest ITC stock price and detailed information including ITC news, historical charts and realtime prices. ITC Holdings Corp- (ITC)-engages in the transmission of electricity in the United States. Make short-term dividend income. Upgrade to Premium to access your Watchlist and more. If a stock’s yield is above or near the market average then it will be rated higher within this parameter. If the last five payouts show variability and are not all growing, we estimate future payouts by applying the lowest growth rate (negative growth rates included) to the most recent payment. At the current share price of Rs 166.75, this results in a dividend yield of 6.09%. If the last five payouts show limited variability, we estimate future payouts equal to the most recent one. A company that pays out close to half its earnings as dividends and retains the other half of earnings has ample room to grow its business and pay out more dividends in the future. Over the years the scope of the databases has enlarged to cover economy, sectors, mutual funds, commodities and news. (3 new), The Great Indian Retail Battle: Tata the unlikely superstar and fashionably late Flipkart, 'Must wait for other options', says Kiran Mazumdar Shaw on Pfizer vaccine's storage issues, Results Declared in Last Two Days with both YoY and QoQ Profit Growth, MFs for your child's education or retirement, Create your own screener (from 1000+ indicators), Shareholding screeners for promoters, MFs, institutions, Trending Today: Stocks with Highest Dividend Yields, Technical Screeners (RSI, MFI, EMA/SMA and more), Just getting started? The reader-friendly presentation of the idea, supplemented by relevant data and information, can be accessed online through Capita Telefolio and Telefolio Gold. Consecutive Years of Dividend Increase is the number of years in a row in which there has been at least one payout increase and no payout decreases. Target: 250 | (-0.44%), -218.18 The new policy can be amended and reviewed as and when required by the board. Certain financial information included in Dividend.com is proprietary to Mergent, Inc. ("Mergent") Copyright © 2014. 401, Swastik Chambers, Sion Trombay Road, Chembur, Mumbai - 400 071. Hand picked by analysts based on Dividend.com rating system. Not sure where to start? 10.15 per Ordinary Share of Re. Besides stock market and company-related articles, the magazine’s independent and insightful coverage includes mutual funds, taxation, commodities and personal finance. | In the past 12 months, ITC Ltd. has declared an equity dividend amounting to Rs 10.15 per share. Because of the possibility of human or mechanical error by Mergent's sources, Mergent or others, Mergent does not guarantee the accuracy, adequacy, completeness, timeliness or availability or for the results obtained from the use of such information. Formed in 1986, Capital Market Publishers India Pvt Ltd pioneered corporate databases and stock market magazine in India. Today Capitaline corporate database cover more than 35,000 listed and unlisted Indian companies. Upgrade to Premium to get unlimited access to Ratings, Recommendations, Payout Estimates, and more. Trends for the Week: Equity Residential and Why Utilities and Industrials Are on a Tear, American Electric Power Company Inc. - Unit - 15/08/2025, Alabama Power Co. 5.875% Sr Nt Ser II 03/15/2046, American Electric Power Company Inc. - Unit, Brookfield Infrastructure Partners L.P - When Issued - Mar 2020, Entergy Arkansas, Inc. 5.75% 1st Mtg Bd 11/01/2040, Entergy Mississippi, Inc. First Mortgage Bonds, 6.0% Series due May 1, 2051, Entergy Texas Inc 7.875% Mtg Bd 06/01/2039, Critical Facts You Need to Know About Preferred Stocks, Earn More With Dividend Stocks Than With Annuities for Your Retirement. Browse our guide to explore.
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