Heck, I wish the game had an option to play in Cantonese with English subtitles. The first four or five hours of Grand Theft Auto IV remain my favorite part of that game, but by the second act, things had devolved into a lot of (fun, but repetitive) action-game histrionics. I liked Sleeping Dogs, but the only thing it did better than GTA V was the melee system. I think Sleeping Dogs feels like a better progression of the story-focused, smaller-scale open-world game started by GTA IV, than the immense sandbox that it is GTA V. But on the comparable elements, I think I enjoyed Sleeping Dogs more. The go-to source for comic book and superhero movie fans. i like both i might give a slight edge to sleeping dogs overall not sure. Découvrez comment nous utilisons vos informations dans notre Politique relative à la vie privée et notre Politique relative aux cookies. I love Sleeping Dogs, but GTA V is vastly superior in almost every aspect. I'm glad that Sleeping Dogs gets the (rather overwhelming) amount of love that it does from people here at GAF. It's nice that a quality game came out of a troubled development, but it does almost nothing on par with GTA V. i enjoyed gta v very much, but cant help but wonder how sleeping dogs 2 would be with a hundred million budget.. or even fifty. It's guaranteed to suffer from the same problems all Ubisoft open world games do. Its driving mechanics have a more arcade-y feel than GTA 5 ‘s driving, allowing for more recklessness without losing momentum. Related: Grand Theft Auto 5 Is Just Skyrim With Extra Steps. But like others are saying you can't really compare Sleeping Dogs to GTA IV because GTA … I love Sleeping Dogs, but its world is pretty dull. driving and "world" are better in gta5 and just messing around too. "Been there, done that, yawn.". Camden Jones is a gaming features editor and staff writer for Screen Rant. It also helps the cutscenes where someone waves a gun around or shoots someone feel more weighty and believable. That's because the game is designed around a bedrock of great design touches that iterate on the template that Rockstar set out back in 2008. (It's a bit too easy to spam some moves, but hey, it's still a good challenge, brutal and fun to watch.). When we heard rumors that GTA V would take place in London, or Sydney, I was really excited—please, let me play an open-world game in another country! The story was solid all the way through and, while it was predictable, it was incredibly satisfying to follow all the way through. Side Missions: Sleeping Dogs (city was smaller, so it wasn't a pain in the ass to find everything). Only got halfway before getting tired of the performance and waiting for PC version. Sleeping Dogs looks like a snooze I don't trust Ubi to do it right I haven't played a decent game from them in a long long time. Yes Murica is simultaneously amazing, fucked up and funny, we get it. I thought it was quite forgettable - nothing memorable for me really. SD was one of my top games last year, but going back the driving felt really bad and I used to really like it. Really hard to take in the beach when some dude calls the cops on you for looking at the sunset. Visit Camden's website to see his full portfolio, including features, podcasts, and videos. The location, cast and vibe all capture the films that Sleeping Dogs is emulating (films which Evan has helpfully catalogued for you here), and gives me that wonderful "stranger in a strange land" feeling that the best games conjure. One of the great triumphs of Red Dead Redemption was that it put me in a part of America that felt totally fresh (and yeah, also that it took place in Mexico, too). Sleeping Dogs, to me, was decent at best. I liked SD a lot, although I haven't finished GTA 5 yet. Games like that deserve their success. GTAV has a better world, but I feel because they went with a game 3x the size of GTAIV on current gen, it held them back in some ways because there isn't a lot to interact with. I love the all-Chinese cast, I love that I'm not playing a half-American, or an American who has relocated, or anything like that. In this game, we play as Wei Shen, who is a very loyal and good man. While he, of course, loves video games, he finds the people who make and play them even more interesting.
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