Dist- Mayurbhanj
In the 2019 Lok Sabha elections, there were a total of eligible electors and the voter turnout was calculated at %.
According to the 2014 electoral rolls, the electorate included 8,14,968 men, 7,47,976 women and 81 voters of the third gender. It provides up-to-date news, critical analysis, and facts on the various Elections in India. When all the other exit polls had projected a Read More…, 9:37:41 PM Mayawati’s BSP has secured 1 seat in Bihar Elections.
Please help me. It was not in the voter list as well as not in the election office also. This seats falls under Bolangir District of Odisha State in India.
In the 2014 Lok Sabha elections, Kalikesh Narayan Singh Deo of BJD won in this seat by defeating the BJP candidate by a margin of 1,04,299 votes which was 8.91% of the total votes polled in the constituency. I want my voter I’d detail.
Refer to the live updating results tables for the latest Bolangir Lok Sabha results. There were 5 contestants in 2009. My village name has been wrongly misplaced as HARIPUR instead of PITANAPALLI. Balangir municipality is divided into twenty one wards. Please help me how to enter my name in the list? CEO Odisha Apply Online for Voter ID Card. Please confess me any proper solution of that. Please correct her last name ghadai on behalf of jena.
Please send a voter id card by post.
DOB 29.10.1977 So request you to kindly correct her last name and resend voter id card shortly. So I want to get a voter id card from your Govt. Here I would like to ask your permission to know how I will generate Voter Id card for my family and myself as I did not have address proof except educational certificate. I need a voter id. AGE-60 YEARS.
Can you help me? Voter ID Card in Balangir-Nielit, Balangir of Orissa are given below the dropdown.
I applied the next date till January 11 2015.
In the year 2015 and 2016 I haven’t take new voter correction of voter Id card.
Step 6 : Enter Relation’s Last Name What is my revised address? Please correct this. List of Polling Booth in Bolangir Below is a list of all the Polling booths falling under the Bolangir Assembly (Vidhan Sabha) Constituency.
THE VOTER RECRUITMENT HEADS WENT TO YOUR HOUSE BUT THEY DID NOT GET YOU AT GIVEN ADDRESS. Bolangir is a Lok Sabha / Parliamentary constituency in West Odisha region of Odisha in East India.
This means that the actual Bihar Election Result 2020 can swing in any direction.
I do not find the serial no. Bolangir Odisha assembly election result 2019 live, Election Schedule/date, opinion/exit poll 2019, contesting candidate list 2019 of BJP INC CPI NCP BSP CPI (M) can be found here.
In 2014, the voter turnout was 74.92%. In 2014, Kalikesh Narayan Singh Deo had won the seat by a margin of 104299 votes.
PLEASE SEE FOR EARLY RESPONSE. These Centers are opened by government at Block Level in Balangir District for Voter Card and related services like Apply Online for Voter ID Card, Voter Card Download, Check Status of Voter Card, Correction in Voter Card or Voter List and Duplicate Voter ID Card etc.
Name of the Sub-Division 1 Balangir 2 Patnagarh 3 Titilagarh List of Blocks of the District Sl.
The seat went to the polls on Phase 2 on Thursday, April 18, 2019. Please send my card?
My identity is missing .
My name, relations name and sex has wrongly been reflected in EPIC / Electoral Roll. I had applied for correction of age. Why I should not enrolled my name? MY CARD NO IS 1576. Jugal Kishor Rupamajhi
So where it is? Dist-Kalahandi It was necessary to me very much.
Actually my age is 19 but my hsce certificate indicates 16. how can i apply my voter card?
I applied 4 months before.
AT/PO-patkura Dist-Kendrapara Pin-754228.
Can I vote ? no.ysp0675371. http://ceoorissa.nic.in/Claims_Objections.asp.
Please give me voter id . I have lost my voter identity card. Without your name registered in the relevant part for the area where you ordinarily reside in the Assembly Constituency you will not be allowed to exercise your franchise. Balangir Election result 2019 @12:00 pm: Bharatiya Janata Party's Sangeeta Kumari Singh Deo has garnered 42678 votes and is leading against Biju Janata Dal's Kalikesh Narayan Singh Deo. I am jitu bihari son of tikeswar bihari.
Post:-Nimapada My voter id serial no.9, OR/09/051026762.At-,Jagannath Prasad,Po-Andharua,via-Bhubaneswar,dist- Khurda,Orissa. I want my name and my father’s name and my date of birth to be corrected on my voter ID card and the corrected ID card be sent to me. My voter I’d no is xlq0677013.
I lost my voter id
at/po: kiajhar, p.s.
Please correct my father’s name in same.
A person can not be enrolled as a voter in more than one place in the same Constituency or in more than one Constituency as it is an punishable offence under Section-31 of R.P.Act, 1950.
I have not found my voter id number.
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